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China 1992, India 2012

Dont demote them . Its 50 cents . 50 cents a loootta money

yes just incase you 81chap didnt know more than half india population living under $1 a day

---------- Post added at 04:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 AM ----------

Yes, in certain areas such as infrastructure, human development index etc... we are behind China, but in other areas such as science, space, R&D, labour mobility, innovation, high tech etc.. we are behind none. In some areas, we are as good as most developed countries. So, it is incorrect to quantify that we are 'x' years behind China.

Lol just came out from a cave?

---------- Post added at 04:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 AM ----------

2 cent chines cant digest anything against them:lol:

LOL 81chap you are not smart enough to do anything against us:rofl:
LOL, anything to make themselves feel better. Meanwhile, here are the facts.

1990 - China GDP : India GDP - 1 : 1
2000 - China GDP : India GDP - 2 : 1
2010 - China GDP : India GDP - 4 : 1

Rather than them "catching up" (as Indians love to convince themselves), the numbers actually show them falling further and further behind.

It's not hard to see why. China has been able to sustain double-digit growth for three decades, with a base economy four times larger than India's.

India meanwhile, has constantly tried and failed to achieve sustained double-digit growth. Latest data shows India growing at around 6.9%, slower than Turkey/Argentina/Sri Lanka etc. Contrary to the Indian dreams of being the "second fastest growing major economy in the world". :lol:
Didn't know China was publishing was 70,000,000 papers every year.

Would hate to parade on your rain...but don't be so quick to make a mockery of those numbers.

70,000,000/100 = 700,000 papers from India (according to your post and math) or 1 Paper on Relativity by Albert Einstein? Which had more impact on the world science?

What i mean is, when it comes to science, it's not the quantity of paper that matters but the quality.

And i am speaking from experience. Even in UK/USA not all papers are high quality. Most of them get locked up in a vault and never make any impact. Some of them do.....and they end up moving the world.
Indeed easy.

The problem is: people from a democracy are deeply brainwashed to become so foolish that they can't do easy things such as Copy Paste publish...and resort to buying cheap stuff from a easy China.


please change your flag comrad.
Would hate to parade on your rain...but don't be so quick to make a mockery of those numbers.

70,000,000/100 = 700,000 papers from India (according to your post and math) or 1 Paper on Relativity by Albert Einstein? Which had more impact on the world science?

What i mean is, when it comes to science, it's not the quantity of paper that matters but the quality.

And i am speaking from experience. Even in UK/USA not all papers are high quality. Most of them get locked up in a vault and never make any impact. Some of them do.....and they end up moving the world.

Trust me, you are not "raining on anyones parade" here. Indian papers have more citations per document than the Chinese ones. So there goes your quality/quantity argument.

Just cause your kind is low on self confidence, doesn't me we have to be too. Indian papers are as good as any other in the world.

The Chinese fella said that China produces 100 times more papers(India produces around 70,000, thats how I got the 7 million figure), when in reality its 5 times more. India is picking up pace too.


It doesn't take a rocket scientist .

China - market reform - 1970s

India - market reform - 1990s

China GDP take off 1990s
India GDP take off 2000s
and hence, the situation. But India is a bit quicker if you ask me(overall) and lazier in industrialization esp heavy industry.

I see this a lot but this is pure urban myth. China's market reform started in 1990s, symbolized by its first stock exchange in Shanghai in 1991. The reform you mentioned in 1970s (1978) was only on agricultural sector to reverse the extreme policies implemented in Mao's year. So that selling eggs in the market was no longer a crime.

The article brought memories, my first air flight was 1994 from Beijing airport, it is horrible, after checking in, we had to take buses to the air plane. China's boom started to get obvious, only after 2003.
Stop deluding yourself. Even your own stats don't support the fact "Indian papers are as good as any other in the world."

India has both low volume AND low quality compared to all other. These are your own stats, whatever place you got them.

I know your fellow countryman can hardly read a table, but the rest of us aren't that blind.

Trust me, you are not "raining on anyones parade" here. Indian papers have more citations per document than the Chinese ones. So there goes your quality/quantity argument.

Just cause your kind is low on self confidence, doesn't me we have to be too. Indian papers are as good as any other in the world.

The Chinese fella said that China produces 100 times more papers(India produces around 70,000, thats how I got the 7 million figure), when in reality its 5 times more. India is picking up pace too.


Stop deluding yourself. Even your own stats don't support the fact "Indian papers are as good as any other in the world."

India has both low volume AND low quality compared to all other. These are your own stats, whatever place you got them.

I know your fellow countryman can hardly read a table, but the rest of us aren't that blind.

You lots are the only delusional ones here, and masters of bulk producing crap that no one wants. 1.8 Million citable documents, citation per documents less than that of India:hang2:

I wasn't the one acting like a typical CPC braggart, going around saying that China publishes hundred times more papers than India.

And yes I made up all that stats. I do that for a living, just type up random numbers:lol:
Stop deluding yourself. Even your own stats don't support the fact "Indian papers are as good as any other in the world."

India has both low volume AND low quality compared to all other. These are your own stats, whatever place you got them.

I know your fellow countryman can hardly read a table, but the rest of us aren't that blind.
Dear i am a published author and i have read many papers by chinese authors. Only few are good, rest just make small changes, and produce in mass quantity.

Again i'll say , i do follow some good chinese researchers , its because of them , and most of them are in US university... working under US professors, and best labs.

So no need for bashing

I mean just look at the H index.

1.8 Million papers, H index slightly more than that of India with 0.5 Million papers. :rolleyes:

I know how to read a table friend. I looked at your H Index, it in no way supports your statement that "Indian papers are as good as any other in the world. "

Get a clue. Find a clue.
science: the number of scientific articles published by India is 100 times lower than the number published by China with equal citation rates.

space: no Indian space station in orbit and only recently mastered multilaunch, something China did in 1981.

RD: the patents held by Huawei, a single Chinese company, dwarfs the number held by India.

Innovation: see science and RD. Indian companies have very innovative accounting practices, I agree.

high tech: India is nowhere near the frontier in critical areas like supercomputing, quantum communications and applied superconductivity.

labor mobility: 7 year old child laborers hauling dirt on construction sites isn't mobility. someone that commutes 100 km per day within 20 minutes on a high speed train is mobile, coincidentally, China is the country with the most high speed rail.

Your post clearly show your ignorance about India. Some times it is good to have knowledge about your neighbour.
I know how to read a table friend. I looked at your H Index, it in no way supports your statement that "Indian papers are as good as any other in the world. "

Get a clue. Find a clue.

I ll give you a clue, from the table,

America- Number of Papers(1)- H-Index(1)- Citations/Doc-(1)

China- Number of Papers(2 )- H-Index( 9)- Citations/Doc-(10)

Britain- Number of Papers( 3)- H-Index(3 )- Citations/Doc-(3)

India- Number of Papers( 10)- H-Index( 10)- Citations/Doc-(9)

You do know what this means right:lol:
I ll give you a clue, from the table,

You do know what this means right:lol:

Wow, you still don't get it.
The US H Index is 5 times higher than India by your own stats. Your own table directly contradicts your own statement that "Indian papers are as good as any other in the world. "

Am I talking to Baghdad Bob, I mean Sunil?? Learn to read a table. Your friends too.
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