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China asks Obama not to meet Dalai Lama

instead of worrying mumbei attacks indians here seem more concerned with dl LOOL

Do you deal with a single issue a day? I don't think politics is managed like that. Investigations about Mumbai attacks are going on (as much as I hate to say it with conviction vis a vis our current regime's record). Until then, we're (especially us from east) concerned certainly about HH. It is Obama's call ultimately whether to meet or not.. but he would miss a fabulous opportunity of being honored by the Dalai Lama himself.

---------- Post added at 11:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 PM ----------

That was nasty.

The countries where Chinese authority sells in Asia are North Korea,Burma,Pakistan and maybe Iran. Except for them nilch.

You just pissed off half the Iranian members here. No one and I mean no one has influence on Iranian regime. They just like to play by their rules.
hahaha thanks very much for your concerned about our economy and infrastructure please first take care of the millions people in poverty , millions of infant death cause they are alot higher than china. as far as i know we are still 2nd biggest economy in the world and still growing, where as india still not even in the top 5. thanks.

A remark generally hurts in proportion to its truth.

I can understand your immense pain.

If you notice, it was you who was boasting of China and how it has reached the stars and not Indians.

Indians know their plusses and the minuses.

China is living in a bubble of fantasy!

They are merely showcasing to the world and inviting starvation, floods, droughts, desertification, high food prices, workers becoming so greedy that it is not economical to invest or even continue business in China and people not being able to make ends meet, even though their aspirations continue to soar!

So, it was just a very gentle attempt to burst your balloon and bring you to Mother Earth.

Your response indeed exhibited that the landing has been bone breaking!
And that is good for us, how?

Not that it is good for us. but just to inform that Hamam men sab nanga hai.

You win some, you lose some!

You have some reservations about that?

I wish you had shown the same concern when the Chinese were tomtoming!

Since you are such a Raja Harishchandra, care to explain what is G2 that the Chinese person was tomtoming about apart from the other issues?

Just what is G2, of which China is a member, would do for the moment.
international politic is not some simpliton indians can understand``look around you, an insignificant regional power has all the problem with its neighbours, like pakistan, BD, SL and more``so stop dreaming about anything big, time will come when its your turn``

of course it has nothing to do with indians, but when you stick troll nose into something you bound to make a fool out yourselves````well what can i say, indians are indians

OK, genius. What is there to understand in this whole story? It started with chinis usual crying over DL-Obama meeting and ended with Americans slamming the door on their face.. lol.. now it's simpleton, isn't it? Nobody needs high IQ to understand that but then I can understand you are feeling the pain in your backside and that's forcing you to write all the crap that you could possibly do.. Nothing surprising and unexpected, after all you are a CCP fed Chini..
OK, genius. What is there to understand in this whole story? It started with chinis usual crying over DL-Obama meeting and ended with Americans slamming the door on their face.. lol.. now it's simpleton, isn't it? Nobody needs high IQ to understand that but then I can understand you are feeling the pain in your backside and that's forcing you to write all the crap that you could possibly do.. Nothing surprising and unexpected, after all you are a CCP fed Chini..

lol``kido``the critisism on Obama meeting DL its called standard procedure,every country foreign ministery does that (your funny media even made China's fleet in India ocean such a big deal), as i said before U.S criticizes and puts pressure on China on so many other issues, did China actually give a f**k?

kid if you want to trash better first to educate yourself better, i know your country doesnt give you much pride but shames and humiliations by its lack capability of doing virtually anything but high talks of those nonsense 'shining' or 'secular'

back on topic, why should we feel the pain`will tibet be independent after the meeting?``lol simpliton`` the man has few years left, the clownish show is about to end``we are seriously thinking which puppet U.S is going to choose after DL
Genius, pray tell why an independent country's president meeting with a Spritual guru need any kind of chini criticism? Most countries including US consider tibet as part of china then why the fuss is all about?? Also where in the article did you get an impression that US is criticizing or putting pressure on you by meeting DL? Chinese on one hand are saying they don't care what other has to say about them and on the other hand they cribbing over this simple public meeting and making clowns of yourself. what are your concerns? Do you seriously think in this public meeting they will plan some Tibetian uprising or something? if they need to they will do that out of limelight behind the scenes. Now If there are no serious concerns then, is making a clown out of yourself by warning a much powerful nation's president meeting an old spritual guru, what you call standard procedure in China? lol.. how fukcing stupid anybody can be by acting so naive..
Genius, pray tell why an independent country's president meeting with a Spritual guru need any kind of chini criticism? Most countries including US consider tibet as part of china then why the fuss is all about?? Also where in the article did you get an impression that US is criticizing or putting pressure on you by meeting DL? Chinese on one hand are saying they don't care what other has to say about them and on the other hand they cribbing over this simple public meeting and making clowns of yourself. what are your concerns? Do you seriously think in this public meeting they will plan some Tibetian uprising or something? if they need to they will do that out of limelight behind the scenes. Now If there are no serious concerns then, is making a clown out of yourself by warning a much powerful nation's president meeting an old spritual guru, what you call standard procedure in China? lol.. how fukcing stupid anybody can be by acting so naive..

simpliton, DL vows independence of tibet``he is just a separatist, of couse as a standard procedure the foreign ministry has to say something, even though the meeting wont make tibet independent (but apperantly some clueless chickens believe this :D)```you think your loud indian mouth will keep shut if some country's leader meets some guys from the maoists rebels or kashmir deligates?

Now If there are no serious concerns then
:) now who is talking naive``lol Obama got a country to run, doesnt have much time to listen to some stories about rather moving spiritual fairy tales``

we dont have this kind of insecurity you people have, as far as reality concerns, your people living in constant fear to be blasted into peices by some terriosts or dont get enough food for its family next day```i guess thats how you lot have developed this level of insecurity have to rage out on internet which means a 'luxury' to most indians``
As usual, your own Government seems to be siding with our position, by recognizing and reiterating that Tibet is a part of China.

They will give a few token gestures, such as meeting the Dalai Lama, but on the issue that counts (recognition of Tibet as a part of China) they seem to have sided with us, rather than with you. :wave:

I look forward to seeing if you (and others) can start any momentum within American politics to make them accept your point of view.
Is that really the point? If the US can change its mind about the PRC over the ROC, what make you think it is impossible for US to change it back? Token gesture? Many a serious deal resulted from starting out with token gestures. Was Mao-Nixon a token gesture back then?
simpliton, DL vows independence of tibet``he is just a separatist, of couse as a standard procedure the foreign ministry has to say something, even though the meeting wont make tibet independent (but apperantly some clueless chickens believe this :D)```you think your loud indian mouth will keep shut if some country's leader meets some guys from the maoists rebels or kashmir deligates?

Simpleton, isn't it you who said that the DL is too old to be taken seriously so why not leave him alone? Instead of becoming a clown / laughing stock of world it would have been nice if CCP has not gone overboard and ignored this meeting and kept their mouth shut. What's the use of such standard procedures when nobody makes a notice of it and just ignores it as a useless piece of BS? Only the Genius high IQ chinis must be knowing the logic behind these.

:) now who is talking naive``lol Obama got a country to run, doesnt have much time to listen to some stories about rather moving spiritual fairy tales``
we dont have this kind of insecurity you people have, as far as reality concerns, your people living in constant fear to be blasted into peices by some terriosts or dont get enough food for its family next day```i guess thats how you lot have developed this level of insecurity have to rage out on internet which means a 'luxury' to most indians``

Well this statement of you proves how naive and simpleton you are? India has issues and is working on it it's not crying every other day like you guys over DL meetings.. BTW, you do not have to defend every stupid action of CCP by acting more stupid in front of all..
First, Chinese government need fire those retards who now are doing those PR and announcement work.

Which country's leader will cave in to another country's protest so as not meet someone???

Such way has been tried many times and it is simply not effective.

I think China just need dump $100 billion U.S. treasury on the day Obama meet the lama. That is better than the current method.
First, Chinese government need fire those retards who now are doing those PR and announcement work.

Which country's leader will cave in to another country's protest so as not meet someone???

Such way has been tried many times and it is simply not effective.

I think China just need dump $100 billion U.S. treasury on the day Obama meet the lama. That is better than the current method.

Why waste money on the Dalai Lama?

How much political value does he really carry, when even he himself, has said that he does not support Tibetan independence? And even IF he did, not one single national government on Earth supports that.

He's not a threat, only a nuisance. That's not worth dumping bonds over.
First, Chinese government need fire those retards who now are doing those PR and announcement work.

Which country's leader will cave in to another country's protest so as not meet someone???

Such way has been tried many times and it is simply not effective.

I think China just need dump $100 billion U.S. treasury on the day Obama meet the lama. That is better than the current method.

Why would that work any better, and why wouldn't that simply make China's position worse? The treasury threat, like a nuke, is a use it or lose it option once it is used 1 time. If China uses it and it doesn't deter or effect the US to a significant degree, it's effectiveness as a deterrant will be decreased significantly for whatever future holdings exist.

Of course if China 'uses' it the results are unpredictable as well.

All of which is much too risky for a Dalai Lama visit. Maybe if Taiwan declared independence and the US backed them.
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