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China and Vietnam sign deal on South China Sea dispute

Your Cable got Cut, Your Property got Damage, Your Government did Nothing, and Now, In this Internet Forum, You talk about Nuke, Nuke Us,

Mouth Cannon is The Most decent weapon You have.
Any final agreement on maritime borders should be based on international law, the deal says - and be acceptable to both sides.

Well done Vietnam !
Your Cable got Cut, Your Property got Damage, Your Government did Nothing, and Now, In this Internet Forum, You talk about Nuke, Nuke Us,

Mouth Cannon is The Most decent weapon You have.
Hehe, we support Phlillipne to ram you back , capture your fishing boats , what do you want more , bro ??we will support Phil to do as you wish :lol:
Vietnamese diplomats say that they will drill oil in China's backyard with India everyday but you have yet to see and Vietnamese and Indians drilling for Oil in China's backyard.

Why should we? When we are interested in Vietnamese oil? Who cares what China claims all the time? It can dispute entire Asia with Pakistan and Jamaatis jumping in excitement for it. As long as we are complying with international law, we have nothing to worry.
China unfortunately has a bad track record of supporting ungrateful allies. The US went killed millions Vietnamese, waged Chemical warfare, massacred civilians, and just 30 something years later, the Vietnamese are willing to lick American taint, for the chance of beating China for influence in South east asia.

China backed Kh'mer Rouger to killing Cambodian and Vietnamese in South VN. China invaded in Vietnam 1979. Many innocent Vietnamese are killed by Chinese murders PLA.
Chinese gov are dirty traitor. Shame to China.
Why should we? When we are interested in Vietnamese oil? Who cares what China claims all the time? It can dispute entire Asia with Pakistan and Jamaatis jumping in excitement for it. As long as we are complying with international law, we have nothing to worry.

"International law" or Indian law ????
China paper warns of "sound of cannons" in sea disputes
BEIJING | Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:53pm EDT

Oct 25 (Reuters) - One of China's most popular newspapers warned on Tuesday that nations involved in territorial disputes in the South China Sea should "mentally prepare for the sounds of cannons" if they remain at loggerheads with Beijing.

The Global Times is published by Communist Party mouthpiece the People's Daily, but unlike that newspaper it is not a platform for official policy and tends to take a stridently nationalist tone which pleases it readers.

In a editorial published in its Chinese and English editions, the tabloid-sized Global Times accused countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines of taking advantage of China's "mild diplomatic stance" to push their own agendas.

"Currently, China's mainstream understanding is that it should first go through the general channels of negotiating with other countries to solve sea disputes. But if a situation turns ugly, some military action is necessary," it wrote.

"If these countries don't want to change their ways with China, they will need to mentally prepare for the sounds of cannons. We need to be ready for that, as it may be the only way for the disputes in the sea to be resolved."

China, Taiwan and four Southeast Asian states, including the Philippines and Vietnam, have conflicting claims over the Spratly Islands and other atolls in the South China Sea, an area believed to have rich deposits of oil and gas. It is also a rich fishing ground.

Claimants to the sea have been trying to cool tension after a series of disputes this year, including when Chinese patrol boats threatened to ram a Philippine-contracted survey ship in the Reed Bank in March.

China, which says it has indisputable sovereignty over the seas to its south and islands within, has rejected international arbitration of the conflicting claims, and has proposed joint development of resources.

The Global Times said other governments had virtually ignored China's call "to put away differences and work on shared interests".

"No known method exists to solve these issues in a peaceful way," it wrote.

"The reality is that each country in the region believes it has what it takes to force China to bow down. China wants to remain calm but it is an isolated role to play. China will have to adjust itself for this reality." (Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Paul Tait)
link: China paper warns of sound of cannons in sea disputes | Reuters

the first thing China is to conduct a human race reconstruction, throw all Jewish,Vietnam, Philippine, Japan, India, south Korea, Taiwan... into gas chamber first !!!:taz:
with the paper, this is a stridently nationalist narrow. in the future, they will follow the Nazis.
useless agreement?

President of Vietnam National Assembly said on last meeting of National Assembly that " China has violated what they has been committed"

Dirty betrayal mentality.

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