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Cabatli. I’m not forced to like Erdogan like you. And for your notice. I’m reporting everything you say to the upper staff. You are a mod. I don’t know who you think you are.

Erdogan happened.

It is no need to like anybody for any reason. Nobody can force people to like/hate anybody/anything. Anyhow, Politic debates are just limited with one thread in this section because we have many rightful reasons but It seems you are here for that reason with some secret agenda. Not only me but also many other members complain about your activity. Put everything aside but One thing for sure that It is a MUST to love your country and always hope the best at all conditions instead of opening bashing, insulting threads about Turkey in ME section. You just serve to create a bad perception with so called chaotic environment thanks to your politic comprehension. Take a look around If you find any other guy from other states bashing own country in international area? I didn’t see you while being proud of anything positive so you are in my tracking list as potential threat. As I said you before, We don’t allow FeTO and PKK rats and any other traitors hiding under the proud flag of Turkish Republic to vomit their hatred to this country under the cover of similar sensitivity with dissident patriots but I am not sure yet so I don’t want to make a mistake about you. Just keep going like However you want...

BTW, If You complain about my moderation, Feel free to go GHQ and do it instead of moaning here while labeling me with using politic instruments to justify your activity.

If you are sincere in your complaints, then think what the common grounds of the AKP,HDP, PKK and some ''left/liberals'' in their rhetoric.

For example, who has used the word ''Türkiyeli'' in this forum; when you find it, just simply corner the member(s) with it in respect to Turk laws, history, culture, loyalty,patriotism etc.; and tag me to show you more who is actually misusing Turk values in this forum.

That is a promise.
@rajvoSa What will you tell me about Milorad Dodik and his importance bro?

He's the as of few years undisputed leader of bosnian serbs. He's serbo-russian blunt instrument in Bosnia. After being president of RS ( serbian enitity), after latest election he won a seat as a serb member of presidency. Quite honestly we are entering dengerious period here, he and the Serbs including Serbia's president feel embolden by the rise of far-right in Europe, Trump administration policies and of course Russia...they are making some very practical moves which seems like setting a stage for some shit. And believe me, there will be war if they do decide to pull separatism shit. 4 years ago, it was only rhetoric shit, mostly about the time of elections... but in last 2 years it past from rhetoric to actions, rearmament of his enittiys police, training falicity run by russian inteligence, 3 days ago he anounced formation what is basicly paralel intel agency. Things are not made better by the rise of radical wing of HDZ in Croatia, which controls its branch in Bosnia.. HDZ Bosnia and Dodik are in some kinda od allience, Croats want 3third entity, their own exclusive, lol... but in all honesti, their leader just wants his own fiefdom, to be safe from prosecution. For Russia, well making trouble for EU and NATO on it eastern border is just good option to have, and use it when it comes handy. In my opinion, Russians are holding the button. When, if they say, go. They will go. I hate war, bro. Already lived and fought thru one long one. But there is a part of me that wants it to heppen, to finish this thing. Caused the way its set up now, with Serb blocking almost everything for 10 years, from EU talks, reforms, NATO... constatnt frustration. But then I remember all the shit that will heppen if it comes to war. So, I hope there's another solution. But with the Europe, US, the guys who can stop this being almost ambivalent or quite honestly idiots ( those of them who support exchanging of teritories in Kosovo-Serbia deal) about the gravity of things, lets say I dont have much hope If things countinue to go this way, localy and globaly.
He's the as of few years undisputed leader of bosnian serbs. He's serbo-russian blunt instrument in Bosnia. After being president of RS ( serbian enitity), after latest election he won a seat as a serb member of presidency. Quite honestly we are entering dengerious period here, he and the Serbs including Serbia's president feel embolden by the rise of far-right in Europe, Trump administration policies and of course Russia...they are making some very practical moves which seems like setting a stage for some shit. And believe me, there will be war if they do decide to pull separatism shit. 4 years ago, it was only rhetoric shit, mostly about the time of elections... but in last 2 years it past from rhetoric to actions, rearmament of his enittiys police, training falicity run by russian inteligence, 3 days ago he anounced formation what is basicly paralel intel agency. Things are not made better by the rise of radical wing of HDZ in Croatia, which controls its branch in Bosnia.. HDZ Bosnia and Dodik are in some kinda od allience, Croats want 3third entity, their own exclusive, lol... but in all honesti, their leader just wants his own fiefdom, to be safe from prosecution. For Russia, well making trouble for EU and NATO on it eastern border is just good option to have, and use it when it comes handy. In my opinion, Russians are holding the button. When, if they say, go. They will go. I hate war, bro. Already lived and fought thru one long one. But there is a part of me that wants it to heppen, to finish this thing. Caused the way its set up now, with Serb blocking almost everything for 10 years, from EU talks, reforms, NATO... constatnt frustration. But then I remember all the shit that will heppen if it comes to war. So, I hope there's another solution. But with the Europe, US, the guys who can stop this being almost ambivalent or quite honestly idiots ( those of them who support exchanging of teritories in Kosovo-Serbia deal) about the gravity of things, lets say I dont have much hope If things countinue to go this way, localy and globaly.
It sounds scary. I read that he is openly supporting separatism. What are their military and intelligence capabilities? Is their organization visible or only underground? Are they taking part in the Bosnian Armed Forces and if so do you think that if something internally happens the Bosnian security forces will be able to handle the situation without foreign intervention? Do you think foreign enemy forces will intervene on a large scale if internal conflict arises? I wish you everything good and to all Bosnian brothers and sisters. You are not alone.
It sounds scary. I read that he is openly supporting separatism. What are their military and intelligence capabilities? Is their organization visible or only underground? Are they taking part in the Bosnian Armed Forces and if so do you think that if something internally happens the Bosnian security forces will be able to handle the situation without foreign intervention? Do you think foreign enemy forces will intervene on a large scale if internal conflict arises? I wish you everything good and to all Bosnian brothers and sisters. You are not alone.

this is gonna be a long one

they have 4 infantry battalions, which are part of OSBiH ( armed forces of BiH), one must assume that OSBIH would fell apart along ethnic lines.. But thats not really metter of concern, cause as far as OSBIH is cocrned we would have advantedge cause most of heavy eqipment, tanks, armored vehicles are in bases in Bosniak majority teritory. They were given under train and equip program in 1996-1997 by mostly US, UAE, Saudi, Egypt, Qatar and Turkey... its location was in the agrement to try to insure that bosnian army component has more firepower. there are 2 arillery battalions in bases on RS teritory, 1 helicopter squadron and air defence batalion (s-200). Most important thing is that our defense industry is capable of producing bullets, shells of various calibers, and 122mm rockets.
Knowing that we have advantage in that regard, Dodik and co are militarizing their entity police, they bought some armed vehicles, 2500 serbian guns, established 'police' training base run by russians, and anounced formation of reserve 'police' force. Our police is also well equiped and trained, have more numebrs, only disadventige are armored vehicles which are old PUHs, RPG would light it up like a candle. But all this is only one side of equasion, Serbia would be involved 100%, like in the 90s... so, we wouldn be fighting only Dodik, and RS. It would probably look more like Ukrainian scenario. One more important drawback is Croatian current gov, they would like a peace of Bosnia too,.. and with both we share long borders. So, If it was only us versus RS, we would clean that shit up, but it wouldn be like that. So, w/o international help, preassure, it would be very hard. We would be able to give them a long and good fight on our own, thats guaranteed. We dont have a reserve homeland, bosnian Serbs and Croats do, they have their passports, if something goes wrong they just skip the border. We dont. W/o Bosnia, there's no Bosniak muslims, it is fight for existence. If we lose we end up like muslims of Andalusia . That was at stake in 90s, and it will be again if shit hits the fan. Best case scenario is Gaza like gheto. there's no better moral boost then threat of imminent destruction of your ppl.. As for international intervention, I dont know really... Im not banking on it. If Clinton won the election, we wouldn have this conversation, I can tell you that much. Trumps campaign team members were in Bosnia running campaign for Dodik, Lewandowski and some other shitheads. Europeans are courting Serbia, shit Mogherini is lobying for exchange of teritory between Serbia and Kosovo, its fucking idiotic. It would open a pandoras box. Merkel shut down that shit, but shes leaving soon. So, who knows. UK is for now the most vocal and vigilent western power regarding situation in Bosnia ,cause of russian involvment. French, well, we never trust the French, shit it was French president that flew to Sarajevo in 93, and told Izetbegovic that we as muslims dont belong in Europe, that we are anomaly. Turkish inteligence is also very active here. When the political crisis broke down 4 years ago, Davotuglu flew to Sarajevo right away. But there are limits of what Turkey can realistically do on its own w/o support of NATO states, or some of them.. there are no TSK bases in close proximity, you cant fly over to Bosnia w/o entering other nations airspace.. 2 of them, would be our enemies :) And with you having your own problems, I mean Turkey is at war currently, low intesity war but still a war.

thanks bro, lets hope all this stays just theoretical.
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Bosnian muslims need to get geared up in my opinion also there needs a intelligence war there. dismantle other organisations
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