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Yes, why?

PS: I just saw you have 2 posts pending for mod approval, now they are there. I suppose that's why you called me.

Why are my posts need your approval? Is this the standard procedure for everybody?
Why are my posts need your approval? Is this the standard procedure for everybody?
Maybe because you are too special? :)

Actually it happens randomly for other members too, but as far as I know, it has something to do with specific words in posts and I'm not aware of those words. I don't know if that's actually the case or it's a procedure for random posts of random users.

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Maybe because you are too special? :)

Actually it happens randomly for other members too, but as far as I know, it has something to do with specific words in posts and I'm not aware of those words. I don't know if that's actually the case or that it's a procedure for random posts of random users.


First time happening to me in 3250 posts. Anyway thanks.
Why are my posts need your approval? Is this the standard procedure for everybody?
Maybe because you are too special? :)

Actually it happens randomly for other members too, but as far as I know, it has something to do with specific words in posts and I'm not aware of those words. I don't know if that's actually the case or that it's a procedure for random posts of random users.

Lately it has been happening alot. IDK why, there are no bad words or anything.


You got Civ V Brave new world?

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