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Çay Bahçesi

Guys, i know its off topic, but, today i got selfie with Abdullah Gul ;) View attachment 217592

When you meet these people in person you realize that they are not any different from us, they just happen to be sitting in a nicer chair then we do. You can image drinking cay with them no big deal, if you know what I mean. :laugh:

Life sucks
everything okay? Do you need any help? What can we do for you?
Its just frustrating to know that I will never accomplish anything in life, and I will never have a girl that looks to me with adoring eyes.
Its just frustrating to know that I will never accomplish anything in life, and I will never have a girl that looks to me with adoring eyes.
dont feel like that me personally have so many defeats in my life but successes only come after so many defeats the impotent thing is to not to give up and then to be best in your field
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Its just frustrating to know that I will never accomplish anything in life, and I will never have a girl that looks to me with adoring eyes.

Don't think like that. You are already speaking a secondary language, and have tons of information about history, tourism, ... Are not these called achievements?
As far as women are concerned, you just once need to break your ego, and be ready to ask them out no matter of what the answer of a girl would be. They may say no, but you should not take it personally. After doing this process for a few times, you will learn how to deal with women in a trial and error process ;) :lol:

Not marriage bro, just engagement. :) Marriage might be in August or September....

Other than that it is a very stressful process for me... :cray:
wot, you getting married? congrats bro, do invite me :D

Work on self improvement, be happy and have fun. All things will fall in place for you bro.
OMG @Targon webby replied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your already getting successful in your life
Its just frustrating to know that I will never accomplish anything in life, and I will never have a girl that looks to me with adoring eyes.
Bro everyone has down times once a while in life, thats the most normal thing in world, it would be better for you to concentrate on your school for now and make your first steps in working environment, relax and everything will follow automatically.
You need to say to yourself that being depressive wont solve anything, relax and take your time.
Its just frustrating to know that I will never accomplish anything in life, and I will never have a girl that looks to me with adoring eyes.
Mate, you are creating excuse...

If this man could do it, there is no reason that you can't do it.

You should stop creating excuses, And work towards your goals.
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