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Charlie Hebdo’s new edition to have Muhammad cartoons

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You worship idols and animals it doesn't matter if things like these are mocked

islam is more important and to incite a response from 1.7 billion Muslims creating more chaos in a broken world bis dangerous if not stupid

:lol: Grow up. I can say the same things about your religion, than you get hurt. And I would not like to get you hurt.

My religion is as important to me as Islam is to you.

you don't know it yet, every change comes after some atrocities...its just too early to tell.

I can see that world more polarized. At one end will be Muslims and at other end West. Remember I am saying Muslims and not Muslim countries. Many Muslim countries are hand in glove with west.
Yet we have a population of Hindus and Christians...we have churches and temples...if they werent allowed to practice these wont exist AT ALL!

I agree we have mad men in our country but over generalization of this form is what I am talking about!
Hence proven that Indians equate everything to India...there is a whole world outside India!
Bahrain, Malaysia (yes we have the everyday dissatisfied Indians like the dissatisfied uneducated Muslims of UK) Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai (Yes we have the common idiots everywhere yet every Indian will always be ready for a job in Dubai!)

No movement? Just coz your media doesnt cover it doesnt mean it doesnt exist!

Fairness is nowhere! Everywhere Muslims are unhappy coz of alienation (if they were happy then only an idiot would leave their comfort welfare sucking machine and go to die in ISIS)

Likewise, non Muslims are not happy in Muslim majority countries....what fairness are you talking about?

I saw one such Hindu in Pakistan Idol. If someone does not know he his Hindu, he will think he is actually Muslim. It was evident that to get social acceptance he should come across as Muslim. That is not the case with Muslims in India.

As far as protest are concern here in India it is so strong that hardliners have a hard time. Our protest is effective, delivers outcome. What's the point of protest which is not effective? Did anyone managed to change anything on ground? In India minorities who are less than 1% can freely practice, live, and celebrate their religion.

Now we have bad guys too, but they are not big enough to subvert the minorities.

That's my point, good and bad are everywhere what matters is if the bad are big enough that you feel total threat or not.
Charlie Hebdo was criticizing all extremists of all religions,and even extremists politics.
I personally hope that they will continue publishing ! (if they give up,the terrorists will win.)
they are not criticizing extremists but everyone who has a religion. They are the real enemies of all Human Kind not extremist Muslims.
There will “obviously” be Muhammad cartoons in the next edition of Charlie Hebdo, the magazine’s lawyer has announced.

“We will not give up, otherwise all of this will not have any sense,” Charlie Hebdo’s lawyer, Richard Malka, said in an interview to France Info radio. “The spirit of Charlie is the right to blasphemy," he added.

One of Charlie Hebdo’s cartoonists, Luz, gave an assurance that those who survived the tragedy were busy working on a new edition.

"We are okay, we get by,” Luz told another radio channel, France Inter.

“Nightmares are fading away and we are preoccupied with making a magazine."

The new edition of Charlie Hebdo is due to be released on Wednesday and the print run will be a million, instead of the usual 60,000.

"The sign ‘Je suis Charlie’ means you have the right to criticize my religion, because it does not matter,” Malka said. “No one has the right to criticize a Jew because he is a Jew, a Muslim because he is a Muslim, a Christian because he is a Christian. But you can say anything you want, including the worst things, and we do say them about Christianity, Judaism and Islam, because beyond all of the beautiful slogans, that's the reality of Charlie Hebdo."

The magazine is appealing for donations to help it carry on. “Charlie Hebdo needs you to survive,” its website says.

And considerable resources have already been collected.

A million Euros has been donated by the French government to keep the magazine going, Le Figaro reported. 250,000 Euros has been provided by the French Fund for Digital Innovation and another 250,000 Euros are coming from French publishers. The Guardian Media Group has pledged £100,000 (128,000 Euros) in support.

Charlie Hebdo’s new edition to have Muhammad cartoons — RT News

There stupid moves will only create more bloodshed and do nothing else
Well they continued with their idiocy. And from destroying their own places 2 out of 1.7 billion killed 10 of them. Things went from bad to worst. From protests in own countries to attack directly in the office in Paris. As I said. You continue with this and it is only a matter of time when something happens like paris attack.
Muslims are not going to take things casual on issues related to Prophet M
I have "right to protest" with in my "Limits" which is my freedom of speech. I didn't ask for his address to blow him up.. didn't I?

Freedom of Speech is both ways, you may protest Charlie's work and can file a lawsuit but what your "Ummah" brothers did is neither a way nor acceptable.

the terrorist acts in paris are completely unacceptable

the works of charlie hebdo are also unacceptable

i just wanted to point out that there is a fine line in the freedom of expression

tak example.

say i have50 million dollars and then i go out on the road and tell everybody who would listen about my 50 millon dollars (freedom of speech / expression ) and then one of them stabs me and takes my money . tell me whose fault is that ? obviously its the fault of the guy who stabbed me but also its also my fault because i was litterally doing the things that would attract all the gangstars and thieves around the town.

is it any use to tell the guy who stabbed me " hey bro, work hard and you will make 50 million dollars as well " ?

no its not.
This is good to hear..

So many terror apologists here hiding behind the garb of insult.

These people have no shame in claiming thiers as the only God and the only true religion. They insult the rest of 5 billion plus people's belief but hey that's OK. Cause you are not Muslims but Kafirs.

Oh the irony!
I'm no apologist. I condemn Paris killing as much as I condemn Peshawar attack. But i condemn these magazines daring these extremists too because when they go on a killing spree its affects have been and will be felt by Muslims all around the world.
Sounds like an apologist to me.

I dispute that the effects of the attack will rebound negatively upon ALL Muslims. The hero who saved Jewish customers in the kosher market was Muslim. One of the police killed by the terrorists was Muslim. It strikes me as more likely that there will be a sophisticated response that focuses on Islamism and its tendency to produce murder-minded extremists than anything else.
Sounds like an apologist to me.

I dispute that the effects of the attack will rebound negatively upon ALL Muslims. The hero who saved Jewish customers in the kosher market was Muslim. One of the police killed by the terrorists was Muslim. It strikes me as more likely that there will be a sophisticated response that focuses on Islamism and its tendency to produce murder-minded extremists than anything else.
How many articles have you read about those two? In this incident you've seen two types of Muslims. Now its up to the media either they appreciate those two more or keep bashing the entire community for the act of the extremists. So far, the extremists have been getting a lot of airtime. Even here on PDF some one started a thread about the cop being a Muslim and the comments were hilarious saying his religion does not matter. I hope you'll understand my point.
does it even matters no one knows how our prophet looked like they draw an arab guy(not sure even if its an arab guy) and pretend its the prophet
i say let them
our faith shouldnt be affected by this
To all the people who are saying "I am Charlie". Have any one given a thought what that really means!

If I start shouting racist slurs in the middle of the time square because I can express my self, doesn't that makes me an $ss hole? And then a bigger $ss hole comes and shoots me because he is pissed to hear me all that while.

Bottom line here is $ss hole will be $ss holes, irrespective of how big a $ss hole they are.
I am not at all here trying to justify what those tterrorist has done, I from my bottom of my heart condemn that.
But when we say "I am Charlie" that essentially means "I am $ss hole" who is ready to offend some one and will die for that cause just because I have "Freedom of expression".


My religion "hinduism" teaches me not to hurt any one or anyone sentiments and thats why "I am not Charlie".
But Hinduism is unimportant you worship lingams which is the penis of one of your many Gods, what possible insult could anyone throw at you

He he he....because of that only we all are here. It is the most powerful thing in the Universe. God take repeated birth as humans and other forms of life only to experience it.:D We must all worship it and its partner , I mean all religions and Atheists should also...not GOD!!:lol::cheers:
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How many articles have you read about those two? In this incident you've seen two types of Muslims. Now its up to the media either they appreciate those two more or keep bashing the entire community for the act of the extremists. So far, the extremists have been getting a lot of airtime. Even here on PDF some one started a thread about the cop being a Muslim and the comments were hilarious saying his religion does not matter. I hope you'll understand my point.

Dude, the only two people highlighted in both the attacks were the two muslims killed and the cartoonists, media hasn't highlighted anyone else.
Dude, the only two people highlighted in both the attacks were the two muslims killed and the cartoonists, media hasn't highlighted anyone else.
Which channels are you watching? I watch cnn and bbc sometimes and all I see is the two brothers and the couple who took hostages.
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