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China and India’s 2,000-year manufacturing reign

They believe in out of India theory which is most ridiculous one because of genetic tests. Its pretty clear original Indo-Europeans were bunch of people who moved to different parts of the world. The people who wrote Rig Veda come to Punjab, Pakistan 3500 years ago. And then some of them after living in Pakistan 1000 years moved to India 2500 years ago and gave them what we call "Hindu Civilization" now.

The difference is Indian aryans were the only Indo-Europeans people to implement caste system and slave natives of India. There was no such a thing as Caste system in Vedic times in Punjab, Pakistan and its proven by historical texts.

Aryan caste system and socially mobile Punjabis - DAWN.COM

Out of India Theory made India academia a laughing stock among the academia. Do these indian academics really think the world is as dumb as them? The article posted in previous page, Navaratna Rajaram said people from south of india are darker due to its close proximity to the equator, stronger sun, implying there's no genetic differences.
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Chinese identity has been forged before Aryan gave you civilization, but you don't even have a national identity today, less than 60% indians support a pan-indianism :omghaha: "Pan-Indianism is an idea is popular (59%)" "There has been an attempt to try to create unity through political identity...." 66 years on, an incomplete quest for national identity - Hindustan Times :omghaha:

Indian identity originated 2000 before Southern Hans started to call themselves as Han and China was only confined to Yellow river plains. :girl_wacko: Certainly you believe in some random polls with random questions. :wacko:
Indian identity originated 2000 before Southern Hans started to call themselves as Han and China was only confined to Yellow river plains. :girl_wacko: Certainly you believe in some random polls with random questions. :wacko:

2000 years ago were slaves of the Aryan Brahmins. Your country was newly created by Britain, you don't have a national identity today, less than "60% indians support a pan-indianism " And "There has been an attempt to try to create unity through political identity...." 66 years on, an incomplete quest for national identity - Hindustan Times :laughcry::laughcry:
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That's why Democratic China of 1912-49 without brutal iron fist was no more than bunch of warring states under different warlords. :girl_wacko:

What would you know abt civil war, you were not even a country, you were a colony :omghaha:
Chinese identity were formed before Aryan invaders gave you civilization. :laughcry:
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Of course China exists all the times. It is just with different dynasty's name. Well,now, it happens to be called People's Republic of China.

Well, there have never been a united country called india though, but with hundreds of small tribes there then. India is only a british concept and with the help of british, then there comes the now india.

Before british, when did you have an emperor, king, or president rule over the whole india mentioned in those surveys???

Did China exist at that time.

Even then, there was only one government called ROC. The so-called warring states still had to obey to the central government.

That's why Democratic China of 1912-49 without brutal iron fist was no more than bunch of warring states under different warlords. :girl_wacko:
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