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China and Iran: Destined to Clash?

I mean when they choose iran's flag(upside down version of it) as their flag, and when they interpret each color of it the same as ours in their constitution, and when their president changes his surname from russian version (Rahmonov) to persian version (Rahmon), It has some meanings. right?
Iran's case is different from turkey. Turkey has just some linguistic ties with some central asian countries, and they say that we have been in Central Asia before. but we are the same group of people, and the same ethnicity, who has lived in the same country for more than 2000 years, before Russians capture those lands, and every single piece of our culture, and thoughts, ... are the same. FYI, Takiks consider themselves as the inheritors of samanids and Khorasan and Bukhara , and many of them consider themselves more Iranian than us!

Half of Europe - Slavic people and most of them chose a colors of Russian flag.
And it does not mean a damn . Exept Serbia.
So all of these connections 2000 - year-old , they are well spoken at history conferences. The reality is that Russia in a few years completely restore control over Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan - USA Manas Air Force Base start to output and is completely eliminated in the summer of 2014.
Russian military bases on the contrary, expanding and technics updates . Russia in a few years will spend $ 1 billion to upgrade the Kyrgyz army and 200 million - Tajik one.
Half of Europe - Slavic people and most of them chose a colors of Russian flag.
And it does not mean a damn . Exept Serbia.
So all of these connections 2000 - year-old , they are well spoken at history conferences. The reality is that Russia in a few years completely restore control over Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan - USA Manas Air Force Base start to output and is completely eliminated in the summer of 2014.
Russian military bases on the contrary, expanding and technics updates . Russia in a few years will spend $ 1 billion to upgrade the Kyrgyz army and 200 million - Tajik one.

there are theories that vikings were not invaders of russia,but themselves original slavic russian people and they even invaded britain. Yes,this theory was presented by former theoritical physicist and remote viewer Levashov .
there are theories that vikings were not invaders of russia,but themselves original slavic russian people and they even invaded britain. Yes,this theory was presented by former theoritical physicist and remote viewer Levashov .

In Russian, the word "Viking" (викинги) and the "Varyagi" (варяги) - two different nations. It is difficult to say whether the Varyagi werr Slavic or Germans. No one really can not tell where Rurik was born - the founder of the dynasty of Russian rulers reigned from 9 to 16 century.
Norse colonists Slav natives.

Norge colonized many countries - France, England, Sicily, Iceland, Greenland. But unlike these countries to Russia Varyagi were invited. Novgorod was a republic. Population of Novgorod invited Princes by own choice.
Half of Europe - Slavic people and most of them chose a colors of Russian flag.
And it does not mean a damn . Exept Serbia.
So all of these connections 2000 - year-old , they are well spoken at history conferences. The reality is that Russia in a few years completely restore control over Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan - USA Manas Air Force Base start to output and is completely eliminated in the summer of 2014.
Russian military bases on the contrary, expanding and technics updates . Russia in a few years will spend $ 1 billion to upgrade the Kyrgyz army and 200 million - Tajik one.

Dear Vostok, I meant these colors are symbols of Pan-Iranism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Iranian_colors and the meaning of these colors in tajikstan constitution is kinda copied from Iran's constitution. In addition, They have added stars(7 of them for perfection in our culture), and a crown which is a symbol of "Derafsh Kaviani".http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derafsh_Kaviani

Anyways, Tajikstan is an independent country and they can count on any support from Iran. If you help them, we will not be mad, and we will be even happy, but You, russians, need to know that you are no longer in a position to rule them.
Dear Vostok, I meant these colors are symbols of Pan-Iranism Pan-Iranian colors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and the meaning of these colors in tajikstan constitution is kinda copied from Iran's constitution. In addition, They have added stars(7 of them for perfection in our culture), and a crown which is a symbol of "Derafsh Kaviani".Derafsh Kaviani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyways, Tajikstan is an independent country and they can count on any support from Iran. If you help them, we will not be mad, and we will be even happy, but You, russians, need to know that you are no longer in a position to rule them.

Russia does not rule , but directs . In contrast to the Western motto - divide and conquer , the motto of Russia - are unite and guide .
What Tajikistan has made since independence ? It's nothing. Without the support of Russian troops there would be dealing with an endless war .
I suggest you get used to that Russia is returning to its limits. For you, this is no threat - if you're not going to question the right of Russia to help reintegrate the former Soviet republics into the Eurasian Union . In order to restore normal life , destroyed during the years of independence, and I assure you - most of the people for the restoration of plants and all the normal functioning of the state and not of the clan heroin transit point that exists now .
Russia does not rule , but directs . In contrast to the Western motto - divide and conquer , the motto of Russia - are unite and guide .
What Tajikistan has made since independence ? It's nothing. Without the support of Russian troops there would be dealing with an endless war .
I suggest you get used to that Russia is returning to its limits. For you, this is no threat - if you're not going to question the right of Russia to help reintegrate the former Soviet republics into the Eurasian Union . In order to restore normal life , destroyed during the years of independence, and I assure you - most of the people for the restoration of plants and all the normal functioning of the state and not of the clan heroin transit point that exists now .

As you know, Tajikstan's problem was civil war. They are very good people, but they face many difficulties because of drug smuggling from Afghanistan, and also from bullying of Uzbeks. I am not sure how much serious and real this eurasian union is, but if it helps tajiks in any manner, any Iranian would support it. Anyways, Iran and Russia are friends for more than 2 decades and influence of each one should not be interpreted as a threat for the other one.
Tell me, dear rmi5 . What would you do in Iran, if after beeing betrayed your country was divided into 15 states? And half of them, besotted by enemy propaganda, began to throw mud Iran and tell that you occupied them, and mocked them for centuries ?
You would want to return the territories back ? But they are now independent states. So you would have to invent a way to integrate , not to cause an open confrontation with the enemy.
And what would be said if the neighbors remembered a thousand-year union with some parts of the former Iran? You would have shaken their hands and said - yes, take away , we still have a lot of land ? I do not think so. You would seek to restore justice and to bring Iran back to his natural bordes.
Think about this when conversing with Russian about reinstatement of the Great Motherland. And most of non-Russian peoples of former USSR want to live in superpower, in their own superpower state. Russia is home for every nation, not only to Russians.
I'm not talking about the affairs a thousand years ago, and what is happening on your own eyes.
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Tell me, dear rmi5 . What would you do in Iran, if after beeing betrayed your country was divided into 15 states? And half of them, besotted by enemy propaganda, began to throw mud Iran and tell that you occupied them, and mocked them for centuries ?
You would want to return the territories back ? But they are now independent states. So you would have to invent a way to integrate , not to cause an open confrontation with the enemy.
And what would be said if the neighbors remembered a thousand-year union with some parts of the former Iran? You would have shaken their hands and said - yes, take away , we still have a lot of land ? I do not think so. You would seek to restore justice and to bring Iran back to his natural bordes.
Think about this when conversing with Russian about reinstatement of the Great Motherland. And most of non-Russian peoples of former USSR want to live in superpower, in their own superpower state. Russia is home for every nation, not only to Russians.

I exactly understand what you mean brother. Actually I am an Azerbaijani Iranian, from both Iranian Azerbaijan, and Soviet Azerbaijan. So, I know russian people very well, and I know that they are very good people, and I am very well aware that western propaganda against you guys were BS. many people get shocked when I tell them facts about USSR, because they have believed BS propagandas.
I can understand your feelings as well. Bahrain separated from Iran a couple of years ago, and now they are allied with their so called Arab brothers who sent troops there and kill bahraini protestors in their streets. but, unfortunately, we cannot do too much. we need to respect their independence and help them when they need it.
Russia is home for every nation, not only to Russians.
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dirty iranian jew @Surenas at it again: of all iranians of the world, jews are the one despicable kind, instigating trouble domestically and making enemies for their country abroad. the natives of the land treated your bestial lot too kindly, much more kindly than the russians, slavs, europeans, anglosaxons, arabs, yindoos put together, and you jews still bite them like filthy serpines that you are.
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