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Challenging the Pakistani claim of shooting down an Indian MIG-27

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May 19, 2010
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I am posting this because there are basically two versions as far as this incident is concerned.During the kargil conflict Fl Lt Nachiketa bailed out and his Mig-27 crashed .The Pakistani's claim that a shoulder fired missile had brought it down and the Indians say that the engine had flamed out.In a war there will obviously be two versions and being an Indian i would like to believe the Indian version that his engine flamed out.A few moments before ejecting he had fired a salvo of 40 rockets in one go.This is against convention and rockets are generally fired in short bursts.The smoke plume thus generated entered the engine and choked it thus gradually cutting out the engine.Here is the full story
The IAF in the Kargil Operations - 1999 - Flt Lt K Nachiketa

It is true that Ahuja's Mig-21 was shot down while he was trying to locate Nachiketa on the ground.In fact if i am not wrong the official Indian version has always been that 1 jet and 1 heli host to enemy fire.In the case of Nachiketa the benefit of doubt goes to India as no independent observer had seen him being shot down.

Whenever a thread about Kargil comes up Pakistanis here start posting pics of the two wreckages but unfortunately we may never know the truth of what exactly happened.
wats the purpose of this thread. it doesnt clear anything. let pakistani keep imagining wat they want. let us beleive wat we want to belive.
wats the purpose of this thread. it doesnt clear anything. let pakistani keep imagining wat they want. let us beleive wat we want to belive.

True , it doses not clear anything.I posted this because i was actually upset by the way some pakistani members were hurling insults at Nachiketa calling him a janitor so on and so forth in another recent thread.
True , it doses not clear anything.I posted this because i was actually upset by the way some pakistani members were hurling insults at Nachiketa calling him a janitor so on and so forth in another recent thread.

Do you expect them to respect him or what? Stop expecting such things from those who lost war. You are too much! :lol:
True , it doses not clear anything.I posted this because i was actually upset by the way some pakistani members were hurling insults at Nachiketa calling him a janitor so on and so forth in another recent thread.

well u r gonna have to get used to this. thay will beleive wat thay have been told by pkistani govt.
Pakistani Guy's don't u remember about investigation on sinking of Pakistan navy ship in 1971 war was actually technical fault blast huh? now Indians are jealous and making a useless topic!!
Pakistani Guy's don't u remember about investigation on sinking of Pakistan navy ship in 1971 war was actually technical fault blast huh? now Indians are jealous and making a useless topic!!


Are you suggesting that the Pakistanis are greenhorns when it comes to working and maintaining a ship?

Karachi port was a self ignition too! I am waiting for you to say that too!
How are you any better then him if you had reported the post, let the mods deal with it. But then again you had to come out of the closet as well. Auz shouldnt have said what he said, and you should mind your mouth as well.
Tolerance has its own Limits.... When No Actions are taken, Its wise to deal it yourself
RIP Ahuja.His son was in my school.He couldn't really cope up with his loss.
Whining.. whining..

So he screwed himself over.. and ended up a POW..
thats even worse.
yes all indian planes ever destroyed was due to engine failures, pakistan missile are plastic made, they dont work against the indians
Tolerance has its own Limits.... When No Actions are taken, Its wise to deal it yourself

And talking is cheap, one should not preach what he cant practice. You should rather then complaining about it look at the forum, and see for your self the shenanigans that your own brethren play day in day out. Yes you are right Tolerance has its own limits. But if we all start shooting, how will we make it a better place.
Whining.. whining..

So he screwed himself over.. and ended up a POW..
thats even worse.

If you think Indians are Whining, please close the thread and give an infraction...Why are you encouraging flames. As for screwing himself and ending up a POW, i think you have a short memory of POW's.
Since most people who post here do not belong to the services there is a small issue that needs highlighting.

Respect for the dead including the enemy is one of the first virtues of soldiers the world over.

Calling a dead enemy names is not appreciated at all.

But Nacheketha is not dead!...Or did i miss something??
But Nacheketha is not dead!...Or did i miss something??

The ref was not to Nachiketa , this is a trend here .

All soldiers fight for their countries with the same zeal & follow orders thoughtlessly.

Hence the post.
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