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China All Su-35 news

I googled. I found nothing.

J-11B has more powerful engines than the Su-30MKI and a much lighter airframe. Do the math. And what makes you think that the Korean F-15 can't pull those maneuvers besides lacking some features that are not of utmost importance when it comes to agility?

OK, says who, where, in what context, and has anyone managed to verify it?
I am fed up with all these Indian craps.

If China inks any SU-35 deals in six months ("near future"), I will donate $100 to an Indian charity organization and post scanned receipt; Otherwise, you guys donate $100 to a Chinese charity account.

I challenge all you Indians in this thread, officially.

Man, u just won ur bet!!!! grats!!!:rofl::cheesy:
China has officially DENY the purchase of SU-35 !!!!


俄新网RUSNEWS.CN北京3月9日电 记者阿列克谢•叶菲莫夫报道:中国国防部新闻事务局向俄新社透露,俄罗斯媒体关于中国准备与俄罗斯签署48架苏-35战机采购合同的报道与事实不符。





What you indians gonna say now ?????

Now the russians will just say that "due to IP issue, we ONCE again REFUSE To sell the SU-35 to CHINA !!!:yahoo::yahoo:

SU-35 is the GOD fighter of Russian air force, and it shall remain the GOD fighter of russian air force.:rolleyes:



i cant understand one thing why the same news is highlighted so much , that many thread on this same topic is posted in this section .
i cant understand one thing why the same news is highlighted so much , that many thread on this same topic is posted in this section .

Most Chinese members are understandably upset since such b.s. news are almost always treated as factual before they are debunked. Many people got carried away, from both sides.
i remember someone who was willing to donate 100$ in case the news was false . :)

can i PM him my favorite charity :lol:

Yes, please do PM him. There is a pledge page on this topic under Su-35 Charity Challenge.
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