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The Harpy is designed to attack radar systems and is optimised for the SEAD role. It carries a high explosive warhead. The Harpy has been sold to several foreign nations, including South Korea, Turkey, India, and China
Because you're ruled by Persians, Romans and Ottoman tatar turkish tribes for '2900' years since Medea empire. Here is your past:

Byzantine Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anatolis are just turkish speakers since the Ottoman empire era but not turk racially.

Here is the real turk:


You are turkized Anatolis.
Your dna tests show turkish race in your people is less than 5% :

Haplogroup distributions in Turkish people

Y chromosome Haplogroup distribution of Turkish people.[5]
According to Cinnioglu et al., (2004)[5] there are many Y-DNA haplogroups present in Turkey. The majority haplogroups are shared with their "West Asian" and "Caucasian' neighbours. By contrast, "Central Asian" haplogroups are rarer, N and Q)- 5.7% (but it rises to 36% if K, R1a, R1b and L- which infrequently occur in Central Asia, but are notable in many other Western Turkic groups), India H, R2 - 1.5% and Africa A, E3*, E3a - 1%.

Some of the percentages identified were:[5]
  • J2=24% - J2 (M172)[5] Typical of Mediterranean, Caucasian, Western and Central Asian populations.[17]
  • R1b=14.7%[5] Widespread in western Eurasia, with distinct 'west Asian' and 'west European' lineages. The predominant haplogroup among Armenians.
  • G=10.9%[5] - Typical of people from the Caucasus and to a lesser extent the Middle East.
  • E3b-M35=10.7%[5] (E3b1-M78 and E3b3-M123 accounting for all E representatives in the sample, besides a single E3b2-M81 chromosome). E-M78 occurs commonly, and is found in northern and eastern Africa, western Asia[18] Haplogroup E-M123 is found in both Africa and Eurasia.
  • J1=9%[5] - Typical amongst people from the Arabian Peninsula and Dagestan (ranging from 3% from Turks around Konya to 12% in Kurds).
  • R1a=6.9%[5] - Common in various Central Asian, Indian, and Eastern European populations.
  • I=5.3%[5] - Common in Balkans and eastern Europe, possibly representing a back-migration to Anatolia.
  • K=4.5%[5] - Typical of Asian populations and Caucasian populations.
  • L=4.2%[5] - Typical of Indian Subcontinent and Khorasanpopulations. Found sporadically in the Middle East and the Caucasus.
  • N=3.8%[5] - Typical of Uralic, Siberian and Altaic populations.
  • T=2.5%[5] - Typical of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Northeast African and South Asian populations
  • Q=1.9%[5] - Typical of Northern Altaic populations (also common in Scandinavia and the Alps.)
  • C=1.3%[5] – Typical of Mongolic and Siberian populations
  • R2=0.96% [5] - Typical of South Asian population
Others markers than occurs in less than 1% are H, A, E3a , O , R1*.

View attachment 280171


You're just turkish speaker since Ottoman empire not turk racially.

Ottoman turk rulers share blood with only 2% of your people.
@Serpentine @WebMaster @waz @Hakan @cabatli_53

this is the second time i have tag u for his racial insults i thought the forum have some rule to deal with such behavior
We are close to the end

Iyi haberini aldik yeter. Allaha emanet ol.
Kanasci o.c. erkek veya disi resimlerini istiyoruz.
Suriye gibi görüntü vermek istesek bir kac F-16 sortisi ile halleder ve sehit vermezdik.

Bir ay önce bunlar Kobane ve Sincar ekibinden geliyor diye buraya not düsmüstüm


Vaktin olursa oku. Fazla yazmadim, yazilacak konu degil :wave:

Turkish Special Operations Forces | Page 54
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I forget Azerbeizan, Thanks for reminding me


I never have any conversation in my whole life with any Iranian in real life (but I do have met and conversed withTurkish/ Maroccan/ Pakistani/ Saudis/Yamani/Somalian-sadly only with the males one ......:cry:) but I do agree that Iran has made huge mistake in helping Bashar and Houthis.

The hate I believe begin when Iran is attacked by Iraq ( and then Arabs helped to finance Saddam (bad guy) during the war, and now Iran help the bad guy as well (Bashar)).


Today I see Spain Election news, just get inspired by two young men there ( 37-38 years old) )who challenge the establishment party.

Pablo Iglesias Turrión - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Albert Rivera - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Azerbaijani people dont really care about sunni SHia difference, i even dont understand the deep differences, as we lived under Russia for 70 years...
These Armenians have always back stabbed Turks... We should learn from our history and get rid of them...

BTW, one more good news..
In armenia a lot of Kurds live. May be he has kurdish origin.

@ Hurshid Celebi

Do you know this novels author? Dale Brown.
New York Times bestselling author.
He is retired pilot of B52. He uses modern, high tech terminology in his novels. Very intersting author.
Kitaplarinin basinda wikipedia gibi butun yeni silahlari, ucaklari, araclari teker teker acikliyor.
Bu kitabinda MALD i aciklamis. MALD ile bir operasyon bile yapm,is.
Daha onceki bir kitabinda 12 tane cruise fuzesini 10000km oteye sadece 1m2 RCS degeriyle tasiyabilecek tek aletin B1Lancer oldugunu ogrenmistim.

MALD gibi sistemler sayesinde, yeni savas ucaklarinin stealth radar absorbe materyalden yapilmasina bile gerek kalmayacak belkide. F16 ya takili Elektronik savas podu, dusman radarinin sinyallerini absorbe edecek, f16yi stealth yapacak.
Belkide koskoca B52 kendini gizleyecek.

Iron Wolf: Dale Brown
His new novel about new russian accupations in East Europe.
New York Times bestselling author Dale Brown goes beyond the headlines in this high-tech, high-tension military thriller in which a resurgent Russia enflames sectarian unrest and violence in Ukraine and Poland, setting off a stealth robotic war and escalating an international crisis.

In the spring of 2017, the U.S. economy is rebounding under President Stacy Anne Barbeau, the country’s first female president. But her leadership is about to be severely tested: Russian president Gennadiy Gryzlov has sent Special Troops, disguised as pro-Russian activists, into Ukraine and Moldova. Though NATO is outraged, its response is tepid. Refusing to let Russian aggression go unpunished, former U.S. president Kevin Martindale approaches Polish president Peter Wilk with a radical solution: a counterattack using a covert force of Cybernetic Infantry Device (CID): manned robots.

Underwritten by the wealthy Wilk, Operation Iron Wolf is launched—without the knowledge of the Americans or its NATO partners. The CID’s initial strikes are successful, infuriating Gryzlov and propelling President Barbeau to pledge western help to investigate the attack. With international tensions at the boiling point, Martindale’s secret alliance, supported by the best military technology, is determined to outmaneuver the Russians.

In this battle that will determine the fate of Eastern Europe, just which side will win?
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Rusya tüm Dünya tarafindan ekonomik savas ile dize getirilmeli. Düsük petrol fiyatlari ve ambargo bunun bir parcasi olabilir, diger yönden isgal ettigi her bölgedeki muhaliflere aktif destek verilmeli. Putin'in Hitler veya Stalin'den hic farki yok. Rusya ekonomik mücadele ve Özel Harp yöntemleri ile dizginlenmezse, bu Megaloman ve Egoman Putin Ukrayna, Kirim, Suriye, Ermenistan, Kirgizistan ve Osetya ile durmaz; Sovjet sinirlarini eski haline getirmek icin ölene kadar ugrasacak. Ekonomik ve Özel Harp Yöntemleri ile kendi halki tarafindan CAR gibi yerlerde sürüklenmesi lazim.
Rusya ve kadim dostlari Ermensitan,Iran ve ateist PKK Azerbeycan icin hayati tehdit olusturmaya basladi.

@LegionnairE hey dude it's enough. just listen to this song and chill out
iranian kurdish girl sings in persian

Come, let's stay away from each other.
Come, let's be lonely gradually.
Come, be worst with me.
Come, pass me by,
Pass me, by,
Sometimes, I get board of feeling
I'm neither sleeping nor I'm awake, my eyes show it.
I need the warmth of your body, I'm in love with you a lot.
There is no pain like this, I'm tired of this life!
I miss you a lot!
I miss you a lot!
I miss you a lot!
I miss you a lot!
Come, let's stay away from each other
Come, let's be lonely gradually
Come, be worse with me
Come, pass me by
Pass me by

@xenon54 do u have ps4? what is your PSN id?
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