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China and Pakistan Now 'Brothers Forever'

statistically a CPC member is no more likely to support the government than any random person.

our government is a compromise between everyone, therefore no one is satisfied. the right wings cry about housing prices, the left wings cry about morality, the middle people cry about both, the rich cry about taxes, the poor cry about food prices, the middle cry about oil prices, everyone cries about something.
Are you really a CCP member?
Not the fact,that you can't criticize your Govt,but i thought all CCP members firmly believed in their party/Govt.

Of course I am a real CCP. Why would I risk damaging my credibility by pretending to be one, given the fact that communism is being cursed in almost every English channel? I joined CCP in 2007 when I was in college, I guess I don't have to show my certificate to prove my membership.

That is good on their part.

How is that a small ill-informed bunch become representative of an entire nation?
The Indians whose statements aren't convergent with the official stance are probably kids or people who are oblivious about it

Then all I am asking for is Indian members doing us a favor by respecting your own government's offcial stance whether you like it or not.

This may not be an offcial forum, either are we here working as the spokesman of our respective governments. But come on, in some way, we are representing our respective countries when offical representatives are absent on this forum. Isn't it a good idea for us to respect what our government's offcial statements? If not, what is the point of discussing international issues without abiding by the government's stance while it is the only thing that counts on a international stage.
Are you really a CCP member?
Not the fact,that you can't criticize your Govt,but i thought all CCP members firmly believed in their party/Govt.

That is good on their part.

How is that a small ill-informed bunch become representative of an entire nation?
The Indians whose statements aren't convergent with the official stance are probably kids or people who are oblivious about it.

Every Chinese can criticize the government.
You do not know us,you just to believe the lie.

I am not a CCP, and I am a Chinese.
My blog, you contact me through it:
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I read abt some law in india according to which u can know any govt decision.... unfortunately.... there has been a tide of murders of those who complain.
Of course I am a real CCP. Why would I risk damaging my credibility by pretending to be one, given the fact that communism is being cursed in almost every English channel? I joined CCP in 2007 when I was in college,
That explains alot.
I guess I don't have to show my certificate to prove my membership.
Not necessary,its just that,i have high regard for CCP,and assume every member is some highly qualified ,and wise enough to filter out imbeciles posts.

Then all I am asking for is Indian members doing us a favor by respecting your own government's offcial stance whether you like it or not.
This may not be an offcial forum, either are we here working as the spokesman of our respective governments. But come on, in some way, we are representing our respective countries when offical representatives are absent on this forum. Isn't it a good idea for us to respect what our government's offcial statements? If not, what is the point of discussing international issues without abiding by the government's stance while it is the only thing that counts on a international stage.

I do make an effort to make some of my country men about The already existing facts,but most of the time,its just trolls,where i choose to merely report the post.
These Indians are brainwashed slaves by foreign colonists and officials, but they thought that the Chinese people are slaves. Even if they had never been to China.
My friends, a government without supervision cann't create the economic miracle, and China is no exception.

Very sad...and India is not the only developing nation that finds itself at the mercy of the colonists govt who relentlessly pursue natural resources while offering little consideration for the longterm wellbeing (poor, infrastructure, ethnic group, etc.) of a nation or its people.

India is a poor nation, and Iron ore and Coal and Manganese and Oil are the biggest exports and economic growth.
Colonists will get the 90% of the value of any of the ore minded. Government officials will get 9% and the people doing the actual work will get 1%, but the India people get the shaft.
The India people gets raped and pillaged again. Some things never change.
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It is you who is living in a cave..This is what india did in maldives
1988 Maldives Coup - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is called helping a friend in need..And about pakistan having better relationship with pakistan, Where was pakistan when there was a military coupe in maldives?It was only us who were there to help them..
Some threads about maldives here in this forum-

So much for the better relationship of pakistan to maldives!!

It is because of the friendship between india and nepal that we can cross each others border without even a passport..our currency is accepted there and a lot of napali gurkhas are still recruited to indian army.The word maoists itself shows whose allegience they have..

What a bs!we provide visa free access to bhutanis,many bhutani business are tax free..and any attack on bhutan by any other nation is considered an attack on india,the reason they dont have any army.

A typical pathetic reply characteristic of a bharti, Maldives hate bharti because they are occupying their islands, The terrorist organistaion RAW has been unable to occupy muslim state of Maldives ever since thieir failed coupe in 80's this tactic was used earlier in 1975 where they were successfull.

RAW has been trying hard to occupy nepal, bangladesh, Bhutan and maldives, Sri Lanka like previously bharat illegally about 565 princely states in 1947 but it has failed miserably,

The 1950 treaty which allows free movement of people and goods between bharat and nepal was signed only to decrease chinese influence who were supporting the communist Party of nepal and sponsoring a communist revolution to overthrow the state. Nepali population was very much against this treaty, Nepalis know its a trick by bharat to slowly occupy the country, Nepal protested to bharat when it illegaly occupied Sikkim and it knows all the bharti plans of gobbling up all the smaller state,

No need to thump your chest, Maoists are going to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty read this Maoists to scrap 1950 Indo-Nepal treaty, Maoists want remove any bharati influence fron nepal.

About bhutan, it is slowly being democratised, bharat cleverly also signed a treaty with bhutan to spread its tentacles, But bhutan will soon dump bharat and instead choose more powerful and richer china, Bharat's obligation under the treaty is not to interfere in Bhutan's domestic affairs. The kingdom has policy of isolation and this is changing. Bhutan is voting in favor of China in almost every major forums and against bhartis, Just because bhutan is landlocked and surrounded by India on three sides makes it dependent on bharat for access to the sea.

Bhutan knows bhrat supports insurgent groups in northeast, India is playing a double game to bring popular revolt against King Wangchuck somewhere in the next decade. This cannot be achieved unless the minds of Bhutanese are brainwashed with the help of IT. Indian has hegemonic ambitions in the region and Bhutan is an easy prey. India’s main objective seems to create greater India by placing Bhutan under loose confederation under Indian union. One wonders that the agreement in hydropower generation is New Delhi’s tool to enter Bhutan and win the hearts of masses. India believes that since Bhutan is surrounded by India on three sides and is dependent on India for access to the sea so it should be part of India. Although Bhutan shares borders with China but India claims that a pro-China policy is not viable for Bhutan.

We have an example of Sri Lanka before us when Indian Armed Forces physically occupied Sri Lanka in 1986 in the name of helping Colombo to get rid of insurgents.
Again bharati army occupied maldives in the name of fighting insurgent but maldives army knew their plan they failed
Bharti occupied sikkim using the same tactic of fighting rebels which were infact raw terrorists

Do you want me to post comments of afghan rulers regarding pakistan?Oh if you want civilian openion,go to any afghani forums and ask about pakistan..:rofl::rofl:
50000 men are crossing because pakistan have no effective control in that areas.

Yes i want you to post the the comment of afghan ruler, You bhartis love to talk about afghan hating pakistan while you people are abhorred by afghans thousand times more than pakistanis, Why should i go to afghan forums to know their nature, there are 5 million afghans in pakistan, i have studied in a muslim school where 80% of school children were afghans, i dont need to learn anything from a south bharti how they feel about us,

bharti, this is what i learned from my experience with afghans friend, about 90% afghans are propakistani and have homes in pakistan, the only reason few people who hate punjabis are those who were born outside pakistan and or whose family members were killed by taliban, Another thing they hate punjabis because of sikhs, sikhs ocupied peshawar valley and they think it were punjabis, I have seen punjabis on pushtun forums and i havent seen punjabis being abused, Pushtun forums are full of bharti posing as pushtun

300000 bengalis who were killed were mostly muslims,not hindus..So were the 10 million migrants..what a great deed to take pride of!.Yes it is a fact that 90000 pakistanis shamelessly surrendered to indian forces.And you bring muslim invation as something to take pride of!!You and i are of races which were invaded by them..And yet you shamelessly take pride in killing and looting of your own ancestors by invading forces(just because some of your ancestors converted to religion of invaders)your own words in another post-"My ancestors were rajputs and i am ashamed of my ancestry and i dont call myself rajput" No wonder 90000 of your soldiers surrendered without a fight..
It was you who unnecessarily brought india to this discussion..Now lets get back to topic..

90,000? the number of soldiers were 34,000
Sarmila Bose who is an american of bharati descent writes they were 34,000 pakistan army soldier,
Sarmila Bose describes the events on 1971 | Daily Mail Post

By the way i am not rajput, i just wrote i was rajput to the other person so that he could prove me my ancestors were hindus but he couldn't
Finally the rajputs of bhart are not the original rajput they were orginally the dark skinned people who were ruled by pakistani rajput, then these rajput slaves after few centuries started calling themselves rajputs, The only rajputs are the descendents of hephthalite who settled in indus valley, Rajputs are supposed to resemble central asians but bharati rajput resemble south indians which proves that bharati wannabe rajputs were actually slaves of white skinned pakistani rajput,

The pakistani rajput were Jinnah, bhuuto, riaz khokhar they more look like central asians so they were the original rajputs,

About my ancestry, you dont have to worry about it, my ancestors are not indigenous to pakistani land they also came as invader

I am expecting another pathetic reply in which you will desperately try to prove how nepali and bhutani love bhartis and afghani hate pakistani,

This is all due to your thousand year slavery to muslim and you still have this slave mentality
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Last time i checked ,Indian exports consisted of Software,Leather goods,Medical Appliances,Engineering goods.

Major Export Products of India

Besides ,its domestic demand that contributes to our economic growth not exports.

lol... India, not one kilometer of road standard(China).

India's economy is a bubble and lies.
Literacy rate、state of health、Life expectancy.....
The Chinese is much better than India, at the same time GDP(Per capita).
My friend went to india in 2007. He told me the slum is not far from the hotel he lived in. When he eat his lunch, many kids stood outside the window and looked at him. A man came and beat them with a long stick. My friend felt very bad.

Then he went to visit a potential indian buyer. This guy told my friend how rich he is and how many houses he has bought, although it is the first time they met each other. You know, this kind of talking is considered really stupid in China not matter if you are really that rich or not.

Sorry indian members, no offense. I have never been to india. The above is just what I heard from my friend. I don't know if it is correct or not.
lol... India, not one kilometer of road standard(China).
No one claims ,India is

Who claimed in the first place?Any Indian Govt spokesperson?

India's economy is a bubble and lies.
If its a bubble economy and lies,then why are Chinese companies eager to invest in India?

Huawei to invest $2 billion in India over 5 years

Literacy rate、state of health、Life expectancy.....
The Chinese is much better than India, at the same time GDP(Per capita).

Did anyone claim the opposite?
Is China a comunist country? Yes and No.

Yes. Because the Chinese government has only one party in power, it is called the Chinese Communist Party.

No. Because acorrding to the latest statistics, there are about 40million companies in China, 92% of which are privately owned. Communist means these properties, at least most of them, should be owned by the public. Then what kind of communist country is China?
lol... India, not one kilometer of road standard(China).

India's economy is a bubble and lies.
Literacy rate、state of health、Life expectancy.....
The Chinese is much better than India, at the same time GDP(Per capita).

China has the elite class (maybe currently around 200 million) that's better than India. I don't know about the rest (you guys do have 1.2 billion people).

Furthermore, I don't get your idea of how the Westerners are brainwashed when China is censoring the information. I mean you guys can say that we are the ones being censored/brainwashed...However, the truth is that can you give us one example that we Westerners are the ones being censored? Give us a website or some information for example. I can give one for China: my friend from China cannot go on facebook in China
Is China a comunist country? Yes and No.

Yes. Because the Chinese government has only one party in power, it is called the Chinese Communist Party.

No. Because acorrding to the latest statistics, there are about 40million companies in China, 92% of which are privately owned. Communist means these properties, at least most of them, should be owned by the public. Then what kind of communist country is China?

China is not communist lol. It is one party ruled. Similar to a dictatorship but instead of one person being in control, a group of people are in control.
China has the elite class (maybe currently around 200 million) that's better than India. I don't know about the rest (you guys do have 1.2 billion people).

Furthermore, I don't get your idea of how the Westerners are brainwashed when China is censoring the information. I mean you guys can say that we are the ones being censored/brainwashed...However, the truth is that can you give us one example that we Westerners are the ones being censored? Give us a website or some information for example. I can give one for China: my friend from China cannot go on facebook in China

Here is an example from my personal experience when I was in USA. One day when I was eating my lunch in McDounalds, an american guy came to me and we talked friendly. But he suddenly told me that he heard that we Chinese has burned up all our history books in culture revolution. If that is the case, we won't have any history department in our universities today.
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