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Charlie Hebdo’s new edition to have Muhammad cartoons

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Why don't a group of Muslim cartoonists get together and create some very offensive stuff on France and French people.

Leave religion alone, all monotheistic religions should be respected. Polytheism does not count, its not a religion.
More like why do people feel the DYING urge to do such shit? So much free time go volunteer for a charity event! :pissed:
I think Charlie hebdo cartoonists love hell . more of them are preparing for hell journey. Amazing
This is good to hear..

So many terror apologists here hiding behind the garb of insult.

These people have no shame in claiming thiers as the only God and the only true religion. They insult the rest of 5 billion plus people's belief but hey that's OK. Cause you are not Muslims but Kafirs.

Oh the irony!

This irony is lost on not just the apologists, but also on those higher up the chain who actively encourage such views because it helps with their own agenda. This apologist rot runs deep and wide.
How can it offend me when I am not Hindu? There's no way you say something similar to a Muslim and get away with it without being banned.

As the English love to say on a number of different occasions, lets put your argument to the proof of the pudding and call a moderator to decide who is correct.....or have you loss your nerves son...don't be a coward and accept that your ignorant mind made a mistake:)

Why don't a group of Muslim cartoonists get together and create some very offensive stuff on France and French people.

In France 1970, Hara-Kiri the predecessor of Charlie Hebdo was banned because it mocked the death of Charles de Gaulle. Freedom of expression is limited in the west, however its selective by nature because secularists want to attack religion without being called bigots.
Why don't a group of Muslim cartoonists get together and create some very offensive stuff on France and French people.

Leave religion alone, all monotheistic religions should be respected. Polytheism does not count, its not a religion.

And what happens if the Polytheist start drawing mock cartoons of your prophet holding a bomb in his hands and smiling cunningly ? Will that count as being offensive since they don't really matter to your religion ?
How can it offend me when I am not Hindu? There's no way you say something similar to a Muslim and get away with it without being banned.
Sure.:disagree: Like I said you only see offence when it offends your sensibilities. Name me another defence forum that is as open and welcoming to everyone as this forum is. It seems like you’re seeing oppression were they aren’t any. Kind of like how you describe Muslims?:what:

Why don't a group of Muslim cartoonists get together and create some very offensive stuff on France and French people.

Leave religion alone, all monotheistic religions should be respected. Polytheism does not count, its not a religion.
Best thing to do is just ignore it no matter how offensive it might be. We reacting only makes it worse.
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And what happens if the Polytheist start drawing mock cartoons of your prophet holding a bomb in his hands and smiling cunningly ? Will that count as being offensive since they don't really matter to your religion ?

I don't really care personally.
There will “obviously” be Muhammad cartoons in the next edition of Charlie Hebdo, the magazine’s lawyer has announced.

“We will not give up, otherwise all of this will not have any sense,” Charlie Hebdo’s lawyer, Richard Malka, said in an interview to France Info radio. “The spirit of Charlie is the right to blasphemy," he added.

One of Charlie Hebdo’s cartoonists, Luz, gave an assurance that those who survived the tragedy were busy working on a new edition.

"We are okay, we get by,” Luz told another radio channel, France Inter.

“Nightmares are fading away and we are preoccupied with making a magazine."

The new edition of Charlie Hebdo is due to be released on Wednesday and the print run will be a million, instead of the usual 60,000.

"The sign ‘Je suis Charlie’ means you have the right to criticize my religion, because it does not matter,” Malka said. “No one has the right to criticize a Jew because he is a Jew, a Muslim because he is a Muslim, a Christian because he is a Christian. But you can say anything you want, including the worst things, and we do say them about Christianity, Judaism and Islam, because beyond all of the beautiful slogans, that's the reality of Charlie Hebdo."

The magazine is appealing for donations to help it carry on. “Charlie Hebdo needs you to survive,” its website says.

And considerable resources have already been collected.

A million Euros has been donated by the French government to keep the magazine going, Le Figaro reported. 250,000 Euros has been provided by the French Fund for Digital Innovation and another 250,000 Euros are coming from French publishers. The Guardian Media Group has pledged £100,000 (128,000 Euros) in support.

Charlie Hebdo’s new edition to have Muhammad cartoons — RT News

Well.......they will only invite more attacks if they do so and the next attack might be even deadlier.

I just fail to understand what they stand to gain by hurting 1.8 Billion humans, of which a massive majority is non-violent. I mean we all have our tolerance limits, some shorter then others........and hurt can give way to anger, and a desire to take revenge, pretty quickly.
Yea they just like hurting the sentiments of more than a billion 'living' people which is alright.

Who are you to defend Islam or for any other religions God ? Are you his prophet?
God have the capability of protect himself. We, in his name, should take care of our family and nation, instead of getting "hurt" cos, someone drew a cartoon of his messenger.
Who are you to defend Islam or for any other religions God ? Are you his prophet?
God have the capability of protect himself. We, in his name, should take care of our family and nation, instead of getting "hurt" cos, someone drew a cartoon of his messenger.
Who are you to tell me what to do?
Holocaust laws should be removed, for the sake of the "freedom of speech"

The French comedian Dieudonne M'Bala was convicted and fined for describing the holocaust remembrance as a "memorial pornography". In 2005 the French courts banned a Jesus based clothing advert "as a gratuitous and aggressive act of intrusion on people's innermost beliefs". In 2003 France passed an internal security enactment, which made it an offense to insult the national flag or anthem, with a penalty of 9,000 euros or face jail time. In 2006, French rap star Richard Makela was put on trial for referring France as a "slut" and vowed to "piss" on Napoleon and Charles de Gaulle in his soundtrack.

Moral of the story is that the French and the secularists Europeans are hypocrites and are selective in nature in describing what exactly is freedom of expression. The Gayssot Act in France impeaches anyone who writes against the Holocaust.
So why do you get offended when some frog draws a cartoon of your prophet then ? :D

Tell me this, how do you know 100% what someones religion is by looking at them? Its not an ethnicity and there are varying degrees. The same is for opinion and what is considered offensive.

Take for example a British television channel, even for the most mundane reasons adverts and shows are pulled because of complaints and this isn't even to do with religion.

But to insult someones source of spirituality just because of a handful of lunatics and then call it freedom of speech is an abuse.

But this is on TV and that was a cartoon. It quite literally is the dumbest thing someone can do to remedy this situation. Killing just tilts the public favor to the opposite. The cartoon should have been challenged in court and by creatives in Muslim community who could counter troll. What adult looks at cartoons? I f**king don't and didn't even know it existed before I turned on the news.
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