simplition, guess the standard procedure is too difficult for a kid to comprehend? DL is the symble of tibetan separatist, of course foreign minister has to do some routine things, we have too many other leverages on economy, global warming, trading balance and geopolitics to give enough troubles to the U.S``sadly your poor country dont have any, rather let FIIs explore every single penny from the poor nation.
you are like a kido sticking on foreign ministery raising the concern issue, well``what can we do, its just your simple and yet self-loathing mind (partially have to blame your sorry loud mouth government) cant get the idea of standard procedure`
stop using the IQ thing, its not your people's strong point, demonstrated very well as far as the current geopolitical position your country in (all of your neighbours dislike you)
``lol simpliton ok tell why all te fusses about PLAN in indian ocean? why blaming your inability in dealing the terriorist on Pakistan? why crying over the places when we are building some roads and dams in tibet?``` why stood helpless but again ranting when russians ripped you off on arm sells?``
let me tell you the reason, because you lot like to sticking your smelly noses into everyting which doesnt concern you, yet try to imitate what big powers do, so at the end day, it becomes the laughing stock of the world`