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Chief of Army Staff | General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

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Individual !! :D

Are they making super soldiers :)

Anyway, this is a very very good initiative and a looonggg looonngggg due one. This system will help the soldiers be prepared operationally, physically in shape, enabling them to perform at their best in the battlefield when it comes to physical stamina.

Physically fit army is very critical when it comes to its operational capability.
The winner did:
6500 Push Ups

38 Chin Ups / Heavings

23000 Reach Ups / Sit Ups

and much more.

The competitors (participants) were those who did atleast 4000 Push Ups, 25 Push Ups and 15000 Reach Ups in their respective Corps competitions.

Is this even possible???
I have been doing muscle training for some time but never reached even 50 for push ups and at max 20 chin ups.
yes they have gone solar in swat in a big way. street lights, school fans and lights, remote villages etc.

maybe he is a golfer and didnt win anything.

Bajaur as well....i helped with a small-scale ''pilot'' project there

anywayz, back on topic
The winner did:
6500 Push Ups

38 Chin Ups / Heavings

23000 Reach Ups / Sit Ups

and much more.

The competitors (participants) were those who did atleast 4000 Push Ups, 25 Push Ups and 15000 Reach Ups in their respective Corps competitions.

no pull-ups??? oh come on are you kidding me....if you can't do at the very bare minimum 30 in one set then you need to hit a gym and go for a carb/calcium rich diet

since im trying to quit smoking and get back into the whole fitness thing i've been running miles (4 and 1 quarter laps around a standard olympic size 400 meter track)

i finally broke below 6 minutes last Saturday (which is not bad considering all the tar and other bullshyt in my lungs). My personal best i did in 2003; I ran a 5:31

someone here mentioned SSG. Try doing that in full garb; with gear; in 33-35 degrees and humid climate; water - forget about it

Is this even possible???
I have been doing muscle training for some time but never reached even 50 for push ups and at max 20 chin ups.

you should be able to pull off 50 in one set; but through doing it habitually every single day

(i mean PROPER push ups; not half-arsed ones in which your back is all bent up and you look more like a grasshopper than a human being)
Press Release

General John Allen, Commander ISAF, is likely to visit Pakistan on 27th June 2012. He will call on Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. The interaction will focus on reviewing the progress made in the implementation of recently evolved border coordination measures/standing operating procedures.

:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN
No Apology, No supplies, Gen Kayani tells Gen Allen | PakSoldiers

The ongoing spate of tension between Pakistan and the United States over Nato supplies resumption might not see an immediate diffusion with no headway to this effect been made during a meeting between two top military commanders yesterday (Wednesday).

“No apology, no supplies,” was the military’s perspective during the said meeting as described by the officials at a classified organisation. Commander International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) General Allen arrived in Rawalpindi on Wednesday to meet Pakistan’s Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on the pretext of discussing border coordination.

The meeting, which, according to informed officials, largely discussed the deadlock over the restoration of Nato supplies as well as recurrence of cross-border incursions from Afghan side, remained inconclusive on the former issue, following reiteration from Pakistani side of demand for a formal apology from Washington over last year’s Salala incident.

According to the reported details, General Allen Wednesday landed at Chaklala Base, Rawalpindi at around 4:30pm. He proceeded to the US Embassy in Islamabad and met with the senior officials of the Office of Defence Representative to Pakistan (ODR-P) and the US Embassy’s Defence Attache Office (DAO) before meeting with General Kayani at General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi.

Apart from contentious issues, the two generals also discussed the working of Border Coordination Committee (BCC) that administers the Border Coordination Centres set up across Fata and jointly monitored by Pakistan Army, Nato-led Isaf and Afghan National Army. Continuing the enhanced coordination between the Liaison Officers (LOs), Patrolling Officers (POs) and Border Coordinates (BCs) of the three sides to eliminate cross-border incursions was agreed upon. However, any progress on breaking the impasse over Nato supplies was reported to have remained stalled.

In addition, deadly skirmishes between regular Pakistan Army troops, Frontier Corps (FC) and Afghan militants were reported last week in Upper and Lower Dir. Continued from Friday to Sunday, the incursions cost Pakistan the lives of its 13 men, while 14 alleged miscreants were also killed in the fighting.

Gen Allen, officials said, informed Gen Kayani of having launched an investigation into the Dir skirmishes, to be probed by Isaf’s internal intelligence. Besides, the Isaf commander is said to have formally assured his Pakistani counterpart that military offensive against miscreants in Kunar and Nuristan province would be scaled up with relevant updates to be shared with Pakistan regularly.

Last month when reports of resumption of Nato supplies ahead of Chicago summit had surfaced, The Nation had reported that Pakistan and Western military commanders had failed to make headway on crucial contentious issues, particularly the resumption of Nato supplies. This was printed on May 13 in the story “Generals fail to untie key knots at tripartite forum.” The Isaf delegation headed by General John Allen and accompanied by its Afghan military counterparts had arrived in Pakistan on May 12 in connection with Tripartite Commission meeting but had mainly discussed restoring Nato supplies. Purportedly, the Western commanders had ‘warned’ Islamabad then to face ‘other set of options’ in case Nato supplies were not resumed.

Earlier in February, the commanders from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Western military alliance had met in Torkham to discuss border coordination. General Kayani had not attended the meeting while Director General Military Operations (MO) Major General Ishfaq Nadeem had led Pakistani delegation.

Pakistan’s military is said to have conveyed its acceptance to an apology from Nato if Washington was not willing to tender one. Both the sides looked to have been nearing a settlement till last week before the US Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta ruled out the possibility of apologising over Salala attack in an interview with Reuters. Credible defence quarters in Islamabad were unanimous in contending that the US apology was forthcoming.

In an informal interaction with journalists some days back, Senate Standing Committee on Defence and Defence Production Chairman Mushahid Hussain Sayed believed Washington was left with no option but to offer an apology over Salala episode. “Apology is the only issue that matters now. Other issues are settled,” he had said, hoping that the US would tender one soon.
COAS to visit US for strategic dialogue

July 16, 2012
From Web Edition

ISLAMABAD: Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani would visit Washington for strategic dialogue, said Defence Secretary Nargis Sethi, Geo News reported.

Talking to journalists at parliament house Islamabad, Sethi said the date of COAS Kayani’s upcoming visit to US is yet to be decided.

She said Pakistan would sign two MoUs with the US on Nato supply route, adding the authority of signing the MoUs is ministry of defence.

The Defence Secretary further said a draft to amend Anti-Terrorism Act is being prepared so as to make legal action against apprehended terrorists more effective.

She was optimistic about grant of $1.1 billion coalition support fund from the US.
COAS to visit US for strategic dialogue

July 16, 2012
From Web Edition

ISLAMABAD: Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani would visit Washington for strategic dialogue, said Defence Secretary Nargis Sethi, Geo News reported.

Talking to journalists at parliament house Islamabad, Sethi said the date of COAS Kayani’s upcoming visit to US is yet to be decided.

She said Pakistan would sign two MoUs with the US on Nato supply route, adding the authority of signing the MoUs is ministry of defence.

The Defence Secretary further said a draft to amend Anti-Terrorism Act is being prepared so as to make legal action against apprehended terrorists more effective.

She was optimistic about grant of $1.1 billion coalition support fund from the US.

denied by ISPR!

COAS Gen. Kayani’s US tour news is baseless: Military sources
Updated on: Monday, July 16, 2012 10:23:13 Pm

Staff Report

RAWALPINDI: Military sources have revealed today that those all news, regarding Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani’s US tour, are false and baseless, SAMAA reported on Monday.

According to the army sources, some news reports have claimed that Army Chief Kayani is set to leave for the US to attend a meeting on strategic dialogue with America but those all are fake and baseless.

There is no truth in those all news about COAS Gen. Kayani’s departure to the US, added the army sources. SAMAA
Kayani lauds soldiers' sacrifices against terrorism | The Nation

Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Miranshah, North Waziristan Agency, on Friday. On arrival, he was briefed about current operational and development activities being pursued by the Army, in collaboration with local administration. While interacting with troops involved in the operation, COAS lauded their sacrifices and efforts in fighting the menace of terrorism. Earlier on arrival, COAS was received by Commander Peshawar Corps Lieutenant General Khalid Rabbani.
Allen talks cooperation after ‘Salala tragedy’

Isaf chief says intern*ationa*l forces, Pakist*an Army enjoy ‘excell*ent’ relati*ons.

By Ejaz Haider
Published: July 22, 2012

General John Allen, commander Isaf (International Security Assistance Force) in Afghanistan, has said that if the Pakistan Army launched an operation in North Waziristan Agency, “we are prepared to pay extra attention” to any spill over that may occur because of the operation.

He was talking to The Express Tribune on July 19 at a banquet in the presidential palace in Kabul hosted by Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai in honour of visiting Pakistan Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf.

This is the first time a US official, military or civilian, has talked about the possibility of operational coordination in the event of an operation conducted by the Pakistan Army on its side.

General Allen was responding to The Express Tribune’s observation that, while the United States keeps pushing Pakistan to do more, and has made an operation against the so-called Haqqani Network as one of the benchmarks of US-Pakistan relations, both at the strategic and operational levels, when the Pakistan Army launched an operation in South Waziristan in October 2009, the Isaf vacated its posts on the other side, making it easy for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan fighters to slip into Afghanistan to avoid getting captured and killed.

When asked about whether there are enough forces across from North Waziristan Agency, Gen Allen said that they had “enough deployments on our side in the territory abutting [the] North Waziristan [Agency]”. However, he would not talk about the exact strength and also refused to say if an operation in NWA or its timing was part of the operational meetings between Pakistan Army chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and himself. “You will have to put this question to General Kayani,” he said. General Allen would also not comment on the exact nature of coordination with the Pakistan Army if and when the latter launches an operation in NWA, saying “It will not be right for me to talk about operational details”.

In more general terms, however, he said that his meetings with General Kayani, both bilateral and the recent ones along with the Afghanistan army chief, Lt-Gen Sher Mohammad Karimi, had focused on “cross-border movement” from both sides. “We had very good discussions and we looked into areas of cooperation which need to be improved.” But when pressed to give a sense of any specific measures that would be taken he said that The Express Tribune should speak with the Pakistani military command.

He was vociferous in denying that the Salala incident was a deliberate attempt by the US military to get even with the Pakistani military. He said that this impression in Pakistan was totally off the mark and Salala was a tragedy where mistakes were made by both sides. “The central issue in current talks is how to ensure that such an incident does not happen again. We enjoy an excellent relationship,” he said.

General Allen seemed confident that both sides had been able to identify areas that caused the incident and have managed to strengthen the procedures along the border to ensure that such a tragedy is avoided in the future.

When The Express Tribune contacted the Inter-Services Public Relations Directorate to get their comments on how the Pakistan Army understands General Allen’s reference to paying “extra attention to any spill over” in the event of an operation in NWA, the ISPR declined to comment, saying these are sensitive issues that cannot be discussed in the media.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 22nd, 2012.
Sure, Pakistan army will do the operation provided, US foots the bill and supplies the equipment.
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