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Yes. I also have Beyond Earth.
I havn't played that one but I like brave new world because it has all of the stuff the regular civ v is missing.

Tamam agabey iyi aksamlar
I havn't played that one but I like brave new world because it has all of the stuff the regular civ v is missing.

Tamam agabey iyi aksamlar

Yeah. It is one of the best game I've played. Beyond Earth was a disappointment though.

Eyvallah iyi geceler.
Utanmamiz gerekiyor. Japonlar kadar olamadik. Sadece ordaki halk Turkler icin sokaga cikmak degil. Uyhur konferans bile veriyorlar.

Simdiye kadar gucumuz yoktu,yeni belimizi duzeliyor kardesim,bundan sonra yapmamiz gerekeni yaparsak utanmamiza gerek kalmaz.
Maar we weten allebei dat het de verkeerde kant opgaat met ons land.
Het enige wat wij kunnen doen is hopen op betere tijden.

I didn't have time to read your recent articles, ill check them out when I get more time.
Where have you been man ? missed you :D
thanks bro i have 3 book of test (each of 1000 pages) to finished and few miunth remained for exams when this 3 books finished this set will be finished and i need start a new set ! so im pretty busy :D i guess i in summer will be more free than right now
I didn't like the new upgrade before but now I like it.

Its very fast, and it looks pretty good after you get used to it. Most important thing though is that it is fast.

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