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China, Argentina set for defence collaboration, Malvinas-class OPV deal

There was this old jokes.

The argentine military sole responsibility is to protect their citizen from needing to learn Portuguese....Looks alot like they failed at that too. I am pretty much convinced that Brazil can just roll down the hill and take argentina.

One thing tho. I do enjoy watching Brazil vs Argentina or Nemar vs Messi in world cup...
150 JF-17s?!!!!! That would be overkill. If that were to happen, UK will not be able to retake the islands in 30 years.
20-40 will be sufficient, the AAF pilots are well trained already. But yes they will need some flying hours on the JF-17 (or any other plane) to acclimatize to it.

lol 20-40 JF-17 is enough for combine SEA/AIR/LAND SAM defence net?? lol Who is not being realistic here?? A combination of type 45, Type 22 and later Type 26 with Land base SAM system, you sure 20 or even 40 JF-17 is enough??

What was your rank in the military? Were you an NCO? You are not fooling anyone with jargon.
What you are saying makes no sense. It will be as if i said, if you had to drive to point B with 100 vehicles, it will be very hard. You will need to keep the vehicles in lane, more than 3 vehicles cannot be at the same point in the lane, you will need to stop at red light, be careful not to run over any pedestrians. Does a driver think all of that before doing this? Are you kidding me? It is second nature.

I was a Captain of the US Army, and I am a private Pilot. The first thing you get it wrong is when you compare flying to driving.

Anyone enter an direct approach to any single given AO are designed to stack at certain level to avoid collision. When you are driving you only need to take care of the horizontal plane traffic, but if you are flying, the traffic is coming in from 3D. And yes, in civil aviation, EACH LANE RESERVE FOR 1 AIRCRAFT AT A TIME ONLY. you can have another one trailing, so 1 inbound, 1 outbound for each flight level.


I don't know how you do it in Pakistan, maybe you all flew crazy, I don't care, but this is how the west would have done.

Good job tilting the numbers. There are 100 infantry men in falklands. That's it. The garrison is of 1200 but that doesn't mean anything. In 1982 the Arg forces were ordered not to kill any marines, and they were able to achieve that. The Island surrendered in 3 hours. The same will happen this time. There is just a small network of Rapier missiles, and the 3 fighters, that is all. Once they fall, the islands are gone. UK does not have the 2 carriers that were crucial back then. Once the islands are lost, it will be impossible for Britain to take them back. Unless you want to believe the fantasy that 1 Brit kills 1000. I am not saying the stationed forces won't fight back, i am just saying it will be impossible for them to put up much of a fight unless they are super soldiers.

I don't know where you get the 100 men figure. Even the stupid Falkland defence force have 250 men according to Wikipedia. Falkland have a Permanent Royal Marine garrison of 1500 men, with 1 Battalion (900+ men) of British infantry rotating in and out of Falkland every year, that's nearly 2,500, with on ground RN and RAF personnel and the Falkland defence force and police, the figure is close to 3700, now that UK have withdrew from Afghanistan and promise to reinforce the tenant unit to 2 battalions This will bump the island defender to about 5000.

No where near the 100 men walk over as you say, may I ask, where do you get that number?? I got mine here

Defence chiefs prepare new plans to defend Falkland Islands - Telegraph
Just because you said it's 100 men, does not mean there are only 100 defender in Falklands....
Let's to be realistic, the UK is still a P5 nation with a relative complete and advanced systematic warfare, also with the backup of the US.

For now, there is nothing that Argentina can do to take over those islands.
lmao, distance. and how are they going to get troops and control the area from the sea???
Falklands isn't worth it for Argentina.
Falklands 2.0 will just be as humiliating as the first war :D

now tell me China would you give up an Island the size of the Falklands if it was part of your country for over 200 years and the majority of people are Han Chinese????

I wish Argentina would go full retard over the Falkands
british is no more colonial power and maintaining these long distance overseas territories are expensive and more of pride with no strategic values. Gilbraltar and falkland shall return to its original owner.
OPV v.s Type45 DDG ... nonsence ! If Argentina can buy 052C/D DDG from China, that's a big deal.
Argentina will never able to get the Falkland Island as long as their bully neighbor, our good friend USA, continue to support their mother Great Britain. This, I am afraid, is fait accompli. There is nothing Argentine can do about it.
Argentina will never able to get the Falkland Island as long as their bully neighbor, our good friend USA, continue to support their mother Great Britain. This, I am afraid, is fait accompli. There is nothing Argentine can do about it.

support in what way??
moral support??

I believe the support we gave UK in the Falklands war was maybe intel.
and we offered to let them use a Tarawa Class Helicopter Carrier if they lost one of their aircraft carriers.

UK is not to be underestimated.
support in what way??
moral support??

I believe the support we gave UK in the Falklands war was maybe intel.
and we offered to let them use a Tarawa Class Helicopter Carrier if they lost one of their aircraft carriers.

UK is not to be underestimated.
You cannot be serious, my good American friend! You underestimate your intelligent support to the UK is one of the decisive factor in spotting Argentina warship. These intelligence along with guarantee "secret offer" gave British a great deal of flexibility to win the war.

As people often say, "blood is always thicker than water". The Argentine are stupid if they believe the US will side or support them in any way.
Yes, the Americans did give us Brits some support during the Falklands conflict.............they gave us some 'Sidewinder AAM' which came in very handy for the Harrier pilots, who shot down 20+ Argentinian aircraft.

Anyway, no one has mentioned about those 'Frenchies' who helped the Argentinian Airforce with the 'Exocets' on their Super Etendard aircraft.

To be quite honest this thread can go on for ever, and has no other purpose than to 'bait' members here!
Finally, thanks to Chinese warships Argentina will now be able to reclaim the Falkland and drive away the evil Britain.
haha, you think the UK armed forces can't handle Argentina and the toys it buys from China??? any time something bad happens in Argentina the government turns to the Las Malvinas Argentina schtick.

Astute is always around Falklands just in case. use what you got. no need to give Argentina a handicap.

Or !!!!!!!!!
Simply tell the Germans to stop suppling engines and or parts. Now u have a a piece of 1800t steel floating around.:cheers:
Or !!!!!!!!!
Simply tell the Germans to stop suppling engines and or parts. Now u have a a piece of 1800t steel floating around.:cheers:

LOL you mean just like you told Russia not to supply engines for JF-17, how did that turn out for you btw?:haha::haha::haha:
ok!, I saw some fanboy here, I must say that I do not like both Chinese and British national, but I put the pot money for England. Argentina can buy the P-18, JF-17, F-10. But they are nothing compared to the Astute, Type 45 and Typhoon, Z-9C ASW is a joke because the Chinese have weaknesses ASW, their ASW very poor.

In addition, the Typhoon is the aircraft dominate in BVR scenario, in some aspects it is better than the Su-27/F-15, F-10 or so JF-17 (the poor electronic & aircraft engine, however, J-10 has good maneuverability due to the aerodynamic design of Lavi and F-16). And Argentina can buy in bulk, overwhelmed 4 Typhoon in Falkland, in WVR, dogfight, Typhoon can completely overwhelmed by number of F-10/JF-17 (30 F-10 / JF-17 vs 4 Typhoon ) PL-8/9 missile and aircraft cannon. But in BVR Typhoon completely overwhelming, missiles PL-12 / SD-10 (70km) is a joke compared to the Meteor missile (100 + km).

Astute is one of the quietest submarines in the world, in addition Z-9C can be shot down by Typhoon, Type 45. China can sell P-18, JF-17 with C-803, which actually a threat to the Type 45, but not for Asute. ASW is another war, in which China was out of the game

DEFENSE STUDIES: China's Weak in Anti Submarine Warfare ?
Beijing Confronts Long-Standing Weakness in Anti-Submarine Warfare | The Jamestown Foundation

I recommend that Argentina should buy the Type 039, DF-21C / D, they will be more effective
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