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China 1992, India 2012

I mean just look at the H index.

1.8 Million papers, H index slightly more than that of India with 0.5 Million papers. :rolleyes:
good point dude.. Some people cant handle truth.. just curious from where you got those stats.
Wow, you still don't get it.
The US H Index is 5 times higher than India by your own stats. Your own table directly contradicts your own statement that "Indian papers are as good as any other in the world. "

Am I talking to Baghdad Bob, I mean Sunil?? Learn to read a table. Your friends too.

I was talking in context of China, cause thats the argument Donatello made.

Tell you what, I ll accept that Indian papers are crap compared to say US ones, for your sake, but you ll have to agree that Chinese papers are three times more crap than the Indian papers. Deal? :lol:
Maybe the "superpower Indians" :-)lol:) can reply to this post?

LOL, anything to make themselves feel better. Meanwhile, here are the facts.

1990 - China GDP : India GDP - 1 : 1
2000 - China GDP : India GDP - 2 : 1
2010 - China GDP : India GDP - 4 : 1

Rather than them "catching up" (as Indians love to convince themselves), the numbers actually show them falling further and further behind.

It's not hard to see why. China has been able to sustain double-digit growth for three decades, with a base economy four times larger than India's.

India meanwhile, has constantly tried and failed to achieve sustained double-digit growth. Latest data shows India growing at around 6.9%, slower than Turkey/Argentina/Sri Lanka etc. Contrary to the Indian dreams of being the "second fastest growing major economy in the world". :lol:
Would hate to parade on your rain...but don't be so quick to make a mockery of those numbers.

70,000,000/100 = 700,000 papers from India (according to your post and math) or 1 Paper on Relativity by Albert Einstein? Which had more impact on the world science?

What i mean is, when it comes to science, it's not the quantity of paper that matters but the quality.

And i am speaking from experience. Even in UK/USA not all papers are high quality. Most of them get locked up in a vault and never make any impact. Some of them do.....and they end up moving the world.
India gave Zero.... count its impact factor. Be reasonable.
I was talking in context of China, cause thats the argument Donatello made.

Tell you what I ll accept that Indian papers are crap compared to say US ones, for your sake, but you ll have to agree that Chinese papers are three times more crap than the Indian papers. Deal? :lol:

In the context of China "Indian papers are as good as any other in the world. ". ???

What kind of F'd up English is this???? Or you can't read your own table.
Yes, in certain areas such as infrastructure, human development index etc... we are behind China, but in other areas such as science, space, R&D, labour mobility, innovation, high tech etc.. we are behind none. In some areas, we are as good as most developed countries. So, it is incorrect to quantify that we are 'x' years behind China.

LOL, you are not behind anyone in terms of your space program?

China sent a human being into space in 2003.

India will only begin to start the selection of astronauts for their space program in 2020, and even that is optimistic, considering the poor organizational skills of India (Commonwealth Games). And that is just for "selection", it will likely take several more years for them to actually get into space.

As for innovation, please refer to both of the Global Innovation Indexes.

Global Innovation Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the record, both these indexes place China at a significantly higher level than India, and we are moving upwards too. While India is in fact falling downwards in the ranks.
Good article but to be honest we still have alot of catching up with China when it comes to infra projects in our cities.
China and India are moving in completely opposite directions.

China has accumulated large trade surpluses for twenty years.



India has been burdened with large trade deficits for twenty years.


What kind of hallucination will bring you forth the claim that “science, space, R&D, labour mobility, innovation, high tech etc.. we are behind none”?

You are behind China in EVERY aspect in those areas you enumerated, except democracy and starvation/illiteracy.

Science/R&D/Innovation/high tech: talk about patent? Or paper publications? Or anything else? China exports more high tech in values than EU, USA. http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-SF-09-025/EN/KS-SF-09-025-EN.PDF

Space: have you ever sent living entity into the space, much less talking about human being?

Labor mobility: what means you provide human mobility? Infrastructure? Fast railway? Only this Chinese New Year, China moves 3.2 billion person times.

Wakeup, myopic ignorant!

Thanks for the info but the main article is not saying that India is better than China. All that is being expressed is the authors view of how India is developing via viz China during the same period of growth and reform.
LOL, you are not behind anyone in terms of your space program?

China sent a human being into space in 2003.

India will only begin to start the selection of astronauts for their space program in 2020, and even that is optimistic, considering the poor organizational skills of India (Commonwealth Games). And that is just for "selection", it will likely take several more years for them to actually get into space.

As for innovation, please refer to both of the Global Innovation Indexes.

Global Innovation Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the record, both these indexes place China at a significantly higher level than India, and we are moving upwards too. While India is in fact falling downwards in the ranks.

It is not the question of race. ISRO is second to none and that is a fact. We compete with the best

ISRO is in a race with NASA over putting X-ray telescope in space - Bangalore - DNA
China and India are moving in completely opposite directions.

China has accumulated large trade surpluses for twenty years.



India has been burdened with large trade deficits for twenty years.



So what is new in that. We are consumption driven economy, while you are export driven one, hence your surplus
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