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Chill Bangladesh Thread

"Maa bhookh lagee hai - doodh do".....
You have written a great dialogue in Hindi. However, when written in Arabic script, it becomes Urdu. Good to communicate with Pakistanis.

Language helps people to communicate with other people. In my case, I got a Letter mark in Urdu in the SSC exam. I was brought up in places/ railway stations where there were non-Bengalis from India. So, I picked up Urdu in a short time.

However, not everyone in my class got a Letter mark in Urdu. Learning grammar is important in any vernacular subject. Even now, I speak in Urdu with Pakistanis, Indians, and Nepalese.

Our great BAL patriots here with tiny brains would hate me for this. They always do.

Spoken Urdu and spoken Hindi are the same. Exposure to more than one language causes the brain to grow larger which helps to learn other subjects.

***** Can you see a similarity between this word vernacular with the Sanskrit-derived word বর্নমালা? A gift from an Indo-European language, both derived from Sanskrit.
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Nowadays these type of fifth columnist people are way too active. You cannot touch them thanks to RAW and Hasina goondas.

Hasina is following RAW direction overtime so all Bangladeshis turn into loyal Hindu Rashtra citizens.

Glorifying Indian achievements (and demonstrating Indian superiority over everything Bangladeshi) is loyal part time job of Chetona AL activists.

Blame it on years of Indian cultural hegemony Thanks to:

1. Chetona Kolkata culture propagandists

2. Over-abundance and popularity of Zee-Bangla/NDTV type Indian channels.

Even babies waking up in the morning speak in Hindi.

"Maa bhookh lagee hai - doodh do".....

I guess it is not all bad. They can switch over to Urdu quite fast once we forego all the Sanskrit and replace them with Farsi words which are already prevalent in Bengali.

We need to popularize HUM TV and ARY TV way more in Bangladesh which is not going to be too hard.

Why do we need HUM TV or ARY?! do you want to replace the distinct Bangalee identity and language of Bangladesh?

What exactly have those channels done for their home country that we should adopt them?
Why do we need HUM TV or ARY?! do you want to replace the distinct Bangalee identity and language of Bangladesh?

What exactly have those channels done for their home country that we should adopt them?

You are not the target audience, women of Bangladesh are. They have already "adopted" it without your approval. I dare say it was a conscious choice. Maybe go to the Chetona idiot culture minister and complain.

ARY and HUM TV content showing Pakistani dramas are higher in quality than Indian content and have far more in common with Bangladeshi libaas, khana-peena culture and other riwaaz than garbage Saas-Bahoo serials from India.

Pakistani and Turkish Historical TV content is far more popular in Bangladesh than Indian serial dramas.
You are not the target audience, women of Bangladesh are. They have already "adopted" it without your approval. I dare say it was a conscious choice. Maybe go to the Chetona idiot culture minister and complain.

ARY and HUM TV content showing Pakistani dramas are higher in quality than Indian content and have far more in common with Bangladeshi libaas, khana-peena culture and other riwaaz than garbage Saas-Bahoo serials from India.

Pakistani and Turkish Historical TV content is far more popular in Bangladesh than Indian serial dramas.

Stop using Indian/Urdu words constantly - I get it you want to appease the PDF natives - but have some self respect.

Bollywood far predates any govt in BD. It's also going out of fashion very, very quickly. We don't need another poison (Pakistani media) to deal with an existing poison (Indian media)
Kamjaat ? Chhotolok ?

@BananaRepublicUK, see this is why I consider "Muslims" like Bilal to be more practising Hindu than Muslim. They carry the Hindutvadi caste system and its attendent extreme Capitalism. When the last khutba of Hazrat Muhammad was about all humans being children of Adam and Eve so no one should discriminate against each other on basis of race and other artificial social and socio-economic constructs here is Bilal who does 40 rakaats in ten prayers times a day like a Brahman pandit obviously being classist. Who is being the haraami here ? :)

Sure, in my Deccan Muslim environment we would speak in shuddh Farsi "مادر من گرسنه ام به من شیر بده".
Why an Indian (read Hindu) should be wasting time on the Bangladesh site instead of on his Mahabharat Forum? This is no place for an Indian who pollutes all the threads to suit his communist ideologies.

Why do you always write something irrelevant to a thread? Just get out of here, and leave us in peace.
Stop using Indian/Urdu words constantly - I get it you want to appease the PDF natives - but have some self respect.
AWAMI is an Urdu word. So, please ask Hasina Bibi to make it Janata League. But, then, Janata itself is a Hindi word. Yes, Chetona is pure Bengali. So, re-name your party as Chetona League.

By the way, why do not you guys commit suicide when you hear East Pakistan Chatro League? Why East Pakistan when the name was Bangladesh since the time of Baba Adam?

So, if this is the situation, the BAL Chetona group must create a new language based on their NamaSudra and Napit culture.
You have written a great dialogue in Hindi. However, when written in Arabic script, it becomes Urdu. Good to communicate with Pakistanis.

Language helps people to communicate with other people. In my case, I got a Letter mark in Urdu in the SSC exam. I was brought up in places/ railway stations where there were non-Bengalis from India. So, I picked up Urdu in a short time.

However, not everyone in my class got a Letter mark in Urdu. Learning grammar is important in any vernacular subject. Even now, I speak in Urdu with Pakistanis, Indians, and Nepalese.

Our great BAL patriots here with tiny brains would hate me for this. They always do.

Spoken Urdu and spoken Hindi are the same. Exposure to more than one language causes the brain to grow larger which helps to learn other subjects.

***** Can you see a similarity between this word vernacular with the Sanskrit-derived word বর্নমালা? A gift from an Indo-European language, both derived from Sanskrit.

Yes @bluesky bhai - there are many Hindi/Urdu borrow words in English. Too many to count. The English were in the subcontinent (mostly Bengal) for two hundred years, they did borrow some words.

Immediate ones that come to mind (these are borrowed from Bengali, not Hindi as some BIMARU cow-belt idiots claim), Bengali in brackets.

- Khaki (Khaki - as in the color)
- Pajama (Paijama)
- Verandah (Barandah - covered patio strip)
- Jungle (Jongol)
- Bandana (Bandhona - cloth sweatband)
- Dinghy (Dingi as in boat)
- Chit (Chithi - letter)
- Juggernaut (Jagannath - as in the large chariot of....)
- Cashmere (Kashmiri, as in wool of the goat of that region)
- Chutney (Chaatni - as in lickable sweet/spicy sauce/condiment)
- Cot (Khaat - meaning bedframe with legs)
- Loot (Loot - same meaning)
- Bungalow (Bung-lo - a common Bengali word for a small self-contained house outside the grid, usually as a resort situation)
- Cushy (Khushi - which means happy in Bengali).

AWAMI is an Urdu word. So, please ask Hasina Bibi to make it Janata League. But, then, Janata itself is a Hindi word. Yes, Chetona is pure Bengali. So, re-name your party as Chetona League.

By the way, why do not you guys commit suicide when you hear East Pakistan Chatro League? Why East Pakistan when the name was Bangladesh since the time of Baba Adam?

So, if this is the situation, the BAL Chetona group must create a new language based on their NamaSudra and Napit culture.

Namasudro na @bluesky bhai, ei bhodro goonda gulir background hoilo Rajbongshi, Dom ar Chandala (charal - chamra worker).

Hoito University - thekey nokol korey pash korey duita English bola shikhsey, kintu "thelathelir" khaslat bodlano kothin byapar !!

Kothabarta ar Khaslat dekhley bojha jai kar background kothai...
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AWAMI is an Urdu word. So, please ask Hasina Bibi to make it Janata League. But, then, Janata itself is a Hindi word. Yes, Chetona is pure Bengali. So, re-name your party as Chetona League.

By the way, why do not you guys commit suicide when you hear East Pakistan Chatro League? Why East Pakistan when the name was Bangladesh since the time of Baba Adam?

So, if this is the situation, the BAL Chetona group must create a new language based on their NamaSudra and Napit culture.

Follow the thread before jumping in like an imbecile.

Bilals whole paranoid post was about Indian influence in BD - and his solution is to bring in more Pakistani influence!

You and @Bilal9 are the ones who play identity politics. Now when I say the same to you, you're shook up?!
Immediate ones that come to mind (these are borrowed from Bengali, not Hindi as some BIMARU cow-belt idiots claim), Bengali in brackets.

- Khaki (Khaki)
- Pajama (Paijama)
- Verandah (Barandah)
- Jungle (Jongol)
- Bandana (Bandhona - cloth sweatband)
- Dinghy (Dingi)
- Chit (Chithi)
- Juggernaut (Jagannath - as in the large chariot of....)
- Cashmere (Kashmiri, as in wool of the goat of that region)
- Chutney (Chaatni - as in lickable sweet/spicy sauce/condiment)
- Cot (Khaat - meaning bedframe with legs)
- Loot (Loot - same meaning)
- Bungalow (Bung-lo - a common Bengali word)
- Cushy (Khushi - which means happy in Bengali).
Yes, you are right to the core. The above are borrowed words from Bengali/ Hindustani to English during the 190 years of British stay in Bengal/ Hindustan.

But, I was talking about the 5000-year-old Indo-Aryan language that spread from Iran to India in the east and Europe in the NE. The old Sanskrit has diffused to form many languages in a time frame of many centuries.

The present Persian language looks different from Sanskrit, but it also has derived from Sanskrit.

However, the language named Bengali in today's written form is quite new. Its journey started after Fort William College was established in Calcutta on 10 August 1800. Mrityunjay Vidyalankar was the Dean of the Bengali language.

It is another Chapter of history. People here will get bored with more detail.

Follow the thread before jumping in like an imbecile.

Bilals whole paranoid post was about Indian influence in BD - and his solution is to bring in more Pakistani influence!

You and @Bilal9 are the ones who play identity politics. Now when I say the same to you, you're shook up?!
Uneducated Chetona b*stards should not participate in discussions in any valuable thread. You guys are just worms in a toilet hole without patriotism and without a sense of democratic values.

Please create a Chetona Forum for black worms you can participate and chant Jay Hind and Joy Bangla day and night!!
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Or it could be due to the limited Bengali vocabulary!

In English you would use words like uncouth and uncivilised.

I will give him the benefit of the doubt!

And say he is linguistically challenged rather than a “bad Muslim”.

Then he should use the words you suggested - "Uncouth" and "Uncivilized". Or there is the Urdu / Arabic word "Jaahil" which describes many things and is surely known to Bengalis. But he using "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog" points to his inner classist and racist nature. I have for long been reading these words from him but then I was his friend but actually because I was his friend I should have corrected him. :) And he fond of using "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog" connects with his enthusiastic approval of Indonesian government making pre-marital sex a serious offense and he supporting the Irani mullahs and these two things of his despite claiming on the forum many a time to be a modern-time Casanova. He is either a contradiction or a liar.

There is no hyphen in nonsense, bro.

Nonsense not non-sense!

You guys really need to get off PDF and YouTube!!!

Instead read some books!!!

It would improve your English and your general knowledge!!!

Agreed. He will improve much if he starts with the sublime Dune series. There came a film last year and the continuation this year but the books are something else :

The simplicity of the words, the depth, sophistication and realness in understanding of human behavior, emotions and ambition is very very rarely found. I borrowed The Great Dune Trilogy from a friend and it had the first three books in one hardcover and got entranced. I gave it to a friend and he got entranced.

Why do we need HUM TV or ARY?! do you want to replace the distinct Bangalee identity and language of Bangladesh?

What exactly have those channels done for their home country that we should adopt them?

Bilal is like those cringey Pakistanis who were jumping up and down about the enthusiastic fondness for that Turkish serial Ertugrul and going to the extent of moral-policing the Turkish actress who played one of the leads for shaming "the holy mother of Ghazi Usman", LOL. What the hell do desis have to do with fondness for the Usmaniya empire which Turkish leader Mustafa pasha himself overthrew later ? :lol:

Why an Indian (read Hindu) should be wasting time on the Bangladesh site instead of on his Mahabharat Forum? This is no place for an Indian who pollutes all the threads to suit his communist ideologies.

Why do you always write something irrelevant to a thread? Just get out of here, and leave us in peace.

You have been on PDF for six years and still don't know that I am a born Muslim ? And me being a Communist and the most extreme Communist you will find, am the realization of the ultimate Muslim. :) But isn't it good even if a non-Muslim knows more about the radical progressiveness, justice-bringing nature and simplifications-bringing nature of true Islam ? However, it is funny that you of all people should question the Islamicness of others given that you are at the forefront of NATO regime change operation in Bangladesh. :lol:And it is also to be pointed that @Bilal9 Liked your post knowing fully that I am a born Muslim and a Muslim Communist. Hypocrite !
Then he should use the words you suggested - "Uncouth" and "Uncivilized". Or there is the Urdu / Arabic word "Jaahil" which describes many things and is surely known to Bengalis. But he using "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog" points to his inner classist and racist nature. I have for long been reading these words from him but then I was his friend but actually because I was his friend I should have corrected him. :) And he fond of using "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog" connects with his enthusiastic approval of Indonesian government making pre-marital sex a serious offense and he supporting the Irani mullahs and these two things of his despite claiming on the forum many a time to be a modern-time Casanova. He is either a contradiction or a liar.

Agreed. He will improve much if he starts with the sublime Dune series. There came a film last year and the continuation this year but the books are something else :

The simplicity of the words, the depth, sophistication and realness in understanding of human behavior, emotions and ambition is very very rarely found. I borrowed The Great Dune Trilogy from a friend and it had the first three books in one hardcover and got entranced. I gave it to a friend and he got entranced.

Bilal is like those cringey Pakistanis who were jumping up and down about the enthusiastic fondness for that Turkish serial Ertugrul and going to the extent of moral-policing the Turkish actress who played one of the leads for shaming "the holy mother of Ghazi Usman", LOL. What the hell do desis have to do with fondness for the Usmaniya empire which Turkish leader Mustafa pasha himself overthrew later ? :lol:

You have been on PDF for six years and still don't know that I am a born Muslim ? And me being a Communist and the most extreme Communist you will find, am the realization of the ultimate Muslim. :) But isn't it good even if a non-Muslim knows more about the radical progressiveness, justice-bringing nature and simplifications-bringing nature of true Islam ? However, it is funny that you of all people should question the Islamicness of others given that you are at the forefront of NATO regime change operation in Bangladesh. :lol:And it is also to be pointed that @Bilal9 Liked your post knowing fully that I am a born Muslim and a Muslim Communist. Hypocrite !
Indians are culturally influenced by the Hindus. This is why you immediately change the topic of the threads to a different direction. You are a Hindu because you have little concentration of mind.
Indians are culturally influenced by the Hindus.

I have no problems with Hindus but with Hindutvadis. And yes yes, it is not your pal Bilal but me who is filled with the Hindu caste system and use "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog".

This is why you immediately change the topic of the threads to a different direction. You are a Hindu because you have little concentration of mind.

In this thread where did I change the direction and started glorifying the American rocket launcher system HIMARS ? I take my posts based on previous responses by others or some idea I have which is related to the thread. This is natural.
I have no problems with Hindus but with Hindutvadis. And yes yes, it is not your pal Bilal but me who is filled with the Hindu caste system and use "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog".

In this thread where did I change the direction and started glorifying the American rocket launcher system HIMARS ? I take my posts based on previous responses by others or some idea I have which is related to the thread. This is natural.

Excellent, written and oral, communication is a sign of evolution.

Every time @bluesky opens his mouth or touches the keyboard - he gives away his lack of upbringing!

Learning to communicate your frustration, anger and exuberance in a civilised manner is extremely important!

Otherwise you are just one peg away from an ape in the evolutionary ladder like @bluesky!

It doesn’t take much for him to grab onto Hindu words like a life raft!!!
But, I was talking about the 5000-year-old Indo-Aryan language that spread from Iran to India in the east and Europe in the NE. The old Sanskrit has diffused to form many languages in a time frame of many centuries.

A little off topic but.. Indo-Aryan language did not come from Iran, neither did the Iranian branch originate there. Indo-Aryan, and its parent Indo-Iranian, originate in Central Asia among a population that traces its roots to bronze age Central Europe.
I have no problems with Hindus but with Hindutvadis. And yes yes, it is not your pal Bilal but me who is filled with the Hindu caste system and use "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog".

In this thread where did I change the direction and started glorifying the American rocket launcher system HIMARS ? I take my posts based on previous responses by others or some idea I have which is related to the thread. This is natural.

I'm glad you spotted it - both @bluesky and @Bilal9 are contradictions of the first order.

If you check any of mistris messages 6 months ago - he was staunchly anti-mullah, pro communal harmony, defensive about India and Hindus - so much so that mullahs here called him "malaun".

Suddenly he's done a full 180 and become a huzoor - obviously for political reasons. How to converse with people who have a preset agenda?
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