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China and Vietnam sign deal on South China Sea dispute

Vietnam knows what it is doing but india has no idea what the Chinese response will be if they start drilling in the South China Sea. Somebody in this thread has already given a hint of what is about to happen.
Vietnamese diplomats say that they will drill oil in China's backyard with India everyday but you have yet to see and Vietnamese and Indians drilling for Oil in China's backyard.
We will, but may be not now ,we should set up more guard points around it first, we have lots of time to do it , bro.:)

SCS(east sea) is not China's backyard, VN control the largest part there.Soon, we will demand Phillipine and Malaysia to return our islands back also:)
Vietnam knows what it is doing but india has no idea what the Chinese response will be if they start drilling in the South China Sea. Somebody in this thread has already given a hint of what is about to happen.

Ideally they should retaliate by stopping all their exports to India.
Vietnam knows what it is doing but india has no idea what the Chinese response will be if they start drilling in the South China Sea. Somebody in this thread has already given a hint of what is about to happen.
You're overestimating the Vietnamese. As far as I know, Vietnamese leaders don't have any clear plan for the future. The best thing they can do is: move a small step forward, find the best way as possible for the next step, then move the next small step, then ...
Ideally they should retaliate by stopping all their exports to India.
Exactly, Not only most India but most Asians hate the China trash who produce toxic plastic garbage and poison the whole world.
Belive me all chinese products are built in spy-gadgets.
Star√ation;2199916 said:
You're overestimating the Vietnamese. As far as I know, Vietnamese leaders don't have any clear plan for the future. The best thing they can do is: move a small step forward, find the best way as possible for the next step, then move the next small step, then ...
Oh, you're so Wrong, our plan were turn all ASEAN nations into communist , but it was delayed bcz of USSR's collapse, now, our plan is become No 1 military nation in ASEAN , send USA home and take back those islands Malaysia and Phillipne still occupy :)
Star√ation;2199916 said:
You're overestimating the Vietnamese. As far as I know, Vietnamese leaders don't have any clear plan for the future. The best thing they can do is: move a small step forward, find the best way as possible for the next step, then move the next small step, then ...
difficulty when living beside with bully neighbor and expansionist China, pls understand
difficulty when living beside with bully neighbor and expansionist China, pls understand
Vietnamese people were victims of China for thousand years, that's true.
But talking about China as an expansionist is not. That shows how lack of historical knowledge you are.
Dealing with Chinese, you need to understand the term of "face", like in the time of imperial China with a "tributary system".
Star√ation;2201070 said:
Vietnamese people were victims of China for thousand years, that's true.
But talking about China as an expansionist is not. That shows how lack of historical knowledge you are.
Dealing with Chinese, you need to understand the term of "face", like in the time of imperial China with a "tributary system".

It seems the little Viet had built up itself a little tributary system as well.

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