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Stone-pelters target school bus with 40 children in Kashmir, injure boy

We don't care if it is a Muslim state or a Jewish state ,it belongs to us ,we Brahmins are the original inhabitants of Kashmir
After oppression of Kashmiri Hindus and force conversions it's Islamic ,that doesn't mean we will just give it to you
You already got what you wanted in the form of partition yet you can't part yourself with greater Pakistan dreams

True that भ्राता ।
If you see closely you will realise that new generation of kashmiris dont look "Kashmiri" now.

All we need is few more Years.

A blink of an eye.

And, अहम् ब्रह्मस्मि।
You guys talking since 1947, and then you did 1971, 1965 and 1948.... nothing happened. Either you stop talking or do something guys.
You have soldiers, right?
You have nuclear weapons, right?
You have our beloved JF17, right?
why don you use them?

That all they do bro....chit chat on forums.....then they cry about India's advantages lol

The Kashmir resistance lost all credibility when they attack innocent children and civilians....keep it up...
Kashmiris are incensed they want india out of Kashmir and will no longer tolerate even their institutions

Their is no place for indians or hindus in Kashmir
Do you meet the following criteria :-

1. You're religous.
2. You want a separate country .

Well, the answer is bullets, in every part of the world.
1947 was a mistake . Religious separatists need to be dealt with using violence .
1947 was a mistake . Religious separatists need to be dealt with using violence .

Everything happens for a reason.

Before 47 british ruled.
Before that a foreign Religious Order by invading monguls.

There was never a United India under local rule. Mahabharata happened and never will a local rule United India.

By the way that dealt with violence only applies to islam. Its an islamic Monopoly.
Everything happens for a reason.

Before 47 british ruled.
Before that a foreign Religious Order by invading monguls.

There was never a United India under local rule. Mahabharata happened and never will a local rule United India.

By the way that dealt with violence only applies to islam. Its an islamic Monopoly.

your country is in existence since 1947 and you talking so big? calm down...
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