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Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), ACM Rao Qamar Suleman

Admiral Michael G Mullen calls on Rao Qamar

ISLAMABAD, Jun 26 (APP): Admiral Michael G Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, United State Armed Forces along with General Norton A Schwartz, Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, called on Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force here at the Air Headquarters.

They remained together for some time and discussed matters pertaining to professional and mutual interests, said a press release issued on Saturday. The delegation of USAF is currently on an official tour of Pakistan.
why did he discussed well i thought he should have called on naval chief of pn to give him how to negotitae and gave him lessons how to negotiate to buy weaspons for navy with govt and foreign countries
US Air Chief Norton Schwartz called on ACM Rao Qamar Suleman
June 26, 2010

ISLAMABAD: Lauding defence abilities of Pakistan Air Force, Norton Schwartz, Chief of Staff of the US Air Force has said that US would provide every possible assistance to Pakistan aimed to meet its defence needs.

According to sources, Chief of Staff of the US Air Force called on Air Chief Marshal, Rao Qamar Suleman, here at Air Headquarters on Saturday and both Pakistan and US agreed to further enhance defence cooperation between the two countries.

Sources further said that the meeting discussed Pak-US defence relations, supply of F-16 Block 52 fighter jets, training of Pakistan pilots in US while other key issues were also part of the meeting.

According to sources, Air Chief, Rao Qamar Suleman during the meeting informed his US counterpart in detail regarding operational matters of PAF.

The Air Chief Marshal said that after the induction of F-16 Block 52C fighter jets in fleet of PAF, the defence abilities of country’s Air Force would be enhanced and these planes would also be used in war on terror.

According to sources, the US Air Chief during the meeting said that Pakistan has a key role in the current regional situation and US values its relations with Pakistan in defence sectors.

He said that after supply of first consignment of F-16 Block 52 fighter jets, the US would try to assure supply of remaining planes to Pakistan at the end of the current year.

The US Air Chief, earlier, upon arrival at Air Headquarter was warmly received and a smartly turned contingent of PAF presented guard of honor.

ONLINE - International News Network

Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force along with General Norton A Schwartz, Chief of Staff, United States Air Force at Air Headquarters.


General Norton A Schwartz, Chief of Staff, United States Air Force called on Air chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force at Air Headquarters.


Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force along with General Norton A Schwartz, Chief of Staff, United States Air Force at Air Headquarters.
Air Chief Marshal calls on President

ISLAMABAD, July 1(APP): Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman called on President Asif Ali Zardari here at the Presidency on Thursday and discussed matters pertaining to professional capabilities of Pakistan Air Force.

The Air Chief apprised the President about the role of the Air Force and the various steps and projects undertaken to equip PAF with latest technologies.

The Air Chief also informed the President that with the induction of latest version of US provided F-16 aircrafts into the PAF fleet, the PAF has achieved the capability to carry out all-weather night time operations and would also enable the PAF to meet its mission more effectively.

President Asif Ali Zardari in a meeting with Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman who called on him in the Presidency.
That it is, but apparently he chose to stay. Must be hard on his ego to see his junior be put ahead of him. Yet ACM Rao isnt as bad as kaleem Saadat and is well liked by his peers and juniors alike.


I can tell you the core difference between Hifazatullah and Qamar,

Hifazat is a man, who believes in getting things done, he belong to a
brave family and his history speaks the same, he believes in less red tape and more work. For that he will take risks and improvise albeit some times not very wisely.

Qamar on the other hand is a safe player, he will appreciate if some thing is done, but he will NEVER cause things to be done. He is wise and introvert calculator. unline Hifazat, Qamar has no problems with red tape, and person like him knows just how to use the red tape for his advantage.

It must also be mentioned that Qamar has good relations "politically"

Who is a better man ?

this question is of no use; a decision has been made and now we have to live with it.
Air Chief refuses to attend dinner party hosted by Hussain Haqqani

WASHINGTON: Air Chief Martial, Pakistan Air Force (PAF), Rao Qamar Suleman has refused to attend the dinner party hosted by Hussain Haqqani in which more than 300 dignitaries were expected to attend the party.

According to details Air Chief Rao Qamar has reached US on Sunday on two days official visit to Washington and Pakistan’s Ambassador to US Hussain Haqqani had hosted a dinner in his honor. The sources said that for this purpose a catering firm was given contract for US $ 15000 for this party however the Air Chief refused to attend this party while saying the country was facing worst devastation by the havoc floods therefore he could not attend this party.

After refusal of Air Chief the Embassy officials cancelled the party in which more than hundred US Army, media and other officials were invited. The Embassy officials said that the amount which was to be spent on this party would be deposited in the flood relief funds.

Pakistani community in the US belonging to various walks of life has appreciated the decision of Air Chief.

ONLINE - International News Network
Air Chief Marshall, Pakistan Air Force (PAF), Rao Qamar Suleman has refused to attend the dinner party hosted by Hussain Haqqani in which more than 300 dignitaries were expected to attend the party. According to details, Air Chief Rao Qamar has reached US on Sunday on a two-day official visit to Washington and Pakistan 's Ambassador to US, Hussain Haqqani was to host a dinner in his honor. The sources said that a catering firm was given contract for US $ 15000 for this party, however, the Air Chief refused to attend this party, while saying that the country is facing the worst form of devastation by floods, therefore, he could not attend this party.

true Profasionalism by pakistani
Here's another facet of the story, God knows which one is true:

www.thenews.com.pk - Security Verification

Haqqani cancels banquet, donates proceeds for flood victims

The News Monday, August 09, 2010
By Sami Abrahim

WASHINGTON: Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States Husain Haqqani has cancelled a banquet that he was scheduled to host for Pakistan Air Force (PAF) chief Rao Qamar Suleman at the embassy, and decided to donate the money that would have been spent on the banquet to the fund for flood victims.

The PAF chief has supported the ambassador’s decision and chosen to have a much more austere bilateral visit than is usually the case. The PAF chief’s visit is part of the traditional visits by Pakistani services chiefs to the US on invitation of their counterparts. During the last two years, the army and navy chiefs also visited the US and had been hosted by the ambassador to a banquet attended by senior US civil and military officials, media personalities and senators and congressmen.

Since Ambassador Haqqani’s appointment, the guest list at embassy banquets has become even high profile, given his own personal contacts in the US hierarchy.

Embassy sources say that PAF chief Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman first considered cancelling his trip to the US in view of the floods, but given the importance of the transfer of F-16 aircraft from the US, decided to go ahead with the trip but only on condition that it was devoid of any pomp and show.

Haqqani decided to cancel the banquet scheduled for Tuesday and also cancelled all public events involving significant expenditure. Instead, the ambassador is now hosting a town hall meeting of Pakistani Americans to organise fund-raising for the flood victims.

The Pakistani ambassador has already been active in pleading the case for securing US government and International Financial Institution funding for flood relief efforts.

He personally requested the State Department to provide US helicopters for the rescue of people trapped in the floods even before the instructions on the subject received from Islamabad, embassy sources said. In addition to helicopters, the US government has also committed $35 million for the flood relief efforts.

This is not for the first time Haqqani has taken the initiative to show financial responsibility and set an example, said the Pakistan embassy officials, though he now tends to keep a lower profile because of the controversies emanating from his close ties to President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani as well as his vocal pro-US stance.

Last year, he became the only Pakistani ambassador to reimburse more than $20,000 to the government for telephone calls over and above his official limit even though government rules allow ambassadors to get such extra expenditure condoned by the Foreign Ministry. Haqqani told his staff at the time that since he could afford to reimburse the national treasury because of his independent earnings from his book he felt he should do it.


What i personally see is that the 'internal' story is the same by then some word-play is enforced.
What is the point of this Topic?

And how does it help by raising him to a pedestal?

Rao Qamar Suleyman is just another cog in an endless dance of the spiral.
Surely he (Rao Qamar) did not deserve the post of CAS... others like Khalid Ch. and Shahid Latif were more strong characters

---------- Post added at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

I do not know the reason of this topic
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