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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

Oh come on. Why don't you just accept that according to the same measurement, the J-20 is around 20 meters and the F-22 is 18.92 meters. Why are you using this weird measurement system which obviously is incorrect? The fact is the F-22 and J-20 are similar in size, not the 3.5-4.5 meter differentiation as you suggest for whatever reason.

If it was only 15 tonnes, I would be concerned with the structural viability of its materials.

Can't read and comprehend plain english?

I have said repeatedly, that I have come to my own conclusion, from my own research and calculation, that J-20 's length from Nose to Nozzle is 21m, which is 3.5-4.5m longer than F-22's body length from Nose to Nozzle.

Bill sweetman of "Aviation Week" did his own research and come to the difference of 9.5 ft or 2.97m.

Where is your effort? That I have urge you to do?

Do you just accept the numbers from the "authority", without bothering to do your own research to confirm?
2021, successful maiden flight at 12:50pm. Congratulations to all!

Can't wait to see images !!! Congrats :china:


I am telling you from my comparison, J-20's length from NOSE to NOZZLE is 21m.

Many people did their own estimates, I don't know how each one did their calculations. I urge you to do your own, and then we talk. Quoting someone else's figure, without knowing how they did it, is a waste of time.


And that's plain wrong.
Fact is that Your record of correct assumptions in recent times is close to ZERO :dance3:.. So why should or how COULD it be "from [Your] comparison, J-20's length from NOSE to NOZZLE is 21m" if the J-20 is barely that long including the tails??

It is as ridiculous as all Your other J-20-realted theories. :crazy::hitwall:

Again show us a good calculation and not only a rough overlay by the estimation "from nozzle to nozzle".

This is my - albeit a bit dated - estimation:
J-20 dimensions - Deino.jpg

... and this from another member at another forum:
J-20 dimensions - QuantumX.jpg
Try at least to quote correctly !

Those are extremely blurry satellite pictures. I don't find the finding reliable. The pixels count could be easily off by a dozen or more, so I used real high resolution pictures to do my own researches.

Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 10.30.12 PM.png

Your own estimates confirmed my own estimate of 21.2m from Nose to Nozzle.
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Care to explain Your post ??
Even if there is a margin due to lower resolution, this in the end could never make an object larger than another one in direct comparison while standing side by side.

Fact is: we know the dimensions of the J-15 and the J-20 is shorter ... so how it be in the end by any error-margin longer?

You are again ignoring facts.
Care to explain Your post ??
Even if there is a margin due to lower resolution, this in the end could never make an object larger than another one in direct comparison while standing side by side.

Fact is: we know the dimensions of the J-15 and the J-20 is shorter ... so how it be in the end by any error-margin longer?

You are again ignoring facts.

Read my last post again. Your own estimate confirmed my own estimate of 21.2m from Nose to Nozzle.

I don't know how to count pixels from a blurry picture. The difference between J-15 and J-20's pixel counts is 101 and 97, with only 4 pixels difference. That clearly is within the margin of error from a extremely blurry picture. Just where to place those thick yellow lines is problematic.

The J-15's yellow line at the bottom clearly included the tail boom, between the engines. Which could be easily over 2m long.

J-15 and J-20 Size Comparison.png


Now, exclude that central tail boom, the length of J-20 from Nose to Nozzle could conceivably longer than J-15 from Nose to Nozzle.

Here I overlaid J-15 over J-20, so that J-15's wing span is at least 1m slightly wider. I accept your estimate that J-15's wing span is 14.7 while J-20's is 13.47, a little more than 0.5 wider on each side.

J-15-J-20 WIng Span 1 m larger.jpg

Then I overlaid J-15 over J-20 aligned at the nose.
View attachment 426338
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Can't wait to see images !!! Congrats :china:

And that's plain wrong.
Fact is that Your record of correct assumptions in recent times is close to ZERO :dance3:.. So why should or how COULD it be "from [Your] comparison, J-20's length from NOSE to NOZZLE is 21m" if the J-20 is barely that long including the tails??

It is as ridiculous as all Your other J-20-realted theories. :crazy::hitwall:

Again show us a good calculation and not only a rough overlay by the estimation "from nozzle to nozzle".

This is my - albeit a bit dated - estimation:
View attachment 426330

... and this from another member at another forum:
View attachment 426331
Why you and @Figaro trying hard to convince @Asoka, he don't understand both of you sir and insisting his crap, may be @Asoka working on a project of J-20 and WS-15:D

Those are extremely blurry satellite pictures. I don't find the finding reliable. The pixels count could be easily off by a dozen or more, so I used real high resolution pictures to do my own researches.
But @Asoka length and span is quite clear in this sat image as compare to J-15 any photographic expert can easily calculate J-20 length as compare to J-15:enjoy:
Your own estimates confirmed my own estimate of 21.2m from Nose to Nozzle.

No, No, No again and once for all this is the final warning. The next time You twist words, You quote wrongly I will ban You. :crazy:

If You read properly I noted the first estimation is by me while the second one made by "another member at another forum". Even more he is NOT estimating from nose to nozzle but from nose to the tails.

I think You really need a break. Take care of Your family and play with Your kids ...


Why you and @Figaro trying hard to convince @Asoka, he don't understand both of you sir and insisting his crap, may be @Asoka working on a project of J-20 and WS-15:D

But @Asoka length and span is quite clear in this sat image as compare to J-15 any photographic expert can easily calculate J-20 length as compare to J-15:enjoy:

I slowly come to the feeling that his new-borne son is most likely in fact a girl and similar to these stupid assumptions he only wants it to be a boy. So it is in fact not that difficult to omit certain small detail ... could happen anytime if the wish is only strong enough. :laugh:

2021, successful maiden flight at 12:50pm. Congratulations to all!

Me again with the quetsion, why these images You posted yesterday are named "J-20T" ???
No, No, No again and once for all this is the final warning. The next time You twist words, You quote wrongly I will ban You. :crazy:

If You read properly I noted the first estimation is by me while the second one made by "another member at another forum". Even more he is NOT estimating from nose to nozzle but from nose to the tails.

I think You really need a break. Take care of Your family and play with Your kids ...

I beg you Mr @Deino that if you wanna ban @Asoka , Ban @Asoka permanently on PDF, @Asoka acting like a insane 8 year old kid who is insisting he is always right and knows everything about J-20/WS-15 development,:hitwall::crazy: rest the world is wrong:hitwall::crazy:
No, No, No again and once for all this is the final warning. The next time You twist words, You quote wrongly I will ban You. :crazy:

If You read properly I noted the first estimation is by me while the second one made by "another member at another forum". Even more he is NOT estimating from nose to nozzle but from nose to the tails.

I think You really need a break. Take care of Your family and play with Your kids ...


I slowly come to the feeling that his new-borne son is most likely in fact a girl and similar to these stupid assumptions he only wants it to be a boy. So it is in fact not that difficult to omit certain small detail ... could happen anytime if the wish is only strong enough. :laugh:

Me again with the quetsion, why these images You posted yesterday are named "J-20T" ???

The chinese name of WS-10 is 太行. And the chinese pinyin of 太行 is TaiHang. So the T should means WS-10.
J-15-J-20 aligned at nose.jpg

As we can see J-20's Nose to Nozzle length is the same as J-15's length nose to tailboom. (21.19m)
Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 11.20.02 PM.png

This is exactly what I have been saying all along. J-20's length from nose to nozzle is 21.2m long.

I think my pictures are far clearer than your extremely blurry satellite pictures. Therefore, far more reliable for comparisons.

"If You read properly I noted the first estimation is by me, while the second one made by "another member at another forum". Even more he is NOT estimating from nose to nozzle, but from nose to the tails."

Well, it might be other member's estimate. But you didn't disagreed with him. and used his estimates without clarifications, so I assume it's your opinion too. Naturally, I pick the estimate from the two, that is close to my own.
View attachment 426340

As we can see J-20's Nose to Nozzle length is the same as J-15's length nose to tailboom. (21.19m)View attachment 426339

This is exactly what I have been saying all along. J-20's length from nose to nozzle is 21.2m long.
@Asoka that means J-20 is larger than J-15 for about 0.02 meter without Tail-boom:enjoy: what a crap head you are you're contradicting you r own word Mr @Asoka:enjoy:
I try it for a final time ... stubborn kids sometimes need dramatic or better to say elementary reductions of content:

How can an object of an unknown dimension be in direct comparison to a known object of a larger size be bigger than the known object.

Apple vs Banana.jpg

All Your attempts to overlay images taken from different angles will led to a much greater error than my calculation ... and again i said from "nose to nozzle" not from "nose to tailboom".
Not sure why it is so difficult. :crazy:

So again no more excuses, no additional images, just one answer:

How can an object of an unknown dimension be in direct comparison to a known object of a larger size be bigger than the known object.
"How can an object, of an unknown dimension, be in direct comparison, to a known object of a larger size, be bigger than the known object."

Simple, I adjust the picture size of J-15, so its wing span is approximately 1m wider than wing span of J-20.

Notice, I accepted Deino's estimates that J-15 wingspan is 14.7m, while J-20 is 13.47m. Therefore, I adjust the size of the J-15 picture, so its wing span, is at least 1m wider than J-20, while keeping the same proportion in the picture.

Without Deino's measurements, I wouldn't have known what is the wingspans of J-15 and J-20.

So a big thanks to Herr @Deino. :cheers: That's why I encourage @Figaro to do his own research and measurements. This is a collective effort to unravel the size/weight mystery of J-20.

Yes, all estimates contain certain amount of errors. This include my own estimates and your extremely blurry satellite pictures estimates.

Good night, Herr Deino.
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