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Well, I just woke up, not yet having a cup of coffee. I strongly disagreed with what Deino has said about me.

@Deino "- he's spreading lies by misquoting other post in the wrong context. "

This is total B.S. Last night, I quoted the figure of 21.19m from your post's satellite pictures. I didn't read carefully, that figure was from a different member. I thought you made a second estimate. And said your estimate confirmed by estimate. That was an error in quoting, not a deliberate lie.

"- he's twisting words"

About this fake pictures affair. I have consistently saying because you and figaro have pointed out the second picture was a fake. And I believed what you have said, and took a close look of the two pictures, and connected the dots by noticing the first one was faked the exactly the same way, with a most glaring obvious large gap on the nozzle. And since it's from the same Chinese poster at Weipo. I assume its faked by the same person.

I never said you think the first yellow picture was a fake too. That was my opinion. I am sure we could all find instances of other people misquoting us or thought they were "twisting our words". I don't blame them, if after correcting them, and they stopped.

"- he's changing/editing his replies, sometimes more than once, even after a reply was already posted in order"

This I am guilty of 100%. I often notice inconsistency, omission, and errors in my posts, so I go back correct them and amplify them. I have no intention of making anyone, who responded to my posts, looking bad.
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So and no let us simply again agree to disagree until we get clear images of '2021' ... and I'm sure we will.

In spite, of the harsh words I said about you, and our disagreement over the "engine things", I do agree that you are an able and diligent researcher and love what you do. You could not have written several books and written numerous articles for International Aviations Magazines, without being so.
In spite, of the harsh words I said about you, and our disagreement over the "engine things", I do agree that you are an able and diligent researcher and love what you do. You could not have written several books and written numerous articles for International Aviations Magazines, without being so.
And yet not once has he ever claimed to be afraid of running afoul of the Chinese intelligence services. :lol:
And yet not once has he ever claimed to be afraid of running afoul of the Chinese intelligence services. :lol:
The folks who think as such may have learned the fate of Chelsea Manning; Edward Snowden; Julian Assange and plus many others being silenced for good... :lol:
The folks who think as such may have learned the fate of Chelsea Manning; Edward Snowden; Julian Assange and plus many others being silenced for good... :lol:
I have yet to see anything TECHNICALLY credible from Mr. Asoka that would earn my interest, let alone that of the Chinese authority. :lol:

The problem for your feeble defense of Asoka is that all the people you cited provided much more detailed and damning information about what goes on in the US. All Mr. Asoka did was provide us his delusions of himself.
I have yet to see anything TECHNICALLY credible from Mr. Asoka that would earn my interest, let alone that of the Chinese authority. :lol:

The problem for your feeble defense of Asoka is that all the people you cited provided much more detailed and damning information about what goes on in the US. All Mr. Asoka did was provide us his delusions of himself.
I just defended a hardworking member at the Chinese Defence Column at PDF to forward his theory or thought, whether one agrees or disagrees with the information he presented.

Is that too much for you to take? And imagine... I don't even claim to be an American... with all the free things.... :lol::D:P
I just defended a hardworking member at the Chinese Defence Column at PDF to forward his theory or thought, whether one agrees or disagrees with the information he presented.

Is that too much for you to take? And imagine... I don't even claim to be an American... with all the free things.... :lol::D:P

Thanks Bro, I appreciate your moral support, very much. :cheers: What I presented here at PDF, irritates the hell out of those white racists or supremacists. I just love it.

The rapid progress of China and other developing countries, thrash their racists ideas, with a hole, big enough for a giant oil tanker, to sail through.

The Western world, esp. US, is fast becoming (if not already) the world of George Orwell's 1984, a fascist state.
The folks who think as such may have learned the fate of Chelsea Manning; Edward Snowden; Julian Assange and plus many others being silenced for good... :lol:

Actually, did Asoka really benefit this discussion? He just continusly post wasted words again and again. 沉默是金。
Why don't you benefit from your own advice, and stay silent?

I think since I am not quite innocent or uninvolved in this whole story I beg to leave it ... let's wait for new images and I'm sure they will solve this issue once again at least a bit more.

At least I will not post arguments with any evidence again and again.

It's because you don't have any arguments, nor evidences. You will not heard from me, to reply to you, anymore. I am putting you on my ignore list.
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