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Çay Bahçesi

@xenon54 :enjoy:

:lol: thats so accurate :rofl:
. . . . .

Buddy, things are going wrong in Germany. Racism without limits.

Bileziklerin değerinin 4 bin Euro olduğunu belirten Münih Gümrük Dairesi, kadınların vergi ve para cezası olarak 800 Euro ödediğini bildirdi. Kadınların parayı havaalanında ödemesinin ardından bilezikleri teslim edildi


There is a witch hunt against all who are not conform with German Policy.

Ein 54-jähriger Schweizer sitzt in Deutschland in U-Haft wegen Spionageverdachts. Er soll für Schweizer Schlapphüte gearbeitet haben, um deutsche Steuerfahnder zu enttarnen.


Be happy that you live in a democratic and peaceful country.
You have the possibility to start REFERANDUMS we not.
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Buddy, things are going wrong in Germany. Racism without limits.

Bileziklerin değerinin 4 bin Euro olduğunu belirten Münih Gümrük Dairesi, kadınların vergi ve para cezası olarak 800 Euro ödediğini bildirdi. Kadınların parayı havaalanında ödemesinin ardından bilezikleri teslim edildi


There is a witch hunt against all who are not conform with German Policy.

Ein 54-jähriger Schweizer sitzt in Deutschland in U-Haft wegen Spionageverdachts. Er soll für Schweizer Schlapphüte gearbeitet haben, um deutsche Steuerfahnder zu enttarnen.


Be happy that you live in a democratic and peaceful country.
You have the possibility to start REFERANDUMS we not.
They were obviously trying to smuggle those, have you asked yourself why the gold was hidden in woman hygiene products?
There are certain rules and everybody must obey them.
They were obviously trying to smuggle those, have you asked yourself why the gold was hidden in woman hygiene products?
There are certain rules and everybody must obey them.

That is fake news .
Rules ?
Try to enter Germany with a diamond ring on the finger as Turkish ethnic guy.
If you have not declared it when you departed you are screwed. Why do you defend them ?
Do you believe indeed that your NDB infiltrated Germans. Please stay straight buddy.
BTW, does Turkey has rules referring SPY - agents ?
. . . . . . . .
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