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Check out your compatriots in Greece

Pakistanis excel in cringe.

As a punishment they'll have the world's first transgender leader soon.
that honor belongs to India. bharati BJP has won that coveted position already in the person of shri narendra teli-ji

Translate your twitter buddys post.
twitter translate button translates it as follows:
Each **** is free to do whatever he wants as if he were a conqueror: - He makes k@lodaktyla at the statue of M.Alexandros - He waves his k@losimaia in the center of the city - He climbs with his k@losimaia on the statue of Aristotle Mitsotakis don't forget: It's you, not Greece

another translator:
Every **** is free to do what he wants as if he were a conqueror:
- He's doing his fingers and toes on the statue of Alexander the Great.
- He's raising his flag in the center of the city.
- He climbs his flag on the statue of Aristotle
Mitsotakis don't forget:
You ****, not Greece.
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It's cringey to see some illegal immigrant/refugee act like that in the host country. Whether it's Turkey or Greece or Britain or wherever. The annoying thing is him jumping up at Aristotel's statue and...well the dumb running here and there with a flag,stepping on the grass.

Ignore the twitter guy's title. Just wanted to show you,what kind of people get here. The faces,the attitude,the stuff they do.
Every brown man is an illegal immigrant or a refugee for you 🤕

I'm quite sure you won't make a fuss if was a white Zio waving an Israeli flag, right?

Racism! Racism everywhere!
It's not everywhere, it's on every single of your posts.

You are a lost cause....

Dunno how Pakis are so patient with you 🤷
I was checking a defence site which had a small article with links to twitter.
Apparently,some Pakistani "boys" think it's funny to act like a thug in front of Alexander the Great's statue,climb up the the statue of Aristotle with a Pakistani flag and run on the grass of Aristotelous Square as if you own the place.

This is all downtown Thessaloniki. These are the guys who come here. Obviously not the best and brightest of the subcontinent.

If he really did do that, he is nothing but a lunatic and trust me we have plenty more to deal with in Pakistan. We have been overwhelmed by such people as a country and a society.

But we are educated Pakistanis and loathe such people and want nothing to do with them.

But the fact is, stupid people come from every corner of the world, including Greece. Check out this Greek man detained by Pakistani authorities for trying to smuggle a firearm onboard an Emirates flight.

He was imprisoned and fined. What the hell was he thinking:
I was checking a defence site which had a small article with links to twitter.
Apparently,some Pakistani "boys" think it's funny to act like a thug in front of Alexander the Great's statue,climb up the the statue of Aristotle with a Pakistani flag and run on the grass of Aristotelous Square as if you own the place.

This is all downtown Thessaloniki. These are the guys who come here. Obviously not the best and brightest of the subcontinent.

Hahaha...calm down my Greek moaner. You will have a heart attack.
When you Greeks came to our lands you were ignorant and pathetic pagans too. We are just returning the favour. Enjoy.

Pakistanis excel in cringe.

As a punishment they'll have the world's first transgender leader soon.
Looool that's funny cus in England yiu can only teach LGBTQ and men are no longer men that's why English women go for men of colour
When you Greeks came to our lands you were ignorant and pathetic pagans too.
We were what? Ignorant? Lol 🤣🤣🤣

We were pagans? And what were you?

But we are educated Pakistanis and loathe such people and want nothing to do with them.
That's how it should be,bhai

Every brown man is an illegal immigrant or a refugee for you 🤕

I'm quite sure you won't make a fuss if was a white Zio waving an Israeli flag, right?
Because that guy shouts legal immigrant,huh? Well Zios,don't tend to do such stuff here. I don't know what they do in other countries of Europe but...at least here no.
It's not everywhere, it's on every single of your posts.

You are a lost cause....

Dunno how Pakis are so patient with you
Pakistanis themselves talk about their idiotic compatriots inside the country,they post videos of stupid behavior and often criticize them. You will often see members criticizing their own nation. But when somebody else posts something about a dumb guy who acts like that in a foreign country? Oh my,racism! Can you imagine if it was a Hindu instead of a Pak in the video? The comments?

And you should stop saying this nonsense about "racism being in my posts everywhere". It's not true and you know it. But you want to feel offended every time someone mentions immigrants or Muslims. You're not jamahir. Stop that.

Greeks invented pederasty, then passed it on to Romans and turks who then exported it to persia then afghanistan then on and on eastward.
No they didn't. And if you read some good sources instead of trash written by yahood or homosexual "professors" you would have known that this is bullshit. There were strict laws against this in ancient Greece!
We were what? Ignorant? Lol 🤣🤣🤣

We were pagans? And what were you?

That's how it should be,bhai

Because that guy shouts legal immigrant,huh? Well Zios,don't tend to do such stuff here. I don't know what they do in other countries of Europe but...at least here no.
We were complaining that stupid white people are here like you are complaining now about Pakistanis.

On a serious note.

They should not behave like this and must respect Greek culture and heritage. (Now that's enough) I am missing annoying you already looool
trash written by yahood or homosexual "professors"
:rofl: you always profess to be unprejudiced then proceed on to rant and rave like a neo-Nazi. make up your mind and stick to one position. one minute praising Jews the next minute insulting them.

the author of 'greek homosexulity' was not a "yahudi homo prof." as you put it but a historian, Sir Kenneth James Dover, FRSE, FBA (1920–2010) https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/documents/1470/11_06-Kenneth_Dover.pdf

hello @ LeGenD are you still around?
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:rofl: you always profess to be unprejudiced then proceed on to rant and rave like a neo-Nazi. make up your mind and stick to one position. one minute praising Jews the next minute insulting them.

hello @ LeGenD are you still around?
So half of you accuse me of being a "Zio" supporter and Jew...and the other half accuse me of being racist towards Jews. I don't think @Beny Karachun had ever felt offended or annoyed by something I said.

Ok example: if I jumped around Jinnah's statue with a Greek flag and danced around him like a hooligan,would you have loved that?

See the parallels?
So half of you accuse me of being a "Zio" supporter and Jew...and the other half accuse me of being racist towards Jews. I don't think @Beny Karachun had ever felt offended or annoyed by something I said.

Ok example: if I jumped around Jinnah's statue with a Greek flag and danced around him like a hooligan,would you have loved that?

See the parallels?
Seriously ... those people should not be doing anything to offend Greeks. They are visitors to that country and should learn from its rich history and culture.

Sadly in this time of tiktok video sharing cultural sensitivities are set aside for likes
Seriously ... those people should not be doing anything to offend Greeks. They are visitors to that country and should learn from its rich history and culture.

Sadly in this time of tiktok video sharing cultural sensitivities are set aside for likes
Tik tok has been destroying people. Every dumb challenge someone thinks of,others copy it. Remember those youngsters who were taking stupid videos and photos in front of Jinnah's mural? Such stuff are considered "cool"...
It's a heavily Pro-Russian defence news site called DefenceNet.

Makes sense.

The Soviets indoctrinated the populace on a mass scale lasting decades. The recent statements like civilisation and its crash and clash take root in 19th century theories on nationalism.
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