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China and Iran: Destined to Clash?

If you do not think conquer Tajikistan you have nothing to worry about.
Just after Tajikistan join the Eurasian Union, it will report to supranational regulators. You will have to deal not alone with Tajikistan, and with the Eurasian Union.

No one wants to conquer there, we are not in genghis khan era dude.
BTW, I hope you guys treat Uzbeks and Tajiks fairly and do not ignore them for the sake of Uzbeks ;)

I support Russia.And iran will not harm a hair of tajikistan as long it is under russian protection .

for what reason Iran should harm Tajikstan? :what::no:
FYI, Iran has always helped them, specially when their neighbor , Uzbeks, try to put pressure on them by closing railroads.
No one wants to conquer there, we are not in genghis khan era dude.
BTW, I hope you guys treat Uzbeks and Tajiks fairly and do not ignore them for the sake of Uzbeks ;)

for what reason Iran should harm Tajikstan? :what::no:
FYI, Iran has always helped them, specially when their neighbor , Uzbeks, try to put pressure on them by closing railroads.

One is talking about Iran conquering Tajikistan, the other is talking about Iran harming Tajikistan. That's because they don't know anything about the history of the region and totally have no affinity with central asia.

Else they would know that Iran and Tajikistan are almost same nation before leaving such childish comments.
One is talking about Iran conquering Tajikistan, the other is talking about Iran harming Tajikistan. That's because they don't know anything about the history of the region and totally have no affinity with central asia.

Else they would know that Iran and Tajikistan are almost same nation before leaving such childish comments.

many Tajiks consider themselves as the same nation as us.
many Tajiks consider themselves as the same nation as us.

I do not think so, otherwise they would driving to work to Iran, not Russia. In any case, Russia anyway will back to the boundaries of the USSR - this security problem. Only within that borders Russia will has natural barriers from neibors.
So get used to the idea that in a few years you will not deal with Tajikistan, but with the Eurasian Union.
I do not think so, otherwise they would driving to work to Iran, not Russia. In any case, Russia anyway will back to the boundaries of the USSR - this security problem. Only within that borders Russia will has natural barriers from neibors.
So get used to the idea that in a few years you will not deal with Tajikistan, but with the Eurasian Union.

Tajiks are a branch of persians. We speak to them without the need of translating. You're not that smart I think...Tajikistan has no borders with Iran. Also because of soviet union they understand Russian. But with the rise of Iranian nationalism and turkish nationalism the influence of Russia will decrease in Central Asian countries. It's a matter of time. Central asia has culturally nothing to do with Russia. They are closer to India, Iran, Turkey.
I do not think so, otherwise they would driving to work to Iran, not Russia. In any case, Russia anyway will back to the boundaries of the USSR - this security problem. Only within that borders Russia will has natural barriers from neibors.
So get used to the idea that in a few years you will not deal with Tajikistan, but with the Eurasian Union.

What are you talking about you commie? Tajikistan will always remain Tajikistan, and when we deal with Tajiks, we deal with them as fellow Persians, and not as Eurasians.

Iranian army in Tajikistan - YouTube
Tajiks are a branch of persians. We speak to them without the need of translating. You're not that smart I think...Tajikistan has no borders with Iran. Also because of soviet union they understand Russian. But with the rise of Iranian nationalism and turkish nationalism the influence of Russia will decrease in Central Asian countries. It's a matter of time. Central asia has culturally nothing to do with Russia. They are closer to India, Iran, Turkey.

I know the languages ​​spoken in Central Asia. It only has cultural significance, but not economic, and especially - not military. Russia returns to it's land and no one can prevent it.
Russia has no choise - too much danger of penetration of terrorism from Afghanistan to the Russian Federation. So - you can trade with these countries, invest in their economy - but Russia will determine their fate. And the fate of this - to be with Russia.
Tajikistan's president disagrees with you. ^

Rahmon is a Sunni Muslim and performed the hajj in March 1997. He has called for closer ties with other Muslim nations in the region, notably the Persian-speaking nations of Iran and Afghanistan.

Funny thing is that Rahmon is a ethnic Turk who promotes Persian nationalism in Tajikistan. He has also called for the removal of the Russian surname suffix 'ov' and for Tajiks to pick Persian names from the Shahname for their children.
I know the languages ​​spoken in Central Asia. It only has cultural significance, but not economic, and especially - not military. Russia returns to it's land and no one can prevent it.
Russia has no choise - too much danger of penetration of terrorism from Afghanistan to the Russian Federation. So - you can trade with these countries, invest in their economy - but Russia will determine their fate. And the fate of this - to be with Russia.

What is "return to its land"? Tajikistan is not Russian land.

Afghanistan problem will not be solved by military actions, the country needs negotiations for peace and investment.

Mining in Afghanistan is controlled by the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, which is headquartered in Kabul with regional offices in other parts of the country. Afghanistan has over 1400 mineral fields, containing barite, chromite, coal, copper, gold, iron ore, lead, natural gas, petroleum, precious and semiprecious stones, salt, sulfur, talc, zinc among many other minerals. Gemstones include high-quality emerald, lapis lazuli, red garnet and ruby. It is believed that among other things the country holds $3 trillion in untapped mineral deposits

Also Iran will be able to send military to Tajikistan for cooperation (training, development of weapon industry etc). Todays positition of Iran is not that good, but it will surely not stay like this forever.
What is "return to its land"? Tajikistan is not Russian land.

Afghanistan problem will not be solved by military actions, the country needs negotiations for peace and investment.
Terms of finding of Russian military base in Tajikistan extended until 2042. Russia will upgrade and training Tajik's army .
The territorial integrity of the USSR will be restored in the form of the Eurasian Union. And the Eurasian Union will be a superpower. It's hard to find people who will benefit from this more than the Tajiks - they will once again have industry and Russian level of wages . They will not have to leave home to earn some money. And their border will be protected from encroachment of Taliban or other hand-held American terrorist organizations.
I do not think so, otherwise they would driving to work to Iran, not Russia. In any case, Russia anyway will back to the boundaries of the USSR - this security problem. Only within that borders Russia will has natural barriers from neibors.
So get used to the idea that in a few years you will not deal with Tajikistan, but with the Eurasian Union.

My Dear Russian friend, Do not count on it.
BTW, They work mostly in moscow because many of them have lived there since USSR era, and in addition they can earn more money in Russia. Have you ever thought that Tajikstan flag looks like which country's flag and why?

I do not think so, otherwise they would driving to work to Iran, not Russia. In any case, Russia anyway will back to the boundaries of the USSR - this security problem. Only within that borders Russia will has natural barriers from neibors.
So get used to the idea that in a few years you will not deal with Tajikistan, but with the Eurasian Union.

My Dear Russian friend, Do not count on it.
BTW, They work mostly in moscow because many of them have lived there since USSR era, and in addition they can earn more money in Russia. Have you ever thought that Tajikstan flag looks like which country's flag and why?
My Dear Russian friend, Do not count on it.
BTW, They work mostly in moscow because many of them have lived there since USSR era, and in addition they can earn more money in Russia. Have you ever thought that Tajikstan flag looks like which country's flag and why?
None of them did not live in Moscow. Only the best doctors, engineers and other professionals are good in their work so that they were transferred to the center.
They go there to earn good money by the standards of Tajikistan. They do not need a visa.
The Eurasian Union will be and it will work - in the first wave will not enter Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and South Caucasus. The Baltic countries are likely not enter at all - but Russia does not need them critically, as long as they remain demilitarized.
What does the flag? Do you also think, like Turkey, that the similarity of languages ​​gives you some rights to the land of other nations? Russia defended these peoples for centuries. And it will continue to do so as long as need be.
I value the Persian culture and I am impressed of independent policy of modern Iran. But you 100 times easier to expansion in Arab countries than there where Russian troops are.
None of them did not live in Moscow. Only the best doctors, engineers and other professionals are good in their work so that they were transferred to the center.
They go there to earn good money by the standards of Tajikistan. They do not need a visa.
The Eurasian Union will be and it will work - in the first wave will not enter Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The Baltic countries are likely not enter at all - but Russia does not need them critically, as long as they remain demilitarized.
What does the flag? Do you also think, like Turkey, that the similarity of languages ​​gives you some rights to the land of other nations? Russia defended these peoples for centuries. And it will continue to do so as long as need be.
I value the Persian culture and I am impressed of irrespective policy of modern Iran. But you 100 times easier to expansion in Arab countries than there when Russian troops are.

I mean when they choose iran's flag(upside down version of it) as their flag, and when they interpret each color of it the same as ours in their constitution, and when their president changes his surname from russian version (Rahmonov) to persian version (Rahmon), It has some meanings. right?
Iran's case is different from turkey. Turkey has just some linguistic ties with some central asian countries, and they say that we have been in Central Asia before. but we are the same group of people, and the same ethnicity, who has lived in the same country for more than 2000 years, before Russians capture those lands, and every single piece of our culture, and thoughts, ... are the same. FYI, Takiks consider themselves as the inheritors of samanids and Khorasan and Bukhara , and many of them consider themselves more Iranian than us!
Why is this guy Surenas more concerned about China's potential influence in Iran rather than to be more concerned about the actions of nations that are imposing unilateral sanctions on Iran ?

As for the current talks between the US and Iran. I would presume that any deal for the Iranians must include the lifting of the sanctions against Iran, especially those imposed on Iran's central bank that has made foreign trade virtually impossible for Iran. That in turn has caused enormous suffering amongst the Iranian people. Well as much as i applaud the current talks and the effort made by president Obama and Rouhani, i doubt that those sanctions will be lifted as only congress can lift those sanctions not the White House. Does anyone here believe that the US congress and senate will lift the sanctions on Iran regardless of the results of the talks ?
Tajikistan's president disagrees with you. ^

Funny thing is that Rahmon is a ethnic Turk who promotes Persian nationalism in Tajikistan. He has also called for the removal of the Russian surname suffix 'ov' and for Tajiks to pick Persian names from the Shahname for their children.

first ,iran will need to survive the coming US-israeli attack on it. Likely ,Syria will not be able to fight on your behalf as it has been considerably weakened due to the western sponsored civil war .

Then,Iran can dream of khorasan or sassinid empire. More likely ,Tajikistan and central asia will become part of eurasian union led by Russia,rather than persian empire due to economic and military considerations.
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