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Çay Bahçesi


How is life in Zimbawe?
Its pretty good. Not much going on but its okay. Everyone else lives like crap but I have my generator you know so I have electricity. I have my own farm too so im good to go from the food aspect.
Its pretty good. Not much going on but its okay. Everyone else lives like crap but I have my generator you know so I have electricity. I have my own farm too so im good to go from the food aspect.

U really live in Zimbawe?
I got 85% Democrats, 80% Green Party, 63% Constitution Party, 60% Conservative Party, 57% Republicans, 54% Libertarians & 41% Socialist ! :o:

What does this mean ? :undecided:

What the heck is the Green Party ? :what:

It means you don't favor one above the other, the Green Party is mostly and environmentalist party.
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