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China All Su-35 news

Relax. The President said the T-50 was better than the F-22. Below is why I don't read Russian news.

- They reported that China was buying the Su-33. Didn't happen.
- They reported that China was buying Tu-22. Didn't happen.
- They reported that China was buying T-50. Didn't happen.
- They reported that China's J-10 is a copy of the Su-27. Laughable.
- They reported that China's J-11B is a copy of the Su-30. Laughable.
- They reported that China's FC-1 is a copy of the MiG-29. Laughable.
I don't think so, otherwise it would a dagger that china deliver to it's loyalty to it's defense industry!!!! they already making some good fighters at least enough to defend the country plus china is much like a leopard that no one would try it!!! another one china spend big money on R&D to get knowledge and technology tomorrow if not they already have it.

18:56 | 2012-03-09

18:56 中方驳斥可能从俄方采购48架苏-35战机的报道
北京3月9日电 记者阿列克谢•叶菲莫夫报道:中国国防部新闻事务局向俄新社透露,俄罗斯媒体关于中国准备与俄罗斯签署48架苏-35战机采购合同的报道与事实不符。


Well. use google translator!
WAPA) - As expected by our Agency yesterday March 5, 2012, in the following AVIONEWS, China get closer the purchase of Russian technology to improve its aircraft fighter fleet for the Air Force.

Main character of the next negotiation is the super-dogfight Sukhoi Su-35, latest operative version of the multi-role born by the Su-27 family, widely used by China already in official versions and copies built by Chinese.

Russian economic newspapers announced today an agreement for 4 billion dollars which could deliver 48 Sukhoi Su-35 "Flanker-E" to Beijing, specifying the agreement is still static due to the bureaucratic situation about copyright.

In fact, current Chinese air fleet is mainly based on copies of famous international aircraft, purchased and then reproduced by local industries.

A typical example is the Shenyang J-11, a faithful replica of Russian Sukhoi Su-30C. This operation is worrying Moscow, since no laws above copyright exists, to guarantee the respect of foreign illegal production (or rather, production without licenses).

This could bring to an illegal sale, operated by China, of Russian products perfectly copied and offered to the international market with super cheap price, up to prevent purchases from the original production industry, in this case Sukhoi. (Avionews)

---------- Post added at 12:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------

Avionews - Agenzia stampa del settore aeronautico, elicotteristico, aerospaziale e della difesa
I googled. I found nothing.

J-11B has more powerful engines than the Su-30MKI and a much lighter airframe. Do the math. And what makes you think that the Korean F-15 can't pull those maneuvers besides lacking some features that are not of utmost importance when it comes to agility?

India Eyes Su-30 AESA Upgrade | AVIATION WEEK

MAKS 2011: New

Zhuk AESA Radars for Indian Air Force Sukhoi Su-30 MKI Fighters | India Defence

Go and learn something about control surfaces and how does it help in increasing AOA and Turn radius... MKI can turn right on Its axis can J-11B or any plane without TVC do this ?
Maneuvers are not just only T/W ratio of machine... If it were so than the space launchers would be the most maneuverable thing in existence.
i think Chinese just need high performance engines
not whole jets
I did a rough translation:

俄新网RUSNEWS.CN北京3月9日电 记者阿列克谢•叶菲莫夫报道:中国国防部新闻事务局向俄新社透露,俄罗斯媒体关于中国准备与俄罗斯签署48架苏-35战机采购合同的报道与事实不符。



RusNEWS.CN reports (3-09-12 Beijing time): Reporter Alexi Yafmov reports: The Chinese Department of defence revealed to RusNews that reports by the Russian media regarding the signing of a 48 Su-35 fighter contract between China and Russia are inaccurate.

The Chinese Department of Defense clarified that : "In recent years, China maintained close strategic partnership with Russia and successfully cooperated in numerous domains. Sino-Russian military cooperation is an important part of Sino-Russian strategic partnership that is being carried out smoothly and has continuously yielded results. Reports that "China and Russia agreed on the purchase on 48 Su-35 fighters, however, have no factual basis.

On March 6th, Russian newspaper Kommersant quoted a Russian military insider when supposedly said that China and Russia agreed to sign a contract which will supply the Chinese military with 48 Su-35 fighters. The contract would have a net worth of 4.0 billion dollars.
I did a rough translation:

RusNEWS.CN reports (3-09-12 Beijing time): Reporter Alexi Yafmov reports: The Chinese Department of defence revealed to RusNews that reports by the Russian media regarding the signing of a 48 Su-35 fighter contract between China and Russia are inaccurate.

The Chinese Department of Defense clarified that : "In recent years, China maintained close strategic partnership with Russia and successfully cooperated in numerous domains. Sino-Russian military cooperation is an important part of Sino-Russian strategic partnership that is being carried out smoothly and has continuously yielded results. Reports that "China and Russia agreed on the purchase on 48 Su-35 fighters, however, have no factual basis.

On March 6th, Russian newspaper Kommersant quoted a Russian military insider when supposedly said that China and Russia agreed to sign a contract which will supply the Chinese military with 48 Su-35 fighters. The contract would have a net worth of 40 billion dollars.

4.0 probably..:blink: not 40 Billion dollars!
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