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Challenging the Pakistani claim of shooting down an Indian MIG-27

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If you think Indians are Whining, please close the thread and give an infraction...Why are you encouraging flames. As for screwing himself and ending up a POW, i think you have a short memory of POW's.

Yes.. you had POW's.. and lots of them.. yada yada.
The fact remains.. even if he was not shot down..
He was a crappy pilot.... that reflects badly on the standard of training in the IAF
And talking is cheap, one should not preach what he cant practice. You should rather then complaining about it look at the forum, and see for your self the shenanigans that your own brethren play day in day out. Yes you are right Tolerance has its own limits. But if we all start shooting, how will we make it a better place.

Get a Data from Mods on the reported posts of Mine, I have reported posts without taking nationality into consideration... I see it I report it, But an Abuse to Soldiers, I cannot tolerate, See the thread which had a debate on the attack on your airbase.... Beyond that your people have been Like this to the fallen Soldiers....
Yes.. you had POW's.. and lots of them.. yada yada.
The fact remains.. even if he was not shot down..
He was a crappy pilot.... that reflects badly on the standard of training in the IAF

PAF was not involved in action for the simple reason that Pakistan was Claiming your soldiers to be Terrorists not Army Men.... You sold your soldiers and Tagged them Terrorists to satisfy the International Community that it was not a war...

IAF is a Pride , What if it had to loose a Few men, It proved the world that who was hiding behind the bushes... And a Lot tells about your SSG commandos when they were arrested and Killed by Our Havaldars

Dear members.....your job is only to report.....if you see any kind of violation of the forum rules.....but if you get in the act of responding to troll post yourself... make no mistake, you would be dealt like the troll itself!

Stick to the topic.. instead of bringing up stuff from here and there to save faces.
I am posting this because there are basically two versions as far as this incident is concerned.During the kargil conflict Fl Lt Nachiketa bailed out and his Mig-27 crashed .The Pakistani's claim that a shoulder fired missile had brought it down and the Indians say that the engine had flamed out.In a war there will obviously be two versions and being an Indian i would like to believe the Indian version that his engine flamed out.A few moments before ejecting he had fired a salvo of 40 rockets in one go.This is against convention and rockets are generally fired in short bursts.The smoke plume thus generated entered the engine and choked it thus gradually cutting out the engine.Here is the full story
The IAF in the Kargil Operations - 1999 - Flt Lt K Nachiketa

It is true that Ahuja's Mig-21 was shot down while he was trying to locate Nachiketa on the ground.In fact if i am not wrong the official Indian version has always been that 1 jet and 1 heli host to enemy fire.In the case of Nachiketa the benefit of doubt goes to India as no independent observer had seen him being shot down.

Whenever a thread about Kargil comes up Pakistanis here start posting pics of the two wreckages but unfortunately we may never know the truth of what exactly happened.

Does it really matter? the fact is the MIG21 & 27 violated air space and india lost two of its MIGs.
Thats it.
MR.Kambampati Nachiketa is a great fighter pilot , we all salute him for his bravery.

RIP to pilots Squadron Leader Late MR. Ajay Ahuja. May his SOUL REST IN PEACE.

Nachiketa is raring to go on next sortie

Eight days in Pakistani captivity have failed to dampen the spirits of Flt Lt K Nachiketa, who was handed over to the Indian authorities at the Wagah joint check post this evening. ''I am ready for the next sortie'', the pilot of the MiG-27 fighter jet which went down in the Kargil sector last month, quipped in a voice choked with emotion. In brief comments to the media, Nachiketa said, "I am not a hero, but a soldier. Every soldier in Kargil would have done just what I did."

Air Vice Marshal Sashi Tyagi, along with senior officers of the air force, army and Border Security Force were present at the border to welcome Nachiketa with bouquets and garlands. The flight lieutenant was brought to the Pakistani side of the check post in two cars belonging to the Indian high commission at Islamabad at 1700 hrs. He was accompanied by J N Rai, a senior high commission officer, group captain S K Jaswant, and Captain Srikant, the air and naval attaches at the high commission.

The Indian officials, after signing the necessary release documents on the Pakistan side of the JCP accompanied Nachiketa to the zero line and put him in the safe custody of the Indian officers at 1715 hours. As soon as he crossed the zero line Air Vice-Marshal Tyagi shook the flight lieutenant's hand and handed him a bouquet of flowers. Brig S Arora, representing the 15th Infantry division-incharge of the Amritsar sector was the next to greet the air force officer who was dressed in a half sleeve shirt and grey trousers.

The flight lieutenant, with his head held high, told waiting reporters in a choked voice: ''I am fine and happy to be home'' as soon as he crossed the border line. The officer was immediately escorted to the BSF meeting hall where he was offered tea before being taken to Raja Sansi airport, from where he was flown to New Delhi. At the capital, he spent 15 minutes with the defence minister, George Fernandes, and is currently meeting the prime minister and President.

Air Vice-Marshal Tyagi, who had flown to Wagah from the national capital, accompanied the flight lieutenant back to Delhi in an air force plane. When the air force convoy was leaving the JCP, a large number of spectators, who had come to witness the retreat ceremony shouted 'India zindabad, Nachiketa zindabad'. The flight lieutenant, who managed an occasional smile when talking to mediapersons and his fellow officers, appeared surprised by the fairly large number of people who had come to welcome him home.

When questioned about his treatment at the hands of Pakistan, Nachiketa said it was fine but he refused to go into any further details.
PAF was not involved in action for the simple reason that Pakistan was Claiming your soldiers to be Terrorists not Army Men.... You sold your soldiers and Tagged them Terrorists to satisfy the International Community that it was not a war...

IAF is a Pride , What if it had to loose a Few men, It proved the world that who was hiding behind the bushes... And a Lot tells about your SSG commandos when they were arrested and Killed by Our Havaldars

As much as you hate the point that someone disrespects your men then as I had said earlier you should mind your tongue. How dare you call them terrorists, they were and are and will remain freedom fighters. They took on your men like brave soldiers do. And even the GOP had said all along that the men were KAshmiri fighters. So be careful, if you dont like to get dirty dont jump in the mud.
As much as you hate the point that someone disrespects your men then as I had said earlier you should mind your tongue. How dare you call them terrorists, they were and are and will remain freedom fighters. They took on your men like brave soldiers do. And even the GOP had said all along that the men were KAshmiri fighters. So be careful, if you dont like to get dirty dont jump in the mud.

Get yourself updated with "Operation Badr" and Its Result, what was Pakistans Diplomatic Response on its soldiers when The International Community questioned , And how those so called "Freedom Fighters or terrorists" were honored with nations gallantry Award when it earlier refused to have a Role in the kargil Battle??

I am ready to argue about it all.....
PAF was not involved in action for the simple reason that Pakistan was Claiming your soldiers to be Terrorists not Army Men.... You sold your soldiers and Tagged them Terrorists to satisfy the International Community that it was not a war...

IAF is a Pride , What if it had to loose a Few men, It proved the world that who was hiding behind the bushes... And a Lot tells about your SSG commandos when they were arrested and Killed by Our Havaldars

Correction mate, initially pakistan claimed them to be militants not the terrorists, means PA / PAF was not involved in that, means no use of heavy guns / artillery from Pakistan side.

Yet they were able to shot the two fighter jets down. Ignore the versions whether shot or not, but loss of 2 migs speaks itself of ultimate of indian loss.
How dare you call them terrorists, .

using brain and key board.

they were and are and will remain freedom fighters
thats why govt refused to accept their dead rotten body. so much for respect :(
They took on your men like brave soldiers do. And even the GOP had said all along that the men were KAshmiri fighters
by sneaking .. when border is left unmanned ( by mutual agreement) ..
So be careful, if you dont like to get dirty dont jump in the mud

wish same to u X10 :bunny:
Get yourself updated with "Operation Badr" and Its Result, what was Pakistans Diplomatic Response on its soldiers when The International Community questioned , And how those so called "Freedom Fighters or terrorists" were honored with nations gallantry Award when it earlier refused to have a Role in the kargil Battle??

I am ready to argue about it all.....

Dont try to act smart here, Ihad not argued about who did what and what was not done. My point is if you want your own men to be respected then act like wise. Or then dont whine when the shoe goes onto the other foot. The rest is all in the history books and we are both old enough to have witnessed it first hand. You have your version of events and we have ours. Live with it.
Correction mate, initially pakistan claimed them to be militants not the terrorists, means PA / PAF was not involved in that, means no use of heavy guns / artillery from Pakistan side.

Yet they were able to shot the two fighter jets down. Ignore the versions whether shot or not, but loss of 2 migs speaks itself of ultimate of indian loss.

But you disclosed it to the world that Pakistan Army was in disguise of the Millitants when they were given gallantry Awards.... Mig 21 was down, but we managed to fight with truth and Dignity, we fought as Indian Army..... We did not not sell our Brothers to death while the latter did that when faced diplomatic pressure...
thats why govt refused to accept their dead rotten body. so much for respect :(


wish same to u X10 :bunny:

This is what is called tu kon to main khamukhwah.Who the F*ck are you and who was talking to you at the first place. Secondly saying dead body its self was enough,but then you are a sick f*ck aint it you had to show the upbringing that you belong to.
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