Then he should use the words you suggested - "Uncouth" and "Uncivilized". Or there is the Urdu / Arabic word "Jaahil" which describes many things and is surely known to Bengalis. But he using "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog" points to his inner classist and racist nature. I have for long been reading these words from him but then I was his friend but actually because I was his friend I should have corrected him.

And he fond of using "Kamjaat" and "Chottolog" connects with his enthusiastic approval of Indonesian government making pre-marital sex a serious offense and he supporting the Irani mullahs and these two things of his despite claiming on the forum many a time to be a modern-time Casanova. He is either a contradiction or a liar.
Agreed. He will improve much if he starts with the sublime Dune series. There came a film last year and the continuation this year but the books are something else :
The simplicity of the words, the depth, sophistication and realness in understanding of human behavior, emotions and ambition is very very rarely found. I borrowed The Great Dune Trilogy from a friend and it had the first three books in one hardcover and got entranced. I gave it to a friend and he got entranced.
Bilal is like those cringey Pakistanis who were jumping up and down about the enthusiastic fondness for that Turkish serial Ertugrul and going to the extent of moral-policing the Turkish actress who played one of the leads for shaming "the holy mother of Ghazi Usman", LOL. What the hell do desis have to do with fondness for the Usmaniya empire which Turkish leader Mustafa pasha himself overthrew later ?
You have been on PDF for six years and still don't know that I am a born Muslim ? And me being a Communist and the most extreme Communist you will find, am the realization of the ultimate Muslim.

But isn't it good even if a non-Muslim knows more about the radical progressiveness, justice-bringing nature and simplifications-bringing nature of true Islam ? However, it is funny that you of all people should question the Islamicness of others given that you are at the forefront of NATO regime change operation in Bangladesh.

And it is also to be pointed that
@Bilal9 Liked your post knowing fully that I am a born Muslim and a Muslim Communist. Hypocrite !