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Chaos, stone pelting and rasta roko: Shiv Sainiks take to the streets in Pune

They are true patriots

Yeah those fundamentalist morons who destroy public property, cause troubles in daily life, disrupt traffic, take the law into their own hands and defy basic ideas like rule of law are fu**ing PATRIOTS!
If BJP cannot control these goons.....people will again have to revert back to corrupt Congress.......sigh!
There is no way out of this vicious cycle of under-development.....it seems.....
I don't understand what is the point of damaging people's tax money. WTF SS? Seriously? I thought Uddhav was a more pragmatic leader even if it is right wing. But this is insane.

I hope the centre comes down hard on him.
The guy who photoshoped that pictures


Ohh he's just a teenager.
But do you know what exactly he had posted??
Are there any shiv sena supporters in UAE? Just asking outta curiosity.
Well Jessica there might be supporters of Shiv sena but anything everything related to religious extremism is not allowed here.And such ppl would serving their time behind the bars if ever they do something similar.

@Jessica_L why cant I see your flags???
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I thought Uddhav was a more pragmatic leader even if it is right wing. But this is insane.

I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Turds like udhav and his bunch of unemployed shit sainiks know only one language - no it's not Marathi, but the language of 'destruction'. Too bad they can't achieve their short-sighted, backward objectives any other way.

When questioned, the piece of Marathi crap (who by the way, gives every other Marathi person a bad name) and his cronies say in the most disturbing and laughable of accents, "what to do, these are emotional people, and any insult to our (long deceased) "leader" will bring about this sort of reaction". I hope to see him and every other dirty, unemployed (read: lazy) scoundrel, dead and gone, leaving the rest of us the hell alone. Dumbfcuks.
I dono how Maharashtra people are tolerating such goons, I guess there is a competition between Uddav and Raj for most stupid politician in maharashtra....
I dono how Maharashtra people are tolerating such goons, I guess there is a competition between Uddav and Raj for most stupid politician in maharashtra....

There's no competition. They both win first place.

Let me tell you something, despite what they say, in the state of MH, many a Maharashtrian (not among the rich, but those among the poor and middle classes) secretly supports the Shit Sena and MNS. If a cop pulls you over anywhere in MH, and you happen to have a shit Sena/MNS identity card, or an ugly flag with a lion/tiger or a different sort of tricolour in your possession, or if your number plate is in an illegible (and illegal) Marathi script, you will most likely be let off, no matter how serious a traffic offence you may have committed, and it's the same for other minor offences too. The cops (who are mostly Marathi) are hand in glove with their backward, unemployed cousins.
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