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China All Su-35 news

I am fed up with all these Indian craps.

If China inks any SU-35 deals in six months ("near future"), I will donate $100 to an Indian charity organization and post scanned receipt; Otherwise, you guys donate $100 to a Chinese charity account.

I challenge all you Indians in this thread, officially.
Fedrodov called me personally and gave details..... Yes Antony said about AESA with Zhuk radar the likely candidate.... And considering the size of the nose of MKI the version is supposed to be the larger Zhuk-AE aka Zhuk-ASE which is made for flanker varient.... Now does it get in your extra IQ head ?
The engine offered is either 117C or Al-31FN-M-3/2... IAF insists on the latter since its varient is already being made in India and workers would adapt it more easily...... Remember that all Su30MKI will be upgraded all 160+ and the rest to follow totalling 272.

About J-11B didn't you read what I wrote in the earlier post ? F-16 varients have even better T/W ratio yet its incapable.

Can you post the link about Antony speaking about the ASE, or is it another one of those vague things?

The J-11B uses 132 kN engines and an airframe that is 700 kg lighter than the original. None of those are features of the F-16, so its thrust to weight ratio is anything but better.
It is written in Russian

The origional one and the treanslated one are below:



Россия и Китай обсуждают облик экспортного Су-35
29-12-2010(), 12:00 Самолеты Комментарии (0) Автор: Админ
Россия и Китай обсуждают облик экспортного Су-35Вопреки своей традиции держать Китай в стороне от продажи новейших вооружений Россия дала понять о своем намерении поставить последнюю модель своего истребителя Су-35 в эту страну.

«Мы готовы работать с китайскими партнерами в этом направлении», заявил РИА Новости заместитель директора «Рособоронэкспорта» Александр Михеев.

Оснащенный двумя двигателями 117С с управляемым вектором тяги истребитель Су-35 Flanker-E обладает высокой маневренностью с возможностью поражения нескольких воздушных целей одновременно, его арсенал состоит из управляемых и неуправляемых видов оружия.

Как ожидается, первый серийный многофункциональный истребитель сойдет со сборочной линии в конце этого года, первая партия этих самолетов будет выпущена в период 2010-2015 годов. Местные СМИ сообщают(), что заказ составляет 48 машин.(48台машина,машина Su35)

Михеев сообщил РИА Новости, что в настоящее время Россия и Китай ведут начальный этап переговоров и будут обсуждать «особенности экспортного варианта Су-35 и как интегрировать его с ранее поставленными истребителями Су-30 и самолетами Су-27 китайской сборки».

С 2008 года Су-35 предлагается Индии, Малайзии, Алжиру, Бразилии и Венесуэле, но контрактов пока нет.

Defense News цитирует представителя «Рособоронэкспорта», что контракт на поставку Су-35 в Китай станет концом стагнации продаж российских вооружений в Китай. В последнее время эта страна просила ограниченное количество современных российских вооружений, но Москва отказывалась от таких контрактов, опасаясь копирования технологий.


English version:


Russia and China are discussing the shape of the export Su-35
12.29.2010 () Aircraft 12:00 Comments (0) By: Admin
Russia and China are discussing the shape of the export Su-35Vopreki its tradition of keeping China out of the sale of advanced weapons Russia has signaled its intention to deliver the latest model of its Su-35 fighter to the country.

"We are ready to work with Chinese partners in this direction," said the deputy director of RIA Novosti 'Rosoboronexport "Alexander Mikheyev.

Powered by two 117S engines with thrust vector control Su-35 Flanker-E has high maneuverability with the ability to defeat multiple aerial targets simultaneously, it is an arsenal of guided and unguided weapons.

As expected, the first production multi-role fighter will come down the assembly line at the end of this year, the first batch of these aircraft will be released in the period 2010-2015. Local media report () that the order of 48 machines. (48 台 Machine, Su35)

Mikheev, told RIA Novosti that at the present time, Russia and China are the initial stage of the negotiations and will discuss "features an export version of Su-35 and how to integrate it with the previously set by the Su-30 fighters and Su-27 Chinese assembly."

Since 2008, the Su-35 is India, Malaysia, Algeria, Brazil and Venezuela, but no contracts.

Defense News quoted a representative of "Rosoboronexport", that the contract for delivery of Su-35 in China will be the end of the stagnation of Russian arms sales to China. In recent years this country has requested a limited number of advanced Russian weapons, but Moscow refused to such contracts, for fear of copying technology.


Ðîññèÿ è Êèòàé îáñóæäàþò îáëèê ýêñïîðòíîãî Ñó-35 » Âîåííîå îáîçðåíèå

What are you indian and russian fan boy are gonna say now?
I think its a High Tech Aircraft that China wants to have in its airforce! buying 100 of these would make it a potent one!!!!
Can you post the link about Antony speaking about the ASE, or is it another one of those vague things?

The J-11B uses 132 kN engines and an airframe that is 700 kg lighter than the original. None of those are features of the F-16, so its thrust to weight ratio is anything but better.

Give up....
I answered about AESA in last post read again....
As for link google it.

What exactly is T/W ratio of J-11B ?
Korean F-15 has T/W ratio as high as 1.3 still it can't pull maneuvers as Su30MKI/Su35S/F-22A..... Since it lacks additional control surfaces such as TVC nozzels and Canards.
people should know it's a rubbish when the so called experts syas j-10 is a copy of su-27 and fc-1 is copy of mig-29.
people should know it's a rubbish when the so called experts syas j-10 is a copy of su-27 and fc-1 is copy of mig-29.

you mean it isint? i guess it just happens to look just like it right?:angel:
Its obvious the 2009 report talks about "discussion", and the current report is talking about close to "finalizing" the deal.

You don't need to be a "rocket scientist"(pun not intended:lol:) to figure that one out.
i don't believe someone will think it's true.
is there any evidence that the russian themselves buy it for their airforce?
people should know it's a rubbish when the so called experts syas j-10 is a copy of su-27 and fc-1 is copy of mig-29.

No this is not what ppl say, This is what ppl say (ppl say not me)
1. J10 is lavi
2. J11 is rip off of Su27
3. J15 is rip off of su33
4. FC1 is designed of MiG33.

You say it wrong in ur post...
Its obvious the 2009 report talks about "discussion", and the current report is talking about close to "finalizing" the deal.

You don't need to be a "rocket scientist"(pun not intended:lol:) to figure that one out.

lol, at this stage we don't really have the luxury to spend billions of usd on 4.5 gen fighters, like your rafale deal. our defense industrial sectors need r&d funding badly.
LOL, Indians want Chinese to buy Su-35 so badly. Please gift US$4.5 Billion to PLAAF on the condition it be spent on Russian made Su-35. Then everybody will be happy.
Even if China buy it then i don't understand why Indians are being so childish...

India: Whole fleet is Foreign... including LCA

U.S : Harrier, Mig 29, Su-27 (dont trust me? Have a look a this: List of active United States military aircraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

England: JAS-39 Gripen (for training) List of active United Kingdom military aircraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Canada: F-18, F-35

Australia: F-18, F-35

Luftwaffe: F-4

Netherlands: F-16

Turkey : F-16, F-35

Greece : Mirage 200, F-16

Italy: F-16

Switzerland: F-18, F-5, Rafale/Gripen

So what will be so wrong if China purchases at least 1 small squadron of SU-35? It still is better than Su-30MKI and Mig-29K that india possess...:lol:
Give up....
I answered about AESA in last post read again....
As for link google it.

What exactly is T/W ratio of J-11B ?
Korean F-15 has T/W ratio as high as 1.3 still it can't pull maneuvers as Su30MKI/Su35S/F-22A..... Since it lacks additional control surfaces such as TVC nozzels and Canards.

I googled. I found nothing.

J-11B has more powerful engines than the Su-30MKI and a much lighter airframe. Do the math. And what makes you think that the Korean F-15 can't pull those maneuvers besides lacking some features that are not of utmost importance when it comes to agility?
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