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Çay Bahçesi

Turkey is not in Europe or Middle East according to Global Fire Power, but rather in Asia Pacific

Asian-Pacific Powers Ranked by Military Strength - 2015
Georgia's on the list too, had no idea they were Asian.

@xenon54 How's your uncle's Hazelnut harvest?

Do you know guerrilla warfare from Korea and Vietnam ? We Ottoman did that at Vienna.

It is easy , we live in 21.th century. No top attacks.
So you can fv k them , the machines are rapid drilling BETTER than our LAGIMCI


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Özel Harekat Timine hic bir ülkede karsilik veremeszin! Yoksa yersin mermiyi
Hata PÖH de , yere yatirip sabistlestirmen lazim. Bilmiyorsan ögren !
Ama benim POLISIM 26 yil ile yargilanamaz, herseyden evvel
tüm Dünya'da SWAT timlerinin adi ADLI MAKAMLARA asla verilmez.

Basilan ev HÜCRE evi - supporter. DHPC sempatizanlari

Selamlar @Hurshid Celebi :)

0:35 te TALD

This air decoy has been used since the 80ies. What do you think, Turkey has or projected any one like this?
It costs 300.000$
If Israel could , Turkey would produced.

MALD dan eski birsey.
Birde bu Hava decoylar sadece kandirma amacli mi, savas basligi tasiyor mu? Veya vurulmaz ve gorevini basariyla tamamlarsa geri donebiliyor mu? Yazik olmasin o kadar paraya.:)
Super birseymis bunlar. ABD bunlardan birkac bin adet almayi planliyormus.

The ADM-141A/B TALD was an American decoy missile originally built by Brunswick Corporation for the USAF and the Israeli Air Force. Later it transitioned to joint US/Israeli manufacture with Israeli Military Industries Advanced Systems Division (IMI-ASD).

The Tactical Air Launched Decoy (TALD) was intended to confuse and saturate enemy air defenses, as part of an overall SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) strategy thus allowing attacking aircraft and weapons a higher probability of penetrating to the target. The Improved TALD is a turbojet-powered version.
n the 1970s, the Brunswick Corp. developed several unpowered radar decoys including the Samson, which was produced for the Israeli Air Force by Israel Military Industries (IMI) in the early 1980s. The Samson proved highly successful, prompting the US Navy to purchase some 2,000 of them during the mid to late 1980s. The first units entered US service in 1987; in 1985, Brunswick was asked to develop an improved Samson named TALD.

The TALD was an expendable glide vehicle with a square fuselage, flip-out wings, and three tail control surfaces. A digital flight control system could be programmed to conduct various speed or manoeuvering changes during flight. The missile could be launched from 12,200 metres (40,000 ft), at which height it had a range of up to 126 kilometres (78 mi) - a low altitude range reduced this to 26

The TALD was used with great success in the opening stages of Operation Desert Storm in 1991; more than 100 were launched on the opening night of the war. This prompted the Iraqi air defense to activate many of its radars - most of which were then destroyed by anti-radiation missiles.

The Improved TALD is powered by a Teledyne CAE Model 312 (J700-CA-400) turbojet. This boosted the range to more than 300 kilometres (190 mi) at high altitude and 185 kilometres (115 mi) at low altitude. This model was also capable of performing a flight profile which resembled that of a real aircraft much more convincingly. Initially twenty TALDs were upgraded to ADM-141C ITALD configuration, with the first flight conducted in 1996. Since then the U.S. Navy has ordered over 200 ADM-141Cs.

The major user of the ADM-141 is the F/A-18 Hornet. A single Hornet can carry up to 6 decoys.

ADM-141 TALD - Clip by wiki-videos.

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24 tane JSOW'u veya AGM-158i sadece 1m2 RCS deger ile tasiyabilmenin tek yolu B1 Lancermis:) B1 lancer 24 tane JSOW ile eurofighter RCS degerine sahip.
Stealth cruise fuzeleri gelistiriliyor ancak cok pahali olacaktir. Fuzeyle hedefe atilan para, ucak olarak elinde kalacak.
Turkish regional jet projesine paralel olarak, RCS degerinin cok dusuruldugu, B1Lancerin 5te biri boyutlara, yari stealth kucuk bir bomardiman ucagi nasil olurdu?
Ucak ses hizini asmayacak, hava-hava kabiliyeti olmayacak. Sadece icinde 3-4 tane SOM, MALD(veya 1-2 tane uzun menzilli SOM) gizleyebilecek ve RCS degeri 0,5 veya 1 olacak.
B1 veya F-35 kadar pahaliya mal olmayacagi kesi.
.Hintlilerin ucuz ucagi bile 0,67m2 RCS degerine sahip.

Almanlar 70 sene once yapmis, Ingilizlerin AVRO Vulcan'i bile dusuk rcs'li, Polonya 1994te Scorpion yapmis,Sirplar 1991de plalamis.B2 kadar pahali, B1 kadar pahali olmasina gerek yok.
Stand Off Muhimmattan vazgecirmeyecek kucuklukte bir platform olmali.
Karbonfiberden ucak yapmak Turkiye icin cok kolaydir.
McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



F117 :) Turkiye'ye uymaz mi?

50 milyon$a SOM tasiyan bir stealth ucak olurdu. Turkiye kendi uretse 30 milyona bitiriridi.
ABD artik uretmeyecegi icin cizimlerini, planlarini bile veriridi.
Birakin siz Sirplarin F117 dusurmesini,belki o durumda F35i bile yakayabilirlerdi. bu isler icin F35'i mesgul etmenin anlami yok. F35 tam stealth olarak gorev yapsin. Ona verilecek parayla tane 5 tane f117 olsun.
Simdi baslar elestiriler.:)
Dusunun F117'den SOM. MALD ve ATMACA firlatiliyor:)

Edit: F35 ve JSOW hakkinda yanlis yazdiklarim icin Ozur diliyorum.
Ancak yinede Belkide beste bir fiyata 4 tane som tasiyabilecek ucagida dusunmek gerekir.

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- BAE aircraft future projects 2030 -

- - Muhtelelen TALD benzeri SOM'a entegre edilebilir veya edilmistir .

Ancak HARPY ler den 200 den fazla var. Onlar da is görür.
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