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turks defending their honor (kebab) by their life :D

which reminds me on our balkan **** around. So, as for the Serb and Croatian nationalist we Bosniaks are shitheads cause we sold our faith (Christianity, even if we were largy vhristian heretics but thats another story) for food. Then of course, we turn their wanna be insult intro a joke. Saying, of course we did, who would eat pigs tales and porige for the rest of its life when on the other side stood backlavas, japrak, dolma... and so on. Even you cant leave with out it. Shit, I lovrd these back and forth zingers in our region. Ewsspecially when they are so fucking serius about it, like its focal point of their uprbinging, shit like that.

which reminds me on our balkan **** around. So, as for the Serb and Croatian nationalist we Bosniaks are shitheads cause we sold our faith (Christianity, even if we were largy vhristian heretics but thats another story) for food. Then of course, we turn their wanna be insult intro a joke. Saying, of course we did, who would eat pigs tales and porige for the rest of its life when on the other side stood backlavas, japrak, dolma... and so on. Even you cant leave with out it. Shit, I lovrd these back and forth zingers in our region. Ewsspecially when they are so fucking serius about it, like its focal point of their uprbinging, shit like that.

I have friends from the Balkans (normal it's Austria) and they don't accept that some of their "National dishes" are from Turkey, but the most funny part is the language... :"no no there are no Turkish loanwords in Croatian, Serbian, Albanian... after some examples they always say "you guys have these words from us not otherwise" lol

sultan murad iv was the fuking most badass sultan of ottoman empire my favorite (after yavuz sultan) and the last warrior-sultan whom personal lead an army in fact he had a war hammer 60 kg wight and a broadsword 50 kg he fuked everyone within his reach rebellious Janissaries , merchents 1 shaykh al islam and other empires until everyone agreed to bend first then bend over , due to that he was the last fuking rich sultan of ottomans


his motto was ours is the kebab
I have friends from the Balkans (normal it's Austria) and they don't accept that some of their "National dishes" are from Turkey, but the most funny part is the language... :"no no there are no Turkish loanwords in Croatian, Serbian, Albanian... after some examples they always say "you guys have these words from us not otherwise" lol

Nothing better strips intelectual idiocy of european style nationalism then such esxmpls. So called dawn of human civiklizations progress and western enlightument, indeed produces some good art and shit, but also brougt down on human civilization two most deadlyand destructive plages; nationalism and communism, each iof wich brougt with it long and lasting number of cionsequences that will be felt for generatioNS,.

I thank Allah that in time of our most vurnability and tempotetion he he gave us Ali Izetbegovic as a our leader. He saved Bosnia, but most importabntrly he saved our soul, saved us from becoming the monster we are fighting, and ensured those same values will be corner stone of our future generation.
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i remember discussing with am armenian guy from school who tried to defend that yaprak and dolma was theirs. i asked what the meaning of name of yaprak and dolma is. he coudlnt explain and i said it litterily means leaves and filling/filled he was quiet. i felt like i conquered his whole country :D

sultan murad iv was the fuking most badass sultan of ottoman empire my favorite (after yavuz sultan) and the last warrior-sultan whom personal lead an army in fact he had a war hammer 60 kg wight and a broadsword 50 kg he fuked everyone within his reach rebellious Janissaries , merchents 1 shaykh al islam and other empires until everyone agreed to bend first then bend over , due to that he was the last fuking rich sultan of ottomans


his motto was ours is the kebab

He's my favorite of the lot too, IMO ranking even higher then Yavuz. The circumstances of his rule, the hardship he had to go through and his steel will has been a wonder for me ever since I've read about him. Then again, the irony of his demise is not lost either :)
Definition of the right man in the the exactly right place in time. Maybe modern equivalent would be Churchil for british in WWII
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after searching pdf I found nothing .. so I think I post it here:


The Arsenal attacker has hit out at the treatment he received from the German football association (DFB), confirming he will no longer wear the jersey

Özil leaves Germany because of racism .. today we face a really big racism problem in germany and the politicians arnt to do anything against it..
Avrupalının humanistliği yine avrupalıya.Avrupanın bugün savunduğu ne kadar insan hakları,eşitlik vb değerler varsa hepsi yine avrupalı ve avrupalı arasındadır.Pragda avupalı taraftarların suriyelilerle dalga geçercesine nasıl bozuk para fırlatıp eğlendikleri video ortada.Bundan daha vahimi ise Avrupanın bu sahte yüzüne aldanıp kendi ülkesine sırtını dönenler.

Mesut özil gibi almanca öğrenmiş,alman toplumuna ayak uydurmuş,türk milli takımı yerine alman milli takımını seçmiş 2.-3. jenerasyon birisi bile ırkçılığa maruz kalıyorsa varın gerisini siz düşünün.
Avrupalının humanistliği yine avrupalıya.Avrupanın bugün savunduğu ne kadar insan hakları,eşitlik vb değerler varsa hepsi yine avrupalı ve avrupalı arasındadır.Pragda avupalı taraftarların suriyelilerle dalga geçercesine nasıl bozuk para fırlatıp eğlendikleri video ortada.Bundan daha vahimi ise Avrupanın bu sahte yüzüne aldanıp kendi ülkesine sırtını dönenler.

Mesut özil gibi almanca öğrenmiş,alman toplumuna ayak uydurmuş,türk milli takımı yerine alman milli takımını seçmiş 2.-3. jenerasyon birisi bile ırkçılığa maruz kalıyorsa varın gerisini siz düşünün.
Can ve mal varlığının devlet güvencesi altında olması. Otur bunun ne demek olduğunu araştır boş boş demogoji yapacağına.
Can ve mal varlığının devlet güvencesi altında olması. Otur bunun ne demek olduğunu araştır boş boş demogoji yapacağına.
Belki sen benim demogojime boş yapma diye cevap vermek yerine bana can ve mal varlığının devlet güvencesi altında olmasının ne demek olduğunu anlatabilirsin?
He's my favorite of the lot too, IMO ranking even higher then Yavuz. The circumstances of his rule, the hardship he had to go through and his steel will has been a wonder for me ever since I've read about him. Then again, the irony of his demise is not lost either :)
joke aside bro he had a 60 kg war hammer thats so cool :DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D he is more cooler than robert baratheon
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