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Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

I have met a lot of displaced SL Tamils in Chennai, none have praised the steps that your Goverment has taken, your Governments stance was every Tamil is LTTE, unless he/she is in support of what your Government think is correct. Is it not true. Until 1960 there was no upraising or terror activities in your nation. why did LTTE gained support. Did you late President Bandaranayaka Kumarathnga acted in the common interest of the people or did he acted so that one section of his country men and women were treated as second grade citizens.
if this is true then how are you expecting the Tamils to forget and forgive in the current times. Despite the sanctions we are asking the government to impose on you. if you do good to my brothers and sisters in your country, Tamils in TN are ready to forgive the SL past.

Who is telling every Tamil is LTTE ? I personally experienced a truck suicide bomb blast, fortunately I didn't go to school that day, but I still remember how it did shake our home. But I don't have anger with Tamils, I know this is done by the terrorist group called "Tamil Tigers". This government has a lot of parties, some of Tamil parties with this government with the start. In our constitution all groups have same rights, Sri Lanka is not only for Sinhalese or Tamils, There are more ethnic groups in here. Sometimes you might don't know former mayor of Colombo city was a muslim/moor. Western governor is a muslim/moor, people don't have any problem with their race.
If you think about your race more and more you can't be a national leader. Our former foreign minister is a Tamil person (got killed by LTTE), he was the best foreign minister of Sri Lanka that we had so far. For a country we need national leaders!
Somehow I don't get it? If they feel violated they should return back to TN.

its not just today or in the 19th century they settled there, they settled there in 12th century. so do not think about getting them back. Thats their home now.
i hope you are Panjabi, if a panjabi settled in Canada is trashed of his lively hood, your sugestion is to ask him to come back home. its not your pain, is it.
Somehow I don't get it? If they feel violated they should return back to TN.

Wow they should leave the place where they lived for centuries.... If tomorrow if Pakistan conquers your place will you leave your place and go to another place?
Who is telling every Tamil is LTTE ? I personally experienced a truck suicide bomb blast, fortunately I didn't go to school that day, but I still remember how it did shake our home. But I don't have anger with Tamils, I know this is done by the terrorist group called "Tamil Tigers". This government has a lot of parties, some of Tamil parties with this government with the start. In our constitution all groups as same rights, Sri Lanka is not only for Sinhalese or Tamils, There are more ethnic groups in here. Sometimes you might don't know former mayor of Colombo city was a muslim/moor. Western governor is a muslim/moor, people don't have any problem with their race.
If you think about your race more and more you can't be a national leader. Our former foreign minister is a Tamil person (got killed by LTTE), he was the best foreign minister of Sri Lanka that we had so far. For a country we need national leaders!

if every body is equal as per your word, then why was LTTE, or TELO or the other organization took up arms, is it for fun to lay down their lives for a cause thats not what you say. Come on brother, you are still accepting the fact that your so called national leaders like Bandaranayaka, Sirial Mathiews were the ones who ignighted the fire and your present government extinguished but did not do it with honor.
Who is telling every Tamil is LTTE ? I personally experienced a truck suicide bomb blast, fortunately I didn't go to school that day, but I still remember how it did shake our home. But I don't have anger with Tamils, I know this is done by the terrorist group called "Tamil Tigers". This government has a lot of parties, some of Tamil parties with this government with the start. In our constitution all groups have same rights, Sri Lanka is not only for Sinhalese or Tamils, There are more ethnic groups in here. Sometimes you might don't know former mayor of Colombo city was a muslim/moor. Western governor is a muslim/moor, people don't have any problem with their race.
If you think about your race more and more you can't be a national leader. Our former foreign minister is a Tamil person (got killed by LTTE), he was the best foreign minister of Sri Lanka that we had so far. For a country we need national leaders!

Buddy, We are going in vicious circles, Let the peace prevail in SL, Till will heal all wounds.... If SL treats everyone well. Let the tourists come to TN after everything comes to normal... It is not advisable to travel to a place which is hostile to my country... Even if I go there, I have to exercise caution.
if every body is equal as per your word, then why was LTTE, or TELO or the other organization took up arms, is it for fun to lay down their lives for a cause thats not what you say. Come on brother, you are still accepting the fact that your so called national leaders like Bandaranayaka, Sirial Mathiews were the ones who ignighted the fire and your present government extinguished but did not do it with honor.

from Sri Lankan constitution,

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
10. Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.

Freedom from torture.
11. No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Right to equality.
12. (1) All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law.
(2) No citizen shall be discriminated against on the grounds of race, religion, language, caste, sex, political opinion, place of birth or any such grounds:

There were some groups who promote racism in both sides. that's what I said before. There are dozens of political parties here, the thing what we need now is the development that we missed last decade. Even with the Tamil Tiger terrorist problem, JVP extremists violence (88/89) and the Tsunami in 2004 we are in the better position than other countries in the region. we have a hope for more development within next 5-6 years, if government unable to do that for us we know what do to this government. ;)
its not just today or in the 19th century they settled there, they settled there in 12th century. so do not think about getting them back. Thats their home now.
i hope you are Panjabi, if a panjabi settled in Canada is trashed of his lively hood, your sugestion is to ask him to come back home. its not your pain, is it.
W*F! How is myself being a Punjabi related to this issues and why would I worry about a Canadian Punjabi.More worried about a fellow Indian like you who mixing all this with ethnicity O_O

By your brotherly logic of ethnicity I should be helping my Punjabi brothers across the border.
from Sri Lankan constitution,
The Constitution of Sri Lanka: Chapter III - Fundamental Rights

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
10. Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.

Freedom from torture.
11. No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Right to equality.
12. (1) All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law.
(2) No citizen shall be discriminated against on the grounds of race, religion, language, caste, sex, political opinion, place of birth or any such grounds:

There were some groups who promote racism in both sides. that's what I said before. There are dozens of political parties here, the thing what we need now is the development that we missed last decade. Even with the Tamil Tiger terrorist problem, JVP extremists violence (88/89) and the Tsunami in 2004 we are in the better position than other countries in the region. we have a hope for more development within next 5-6 years, if government unable to do that for us we know what do to this government. ;)

I am happy that you are concerned about the future, but when are you going to accept like Chandrika Kumaratunga that it was your older governments misleading stand in the 1960'S that resulted in a bloody war.
and this war haunted the lives of Tamils that almost 30% of your Countrys Tamils settled in Australia, Canada and India.
Any way I am hoping that all goes well with the SL tamils and Shinhalese in the future. atleast the Shinghalese should now treat every one equal rather than joking at the Tamils on how they fell in a war with their Mighty Army.
Restrictions on fundamental Rights.

15. (1) The exercise and operation of the fundamental rights declared and recognized by Articles 13 (5) and 13 (6) shall be subject only to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of national security. For the purposes of this paragraph “law” includes regulations made under the law for the time being relating to public security.

(2) The exercise and operation of the fundamental right declared and recognized by Article 14(1) (a) shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of racial and religious harmony or in relation to parliamentary privilege, contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence.

(3) The exercise and operation of the fundamental right declared and recognized by Article 14(1) (b) shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of racial and religious harmony.

(4) The exercise and operation of the fundamental right declared and recognized by Article 14(1) (c) shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests, of racial and religious harmony or national economy.

(5) The exercise and operation of the fundamental right declared and recognized by Article 14 (1) (g) shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests, of national economy or in relation to -

(a) the professional, technical, academic, financial and other qualifications necessary for practising any profession or carrying on any occupation, trade, business or enterprise, and the licensing and disciplinary control of the person entitled to such fundamental right, and

(b) the carrying on by the State, a State agency or a public corporation of any trade, business,, industry, service or enterprise whether to the exclusion, complete or partial, of citizens or otherwise.

(6) The exercise and operation of the fundamental right declared and recognized by Article 14 (1) (h) shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of national economy.

(7) The exercise and operation of all the fundamental rights declared and recognized by Articles 12, 13(1), 13(2) and 14 shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of national security, public order and the protection of public health or morality, or for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others, or of meeting the just requirements of the general welfare of a democratic society. For the purposes of this paragraph " law " includes regulations made under the law for the time being relating to public security.

(8) The exercise and operation of the fundamental rights declared and recognized by Articles 12 (1), 13 and 14 shall, in their application to the members of the Armed Forces, Police Force and other Forces charged with the maintenance of public order, be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of the proper discharge of their duties and the maintenance of discipline among them.


9. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).
W*F! How is myself being a Punjabi related to this issues and why would I worry about a Canadian Punjabi.More worried about a fellow Indian like you who mixing all this with ethnicity O_O

By your brotherly logic of ethnicity I should be helping my Punjabi brothers across the border.

This is some thing that is out of your league to understand, so go on in some other topic where you know better to talk about. you are not a Tamil to understand what we feel and what pain reaches our heart.
W*F! How is myself being a Punjabi related to this issues and why would I worry about a Canadian Punjabi.More worried about a fellow Indian like you who mixing all this with ethnicity O_O

By your brotherly logic of ethnicity I should be helping my Punjabi brothers across the border.

By seeing your comments, You don't know anything about this... Stay away from this! None of the Tamils asked for your support or advice here!
Restrictions on fundamental Rights.

15. (1) The exercise and operation of the fundamental rights declared and recognized by Articles 13 (5) and 13 (6) shall be subject only to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of national security. For the purposes of this paragraph “law” includes regulations made under the law for the time being relating to public security.

(2) The exercise and operation of the fundamental right declared and recognized by Article 14(1) (a) shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of racial and religious harmony or in relation to parliamentary privilege, contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence.

(3) The exercise and operation of the fundamental right declared and recognized by Article 14(1) (b) shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of racial and religious harmony.

(4) The exercise and operation of the fundamental right declared and recognized by Article 14(1) (c) shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests, of racial and religious harmony or national economy.

(5) The exercise and operation of the fundamental right declared and recognized by Article 14 (1) (g) shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests, of national economy or in relation to -

(a) the professional, technical, academic, financial and other qualifications necessary for practising any profession or carrying on any occupation, trade, business or enterprise, and the licensing and disciplinary control of the person entitled to such fundamental right, and

(b) the carrying on by the State, a State agency or a public corporation of any trade, business,, industry, service or enterprise whether to the exclusion, complete or partial, of citizens or otherwise.

(6) The exercise and operation of the fundamental right declared and recognized by Article 14 (1) (h) shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of national economy.

(7) The exercise and operation of all the fundamental rights declared and recognized by Articles 12, 13(1), 13(2) and 14 shall be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of national security, public order and the protection of public health or morality, or for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others, or of meeting the just requirements of the general welfare of a democratic society. For the purposes of this paragraph " law " includes regulations made under the law for the time being relating to public security.

(8) The exercise and operation of the fundamental rights declared and recognized by Articles 12 (1), 13 and 14 shall, in their application to the members of the Armed Forces, Police Force and other Forces charged with the maintenance of public order, be subject to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of the proper discharge of their duties and the maintenance of discipline among them.


9. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).

First of all Welcome to PDF.
The things you have bold are need for a country or not you decide it.
Wow they should leave the place where they lived for centuries.... If tomorrow if Pakistan conquers your place will you leave your place and go to another place?
You are not making sense here. Pakistan attacking my place isn't the same thing as Tamils fighting for their independent state?
He wrote brothers and sisters and I didn't knew he was few centuries old.
This is some thing that is out of your league to understand, so go on in some other topic where you know better to talk about. you are not a Tamil to understand what we feel and what pain reaches our heart.
Well when people fight for their Independent state in Punjab, Kashmir and North-East they are called Terrorists and Separatist's.But it's different for Tamils !
Thanks for teaching me how Hippocratic we (Indian's) are ?
Well when people fight for their Independent state in Punjab, Kashmir and North-East they are called Terrorists and Separatist's.But it's different for Tamils !
Thanks for teaching me how Hippocratic we (Indian's) are ?

I can not comprehend to fools such as yourself, I already told you that you are not part of this issue and you knew nothing about it, The way you have expressed that all Tamils are Terrorist shows the amout of Knoledge that you have on this topic.

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