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Chill Bangladesh Thread

If you check any of mistris messages 6 months ago - he was staunchly anti-mullah, pro communal harmony, defensive about India and Hindus - so much so that mullahs here called him "malaun".

Yes, I remember. Though I don't think he was defensive about Hindus and India but more anti-mullah. In fact he raised excellent questions.

Suddenly he's done a full 180 and become a huzoor - obviously for political reasons. How to converse with people who have a preset agenda?

Yeah, what changed with him that he turned into a NATO agent ?

For homesick people...
I'm glad you spotted it - both @bluesky and @Bilal9 are contradictions of the first order.

If you check any of mistris messages 6 months ago - he was staunchly anti-mullah, pro communal harmony, defensive about India and Hindus - so much so that mullahs here called him "malaun".

Suddenly he's done a full 180 and become a huzoor - obviously for political reasons. How to converse with people who have a preset agenda?

@bluesky is 100% bonafide secular.

But his greed means his snout is in BNP’s trough.

@Bilal9 has the jealous mentality of downscale whites. He has convinced himself that Indian doctors are stealing his jobs 🤣🤣🤣

we have same during October to March

@bluesky is 100% bonafide secular.

But his greed means his snout is in BNP’s trough.

@Bilal9 has the jealous mentality of downscale whites. He has convinced himself that Indian doctors are stealing his jobs 🤣🤣🤣

you are 100 % a kid of 16 to 22 years old when you grow you grow up you will miss him
@bluesky is 100% bonafide secular.

But his greed means his snout is in BNP’s trough.


@Bilal9 has the jealous mentality of downscale whites. He has convinced himself that Indian doctors are stealing his jobs 🤣🤣🤣

Maybe you are right, it is jealousy or maybe just downright irrational hate ? Me being one of the best computer designers in the world I can have contempt for Indian IT companies like Infosys and TCS because they are anti-intellectual and have never produced a fundamental product in electronic computing ( processor, OS, data storage ) in the 40 years of the existence of Infosys and the 54 years of existence of TCS and currently having a few hundred thousands computer engineers each. But Bilal uses the excuse of these code monkeys to denigrate an entire country, an entire bunch of people ( Hindus ) and an entire social layer ( "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog" ). Add to that his express recommendation of cutting away from his native Bangla culture and adopting Urdu / Farsi culture. Cringe. This is not jealousy but hate. :)
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Maybe you are right, or is it jealously or downright irrational hate ? Me being one of the best computer designers in the world I can have contempt for Indian IT companies like Infosys and TCS because they are anti-intellectual and have never produced a fundamental product in electronic computing ( processor, OS, data storage ) in the 40 years of the existence of Infosys and the 54 years of existence of TCS and currently having a few hundred thousands computer engineers each. But Bilal uses the excuse of these code monkeys to denigrate an entire country, an entire bunch of people ( Hindus ) and an entire social layer ( "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog" ). Add to that his express recommendation of cutting away from his native Bangla culture and adopting Urdu / Farsi culture. Cringe. This is not jealousy but hate. :)

Bangladesh would love to have those code monkey jobs.

Again he is envious and jealous!

Envy and jealousy is not rooted in rational behaviour.

Looks like broad gauge tracks for some backwoods line in Western Bangladesh. Indian Loco and mostly third-class seating coaches. What happened to the coach washing machines that were bought at three times the cost of what Indians paid. They should wash these coaches. Happy to see no one is riding on the roof. Baby steps I guess.
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He's now truly a meme

Taal gaas amar !!

He is an expert in "dekhe nebo" and "khela hobe" type mechho boktrita....
Chetonabaj Nijhum Majumder to Rashed Khan!

( চোরের মায়ের বড় গলা)

(Original talk show ! The drama started from 25 minutes 50 second)

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Northern East ermany is a shithole. But also kinda interesting as it's a time capsule of the DDR (East Germany)

Full of old people. Younger folks all went westwards post unification.

Yet despite incoperating an entire country with an uncompetive and outdated industry, which is a colossal task of any country, Germany is still the economic and industrial powerhouse of Europe

PS: Berlin is the most underwhelming and disappointing capital city I ever been to. Can't wait to visit "real" Germany in the west and south :P


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This Pinaki video shows how Hasina is making Bangladesh finance Modi's Muslim oppression in India. Very very sad.

Payment to Adani will amount to $45 crore per year, even if Adani does not supply one watt of power to Bangladesh from India.

Just after he said , "Smart Bangladesh" 😎

Golden 33 seconds! 🤔

From different angles with intense background music:
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