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China and Pakistan Now 'Brothers Forever'

warkuo 要么是轮子要么是民主逗士要么是绿毛,跟他争也没用,直接开骂,骂得越难听越好。对这种人渣根本不用讲什么道理,他们早已经丧失了客观分析信息的能力。在海外它这种货色不少,刚才它说我们高铁只服务少数人,可笑的是以前我们没高铁的时候他们说是因为我们没本事,有了之后又说大多数人坐不起!呵呵,所以嘛,咱们也不用浪费时间

आप अकेले नहीं हैं ..... हम भी कोड में लिखना जानते
Pakistan can't defend itself if there is full blown war with India

Definitely uncle sam won't help Pakistan in a war with India because they don't their own weapon or money being used against them in the future.

So the only way is to keep China on their side. I would say Pakistan is using China to achieve its ambition of taking back Kashmir from India
आप अकेले नहीं हैं ..... हम भी कोड में लिखना जानते

write in punjabi or sanskrit.they will understand:lol::lol:
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