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China asked to cease its activities in Azad Kashmir

It is a bargaining chip..China is asking India to stop oil exploration activities Vietnam's EEZ, claiming those are disputed waters.

Now India is asking China the same in a UN mandated disputed territory..knowing if China refuses..it will have no excuse to stop India from exploring in South China seas.

Not really a bargain, while the Chinese are working extensively on infrastructure projects in AK, the Indians are yet to extract a single drop of oil from Vietnam's EEZ. What the Indians have is only on paper, while the Chinese have executed the projects from paper into reality. Only future will tell whether the Chinese allow the Indians to ride it out for free in Vietnam's EEZ oil shores.

You are in no position to tell us, what to do.

Oh believe you me they are, they have successfully arm twisted Vietnam. This is why the oil rig only exists on paper, there is nothing practical to show for it.
So who would you support? I remember seeing your posts on Modi and it was based on unfounded accusations. Now I bring up Nisith Kumar and now you don;t have an opinion. The question is simple. Who would you support? Rahul, Modi, or Nitish? Plz stop ignoring the question. Who wouldn;t you care? Its about India......:what:

Firstly there is no way I would like to see Rahul in the highest seat of the Indian govt. The Gandhi dynasty is coming to an end, these a-holes have done very little good for India and they only seek to subvert the Indian constitution. As far as I can make out Rahul has very little going for him other than his surname, his leadership and political credentials are almost non-existent and he appears to have failed every political assignment given to him by his party.

At a time when India needs the very best quality leaders it is absurd the Congress is saying Rahul is a viable candidate to run one of the largest nations on earth.

Wrt Modi vs Nitish, I will be the first one to admit I am pretty ignorant to the merits or credentials of either candidate. As such I would not like to pass judgement on either candidate as I am speaking from a position of ignorance.

All I hope to see for India is a PM with good credentials and a wise head. India is going to need a PM who is strong in certain key areas namely; national security, the economy and development. I would also like to see the winner come out with a majority that allows them to have the ability to actually carry out the necessary measures instead of the situation right now where political in-fighting takes precedence over anything else.

Given this criteria who would you back @axisofevil, sir?

Let me a point here I never want you to forget. What makes you think China wants to share that leadership role with India? All these yrs they have worked against us. What makes things so differently now? YOu are so naive to think, it is maturity that led to a thaw in relations. Its much more than that, it has to do with India thinking out of the box with regard to its security.

I belive there is a growing realisation in China that India isn't an enemy at all, in fact India and China are natural freinds. The Chinese, I belive, will (if they haven't already) reliase there is much they can do working with India and in fact the real enemy is the West, namely the US who will stop at nothing to stop the rise of competitors. There is an understanding in China that India is roughly in the same boat as China- huge populations, depressingly high levels of poverty, many internal challenges facing it, a need for dramatic and sustained economic growth and India and China are the only two nations who are set to de-throne the US as the largest economy on Earth in our lifetimes.

These are just my opinions sir, what do I know though- I'm just a 19 y.o student.
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Firstly there is no way I would like to see Rahul in the highest seat of the Indian govt. The Gandhi dynasty is coming to an end, these a-holes have done very little good for India and they only seek to subvert the Indian constitution. As far as I can make out Rahul has very little going for him other than his surname, his leadership and political credentials are almost non-existent and he appears to have failed every political assignment given to him by his party.

At a time when India needs the very best quality leaders it is absurd the Congress is saying Rahul is a viable candidate to run one of the largest nations on earth.

Wrt Modi vs Nitish, I will be the first one to admit I am pretty ignorant to the merits or credentials of either candidate. As such I would not like to pass judgement on either candidate as I am speaking from a position of ignorance.

All I hope to see for India is a PM with good credentials and a wise head. India is going to need a PM who is strong in certain key areas namely; national security, the economy and development. I would also like to see the winner come out with a majority that allows them to have the ability to actually carry out the necessary measures instead of the situation right now where political in-fighting takes precedence over anything else.

Given this criteria who would you back @axisofevil, sir?

I belive there is a growing realisation in China that India isn't an enemy at all, in fact India and China are natural freinds. The Chinese, I belive, will (if they haven't already) reliase there is much they can do working with India and in fact the real enemy is the West, namely the US who will stop at nothing to stop the rise of competitors. There is an understanding in China that India is roughly in the same boat as China- huge populations, depressingly high levels of poverty, many internal challenges facing it, a need for dramatic and sustained economic growth and India and China are the only two nations who are set to de-throne the US as the largest economy on Earth in our lifetimes.

These are just my opinions sir, what do I know though- I'm just a 19 y.o student.

19yrs old. Damn kid, you got a lot to learn. Good analysis on the politicans. I just wanted to see if or others actually support this dynasty politics. If you did, I wanted to inquire why? But since you don;t, no need. As for me, while I like MODI for certain merits, Nitish would be an unique force that unify and help progress India to the future.

Rahul being pushed as a possible candiate only ensures that we are a banana republic in the eyes of others. The guy has no qualifications at all. Look at Amethi where he is an MP....it has not seen a great deal of development. Recently, he talks about making it developed. WTF was he doing all this time? These guys like others just sit on their *** and collect a paycheck on top of black money.

I have always wanted to see China and India working together but China is the one who casts doubts. At the same time, I can;t blame them either, our past gov;t have been very inept in muliple areas. I can go on and on but hope is only one aspect. Reality is another.
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Nonsense. Economic and security-related Cooperation with China in Pakistan has been going on for decades. We've done it in the past, we'll continue doing it again
19yrs old. Damn kid, you got a lot to learn. Good analysis on the politicans. I just wanted to see if or others actually support this dynasty politics. If you did, I wanted to inquire why? But since you don;t, no need. As for me, while I like MODI for certain merits, Nitish would be an unique force that unify and help progress India to the future.

Rahul being pushed as a possible candiate only ensures that we are a banana republic in the eyes of others. The guy has no qualifications at all. Look at Amethi where he is an MP....it has not seen a great deal of development. Recently, he talks about making it developed. WTF was he doing all this time? These guys like others just sit on their *** and collect a paycheck on top of black money.

I have always wanted to see China and India working together but China is the one who casts doubts. At the same time, I can;t blame them either, our past gov;t have been very inept in muliple areas. I can go on and on but hope is only one aspect. Reality is another.
@axisofevil who actually willingly supports dynasty politics? The way I see it is that it is only the uneducated masses who support them, any educated person has no reason to support someone because of their name alone.
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China have their own policy. Forget that they would give up something just because they trade with you. You Indians are under delusion that China might give up its strategic and foreign policies for this trade. If involvement in projects in AJK and GB is important for China's interests then they would go with those projects and your trade isn't going to stop them.
All troops should leave Kashmir. So much bloodshed and violence could have been avoided.
China have their own policy. Forget that they would give up something just because they trade with you. You Indians are under delusion that China might give up its strategic and foreign policies for this trade. If involvement in projects in AJK and GB is important for China's interests then they would go with those projects and your trade isn't going to stop them.

we shall find it....
I belive there is a growing realisation in China that India isn't an enemy at all, in fact India and China are natural freinds. The Chinese, I belive, will (if they haven't already) reliase there is much they can do working with India and in fact the real enemy is the West, namely the US who will stop at nothing to stop the rise of competitors. There is an understanding in China that India is roughly in the same boat as China- huge populations, depressingly high levels of poverty, many internal challenges facing it, a need for dramatic and sustained economic growth and India and China are the only two nations who are set to de-throne the US as the largest economy on Earth in our lifetimes.

Pakistan sorted its border issues with china a long time ago and from there they where able to take steps forward in friendship.
India needs to do the same and sort its border issues with china for there to be be real improvements.The chinese argument is the same as the one they used with pakistan that the borders should follow a natural route and not the british borders that made sure that they would be conflict.
Not really a bargain, while the Chinese are working extensively on infrastructure projects in AK, the Indians are yet to extract a single drop of oil from Vietnam's EEZ. What the Indians have is only on paper, while the Chinese have executed the projects from paper into reality. Only future will tell whether the Chinese allow the Indians to ride it out for free in Vietnam's EEZ oil shores.

Oh believe you me they are, they have successfully arm twisted Vietnam. This is why the oil rig only exists on paper, there is nothing practical to show for it.

Oil extraction is not building roads or something. You can't do it without large investments and takes time to execute and yes our oil company is serious and Chinese knows it.
Salaam to all the Muslims,


Our Chinese brothers and sisters are most welcome in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan.

Salaam to all the Muslims.
@axisofevil who actually willingly supports dynasty politics? The way I see it is that it is only the uneducated masses who support them, any educated person has no reason to support someone because of their name alone.

I agree but its in the interest of such parties to keep these uneducated masses at their current level. I think that is where the problem lies
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You are already finding it out. Being delusional is your choice.

ok..lets see who's delusional now..are you saying that they prefer pakistan to their economy?????:rofl: ur funny dude
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