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Chanakya was from modern day pakistan

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Jun 28, 2008
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Chanakya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But he was from pre-partion India.

Show's how much we have lost culturally and historically due to the partition.

But going by the increase in jihadis in Pakistan, sometime it makes us feel that good we are divided, otherwise there would have been chaos in India.
Chanakya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But he was from pre-partion India.

Show's how much we have lost culturally and historically due to the partition.

But going by the increase in jihadis in Pakistan, sometime it makes us feel that good we are divided, otherwise there would have been chaos in India.

Ghatak - I could also say he was from pre-partition Asia.

The argument of 'no such thing as an Indian state pre 1947', but rather a British colony created out of unifying several independent states and Kingdoms, is being carried out on various other threads.

Please do not start the same argument here.

Likewise with the thing about the 'Jihadis'.

Limit the discussion to Chanakya and his origins, not whether it was 'India' before 1947.
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Well, going by people burning Quran, killing Christians, and all sorts of weird things. I am also glad that we have a separate country. Of course i dont mean any offense. :P :lol:
Some info on Taxila, where Chanakya is reported to have been educated.

Chanakya enjoyed the best education at the time, in 'Takshasilâ' (also known in its corrupted form as Taxila).Takshasilâ had established itself as a place of learning and it was there that Panini had written the Sanskrit Grammar. The new states in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh by uttarapatha along the base of the Himalayas maintained contact with Takshasilâ and at the eastern end of the uttarapatha was the kingdom of Magadha with its capital city, Pataliputra. Chanakya's life was connected to these two cities, Pataliputra and Takshasilâ. The University taught subjects using the best of practical knowledge acquired by the teachers. The age of entering the University was sixteen. The branches of studies most sought after in around India ranged from law, medicine, warfare and other indigenous forms of learning. Chanakya eventually became a professor of political science at the University. Two of his more famous students were Bhadrabhatt and Purushdutt.

Political turmoil in Western India at that time caused by greek invasion forced Chanakya to leave the University environment for the city of 'Patliputra' (presently known as Patna, in the state of Bihar, India), which was ruled by the Nanda king Dhanananda. Although Chanakya initially prospered in his relations with the ruler, being a blunt person he was soon disliked by the Dhanananda. This ended with Chanakya being removed from an official position he enjoyed.

Chanakya - Everything on Chanakya (information, latest news, articles,...)

However, I have found conflicting accounts of his origin.
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