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China and India’s 2,000-year manufacturing reign

Must be added after 1947 after all 93% of Pakistanis don't speak Urdu.

Urdu is the language of our land. Don't you know, Mughals were Indianized after Akbar married Jodhabai. Criticizing invaders doesn't mean criticizing everything Muslim. Its mostly Pakistan's anti-India propaganda.

Now we all do coz it our national language and it unites us!

As for anti muslim propoganda by Pakistan... im sure being on PDF n interacting with indians who hates the evil muslims.... also there were strict "hindus" who told us how evil the muslim were... and how millions of hindus were converted,raped n killed... yet their own ancestors were marrying their women to those evil muslim invaders? how ironic!
Now we all do coz it our national language and it unites us!

As for anti muslim propoganda by Pakistan... im sure being on PDF n interacting with indians who hates the evil muslims.... also there were strict "hindus" who told us how evil the muslim were... and how millions of hindus were converted,raped n killed... yet their own ancestors were marrying their women to those evil muslim invaders? how ironic!

What those invaders did should be criticized nothing bad in that, if they did good that should be praised.

Akbar had an arranged marriage with Jodhabai. I have respect for some Mughal Sultans so are majority Indians(except Aurangzeb), but people do criticize Dilli Sultanate era Sultans who were more interested in looting in India.
What those invaders did should be criticized nothing bad in that, if they did good that should be praised.

Akbar had an arranged marriage with Jodhabai. I have respect for Mughal Sultans so are majority Indians(except Aurangzeb), but people do criticize Dilli Sultanate era Sultans who never were more interested in looting in India.

U just joined PDF.... stick around and see urself.
Megasthenes (Μεγασθένης, ca. 350 – 290 BCE) was a Greek ethnographer in the Hellenistic period, author of the work Indica (about India).

If India never existed then how the hell Megasthenes have visited India in 290 BC and written book on the land called India (that never existed as per high IQ)
:woot: :woot:

Tacitus also wrote about Germania Tacitus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia when there was no German nation but a bunch of Germanic tribes feuding with each other. The German practically started with Charlemagne in 768 CE.
It is mostly because Pakistanis provoke them by insulting Hinduism otherwise in India Muslims or Hindus mostly refrain from such talks.

Its the other way around... like ur ancestors were cowards... they were raped ...BS BS... while they forget tht it was their ancestors marrying their daughters to these invaders.... personally i dislike the mughals and the delhi sultanatec and all other muslim kings for tht matter... they were all materialistic ... those who didnt even spare their own brothers n fathers for the throne.
before muslims came their wasnt ANY INDIA MY DEAR IT was the muslims ( mughals )who mostly united INDIA cz before them their was small cities which were called differnt Countries lol =))) and china never existed =))) i thnk 2000 bc ago their was a country named china =))) cz their was gr8 wall of china 2 at that time and now dont start with pakistan lol cz aryan was the 1 who came to asia and setteld in area which was called Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa now ( pakistan ) so before 4000 india never existed lol =))) but we were still their and dont forget muslims also ruled india for 1000 years ma bad no offence em just saying
before muslims came their wasnt ANY INDIA MY DEAR IT was the muslims ( mughals )who mostly united INDIA cz before them their was small cities which were called differnt Countries lol =))) and china never existed =))) i thnk 2000 bc ago their was a country named china =))) cz their was gr8 wall of china 2 at that time and now dont start with pakistan lol cz aryan was the 1 who came to asia and setteld in area which was called Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa now ( pakistan ) so before 4000 india never existed lol =))) but we were still their and dont forget muslims also ruled india for 1000 years ma bad no offence em just saying

Bharat word for India is mentioned in ancient books and scripture, Mahabharat composed in 1100BC, also mention about it.

Götterdämmerung;3044005 said:
Tacitus also wrote about Germania Tacitus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia when there was no German nation but a bunch of Germanic tribes feuding with each other. The German practically started with Charlemagne in 768 CE.

Megasthanes was an ambassador in Maurya Empire in Patliputra from Selucid Greek Empire. India never had tribal setup like Germans.
The only chinese relentlessly fighting here for pakistan's claim on IVC forgot that by his stupid logic china might loose most of its provinces bcz those were not part of their country 2000years ago. But he successfully derailed a nice thread.
The big problem of course, is that there wasn't a nation called "India" one thousand years ago, and no concept of "Indian nationalism" based on such a state.

They are basically comparing the geographic area of what comprises modern-day India. Which would be similar to comparing the geographic region of Europe as a whole.

These is a nation called Tibet at our northern border and now we are getting illegal visits from a strange people called Hans who are from north east parts of Beijing.

Modern day china is a bigger nation because of occupation of Tibet and Xinxang. When you you remove these regions from communist china you will get imperial china.
before muslims came their wasnt ANY INDIA MY DEAR IT was the muslims ( mughals )who mostly united INDIA cz before them their was small cities which were called differnt Countries lol =))) and china never existed =))) i thnk 2000 bc ago their was a country named china =))) cz their was gr8 wall of china 2 at that time and now dont start with pakistan lol cz aryan was the 1 who came to asia and setteld in area which was called Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa now ( pakistan ) so before 4000 india never existed lol =))) but we were still their and dont forget muslims also ruled india for 1000 years ma bad no offence em just saying
"Hindustan" has existed before Chritianity or Islam were even thought of.......
I have posted proof for this again and again , but for some unfathomable reason, people doesn't seem to be listening..........
Himalyam Samarabhya
Tam Deonirmitam Desham
Hindusthanam Prachakshate
Translation: "The country which starts from Himalayas and the borders of which reach till the Indian Ocean (Indu Sarovaram), has been created by Gods and its name is Hindusthan."

This is a verse from the Rig Veda written in 1700BC. It is conclusive proof that "Hindustan" has existed for more than 3700 years..............And There are many such verses in the Rigveda..........:azn:
China never existed as a nation in its entire history, it was foreigners like Mongols who united China as a nation.

This is how China looked in the past

and this is what China look today.

I can't see China ever existed in the Past. China was not even united between 1911-1949 because warlords had their de-facto territories in different parts of China.

Was about to post this,

Some e-warriors need to get over their jingoism and see that concept of "nation" did not exist prior to treaty of Westpahlia in the 17th century.
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