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Buddhist pilgrimage sites

How can you be half sikh. I thought Sikh is a religion. Is it also an ethnic group like Jewish people as well. Are there any half Hindu and Half Muslim in India?

what should i comment on this ,
Indian constitution allow to marry two different religion.......there are many example ,after marriage partner follow their own practice and believe ,

Sikh marry with Hindu, Hindu marry with Muslim,and their kids believe in both religion

salman khan is muslim actor but their all family worship Ganesha.......many example

what you will call them half believer or you would like to call them simply believer who believe in humanity and positive energy
I think that while Islamic invasion may be a popularly believed factor in Buddhism's decline in South Asia, I think the actual historical reality is far more complex and debatable. India - or at least the kingdoms that would become India - has always been internally sectarian, many different ethnic, political and religious factions fighting each other and vying for dominant influence. That has been true up to the present day.

Pakistan's very creation was due to widespread fear of loss of a distinct cultural identity for Muslims in the subcontinent; that was the root of Jinnah's argument - that Muslims could have no place or power in a society so subsumed by Hinduism. I think had you Hindus tried to treat Muslims as people, not as inferior outsiders to be reviled, things may yet be different today.
What "distinct cultural identity", why is it that the majority of Indian Muslims integrate successfully? Why is it that the national language of Pakistan is Urdu which originates from Uttar Pradesh? No offence but you aren't giving an actual reason for the decline of Buddhism unlike I did. Please show me a case of Hindus persecuting Buddhists? Decline of Buddhism in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look at this link and look at the actual main points for the decline. As you can see Hindus haven't played any role in the decline and it's mainly the Islamic invaders. In fact in today's India, Buddhism is rising.
No it didn't lol, I am half Sikh myself and religions like Sikhism, Christianity and Islam are flourishing. The main reason for Buddhism decline was due too Islamic invasion. Many Buddhist stupas, temples and monuments were destroyed and many followers where executed or converted to Islam. Unlike Hindus, Buddhists didn't haves army to defend themselves. This might be hard for you too hear since you where probably brought up too hate Hindus and everything India but it's the trut.

Thanks for clarifying. It does not really come into my mind that Buddhism nearly extincts in India because they are overly pacificist, to the extent that they were in fact not able to defend themselves against those blood-thirsty invaders. Sigh.

I guess such development happened in all regions whereas Buddhism once flourished, then being totally wiped out such as the regions in the Central Asia (the Silk Road regions) etc.

Well, are the population in those listed Buddhist pilgrimage sites as the OP still Buddhists at most?

Today I am only aware of few Buddhist nations: Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Bhutan, though they're also flourishing in China, Taiwan.
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