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Casteism Map of India: How strong is it over entire India?

out of 1000 Indian Hindu Janitors one Pakistani is not a surprise .. like I said in Gulf Indian Hindus are preferred for this job!

I have never seen a Hindu janitor in the gulf. Have always met BD and Pakistani ones.
Adi Shankara was in 509 BC. And yes, they have unbroken lineage.

Adi Shankaracharya himself learnt the Vedas from his fathers Gurukul.

Kuch bhii...

Adi Shankaracharya (Sanskrit: आदि शङ्कराआचार्य [aːdɪ ɕɐŋkɐɽɐ])[note 1] was an early 8th century Indian philosopher and theologian[2] who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta.[1][3][note 2] He is credited with unifying and establishing the main currents of thought in Hinduism.[5][6][7]


check out the references

Man what sort of whatsapp university did you graduate from?
Kuch bhii...

Adi Shankaracharya (Sanskrit: आदि शङ्कराआचार्य [aːdɪ ɕɐŋkɐɽɐ])[note 1] was an early 8th century Indian philosopher and theologian[2] who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta.[1][3][note 2] He is credited with unifying and establishing the main currents of thought in Hinduism.[5][6][7]


check out the references

Man what sort of whatsapp university did you graduate from?


What is the reference ?

The BEST and most accurate date of birth is given by Chitsukhacharya was associated with Sankara from the age of 5, in his studies at school and when he (Sankara) became a Sanyasi (or monk! in his 10th Year, followed his example. receiving the initiation at his hands and always kept him company thereafter throughout his wenderings and exploits all over the country, survived Sri Sankara for several years and composed his great work "The Brihat-Sankara Vijaya"

The Brihat-Sankara Vijaya immortalised the achievements of his friend and preceptor. The date of the birth of Sri Sankara is specified in this authoritative treatise, This date tallies with the date assigned to the birth of Sri Adi Sankaracharya in the lists of the Acharyas of the various religious establishments known as Sankara Pithas established by Sri Adi Sankara at Dwarka, Kanchi, Puri etc, These lists of the heads of the religious establishments are complete and continuous from the time of the founder Sri Adi Sankara to the present day.

The date of the birth of Sri Sankara according to these authorities is given by the verse.

tishyae prayaatya nalasaevadhi baaNanaetrae |
yae naMdanae dinamaNaa vudagadhvabhaaji |
raadhae ditae ruDuvinirgatamangalagnae |
syaahootavaan Sivaguru@h sacha SaMkaraeti ||

तिष्ये प्रयात्य नलसेवधि बाणनेत्रे |
ये नंदने दिनमणा वुदगढ़वभाजी |
राधे दिते रुडुविनिर्गतमन्गलग्ने |
स्याहूतवान सिवगुरुहू सच श्रंकरेति ||
Meaning:···-· Anala=3. Sevadhi = 9, Bana = 5, Netra= 2, which comes to 2593rd year of Kali (or 509 B. C.)

On Sunday, Vaisakha Sukla Panchami in the constellation and Lagna of Dhanus in the year Nandana, a son was born to Sivaguru and he was named ‘Sankara’ by his father in 2593 Kali (which corresponds to 3102-2593 = 509 B.C)

There is no better proof of his year of birth that those written by his own contemporary.

What is the reference ?

The BEST and most accurate date of birth is given by Chitsukhacharya was associated with Sankara from the age of 5, in his studies at school and when he (Sankara) became a Sanyasi (or monk! in his 10th Year, followed his example. receiving the initiation at his hands and always kept him company thereafter throughout his wenderings and exploits all over the country, survived Sri Sankara for several years and composed his great work "The Brihat-Sankara Vijaya"

The Brihat-Sankara Vijaya immortalised the achievements of his friend and preceptor. The date of the birth of Sri Sankara is specified in this authoritative treatise, This date tallies with the date assigned to the birth of Sri Adi Sankaracharya in the lists of the Acharyas of the various religious establishments known as Sankara Pithas established by Sri Adi Sankara at Dwarka, Kanchi, Puri etc, These lists of the heads of the religious establishments are complete and continuous from the time of the founder Sri Adi Sankara to the present day.

The date of the birth of Sri Sankara according to these authorities is given by the verse.

tishyae prayaatya nalasaevadhi baaNanaetrae |
yae naMdanae dinamaNaa vudagadhvabhaaji |
raadhae ditae ruDuvinirgatamangalagnae |
syaahootavaan Sivaguru@h sacha SaMkaraeti ||

तिष्ये प्रयात्य नलसेवधि बाणनेत्रे |
ये नंदने दिनमणा वुदगढ़वभाजी |
राधे दिते रुडुविनिर्गतमन्गलग्ने |
स्याहूतवान सिवगुरुहू सच श्रंकरेति ||
Meaning:···-· Anala=3. Sevadhi = 9, Bana = 5, Netra= 2, which comes to 2593rd year of Kali (or 509 B. C.)

On Sunday, Vaisakha Sukla Panchami in the constellation and Lagna of Dhanus in the year Nandana, a son was born to Sivaguru and he was named ‘Sankara’ by his father in 2593 Kali (which corresponds to 3102-2593 = 509 B.C)

There is no better proof of his year of birth that those written by his own contemporary.

not a single accredited historian believes that he was born in 509 BC...That would make him contemporary of Buddha...
have been living abroad for like decade and NEVER saw Pakistani doing Janitorial job
Where have you been living, there are a lot of Pakistan folks in cleaning jobs. Nothing wrong with that though.

I know this because I am in HVAC business and meet them day in and day out.

If you want proof, then you can see that report I found on Pakistan based media channel.
out of 1000 Indian Hindu Janitors one Pakistani is not a surprise .. like I said in Gulf Indian Hindus are preferred for this job!
Its not one. There are many. If you want I can post them too. Someone will have to help me with translation though because they speak poonjabee or urdu.

which companies make the best sewage batman type suits?
Sewage batman? I think DuPont makes some decent protective suits for working in sanitation, water treatment, hazardous environment etc :


which companies make the best sewage batman type suits?
BTW, the proper term in NA for those is Hazmat Suits.
@jamahir when i was talking of nationalistc capitalism, I had indigenous yet still cost-effective manufacturing of such products in mind....Lots to talk with you,when i come back in December

may be each member of the society should work as a sewage cleaner for 2 years of their lives anytime during adulthood...that way any sort of caste based discrimination might be totally eradicated.....just throwing outside of the box ideas that might stick...another being rapid urbanization ,,,old methods of education,advice,persuasion and cajoling not working regarding caste based as well as class based prejudices
Its not one. There are many. If you want I can post them too. Someone will have to help me with translation though because they speak poonjabee or urdu.

stop ranting here .. take your mobile phone with you next time you go to any mall in Dubai and make videos .. you will be surprised to know that Indians are preferred for this job.. nothing wrong in though..
@jamahir when i was talking of nationalistc capitalism

Well, it is not necessary that Capitalism ( nationalistic or otherwise ) will produce solutions and Socialism won't. :)

I had indigenous yet still cost-effective manufacturing of such products in mind

Yes, these suits are fine products. Indian municipality authorities should purchase them.

....Lots to talk with you,when i come back in December

Mind if I ask what work will take this long ??

may be each member of the society should work as a sewage cleaner for 2 years of their lives anytime during adulthood...that way any sort of caste based discrimination might be totally eradicated.....just throwing outside of the box ideas that might stick...another being rapid urbanization ,,,old methods of education,advice,persuasion and cajoling not working regarding caste based as well as class based prejudices

I agree with your points. Isn't there a regulation that newly graduated doctors have to put in some of their time in rural areas ?? It will be also like in certain countries, everyone has to put in some of their time in military service.

And sewage cleaning can be semi-automated. Four men from Kerala created a drain-cleaning robot called Bandicoot.

I believe that in, to take the pressure of current big cities, new cities should be created :

1. Each neighborhood should have semi-automated Urban Farms and max five-storey automated Vertical Farms. The residents of that neighborhood should put in some of their time in these farms.

2. The sanitary drainage system should be built with a more scientific and automation-capability in mind, and like you suggested, people of the neighborhood have to put in two years in servicing the drain system.

old methods of education,advice,persuasion and cajoling not working regarding caste based as well as class based prejudices

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stop ranting here .. take your mobile phone with you next time you go to any mall in Dubai and make videos .. you will be surprised to know that Indians are preferred for this job.. nothing wrong in though..
Lets see the progression : Never do -> Only one -> Indians preferred.
I will give you a simple point. Indians are numerous. Kapish?
Lets see the progression : Never do -> Only one -> Indians preferred.
I will give you a simple point. Indians are numerous. Kapish?
It is only Indians working in janitorial jobs in Muslim majority Gulf countries because they are preferred there.. a Pakistani working in such jobs is rare.

Phew.. to explain something to dumb asses like you is a project ..
Mind if I ask what work will take this long ??

Remember when your father very recently passed away I told you that I also lost my father quite young? well not only that, my father was completely wrongfully bankrupted overnight by my uncle a fortnight before his death.All that pressure and (intentional) stoppage of medicine got to him. Since then it had been an uphill struggle for me to restore everything back home. as mentioned previously I guess in this thread, i have a new gf and may marry next year..I want to therefore concentrate on my work, and if possible close the deal on a modest export unit (I am a minor party in this)...this would at least help me to buy a smallish apartment in a couple of years..I am hellbent on marrying only after I buy my own apt, no matter how nondescript and modest it is...I am a severely clinically autistic person..At best I can concentrate on only a couple of things in life..because of the intrusion of a new person, I have to either give her up or give pdf up..teh re-engagement with pdf the last 3-4 months was such a guilty pleasure..I may make this an annual hobby..be on pdf 2-3 months of a year every winter....So perhaps you may be able to understand my decision ...I look forward to seeing you around when I am back as I do thoroughly enjoy your posts...take care, all the best and once again my condolences for your recent loss

PS:By Nationalistic Capitalism I meant tactical tariffs and trade barriers: Like the temporary trade barriers imposed on Japanese large capacity motorcycles by Ronald Regan to save Harley Davidson---->which later went onto to become a global cultural icon (Terminator 2 and other movies) and a permanent resident of the world's top 100 brands list
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It is only Indians working in janitorial jobs in Muslim majority Gulf countries because they are preferred there.. a Pakistani working in such jobs is rare.
Judging by number of responses, it seems not so rare job description for Pakistan folks.

If you wish I can keep on digging more and more such examples...

Here i make it even simpler...


This link searches pages from Pakistan containing word cleaner and dubai. Just first page suggest the number of job posting in Pakistan websites looking for cleaners to work in dubai.
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not a single accredited historian believes that he was born in 509 BC...That would make him contemporary of Buddha...

All "accreditation" of "Indian" historians comes from oxford and cambridge.

Same as "accreditation" of all Indian "sanskrit" scholars.

The western narrative of Indian history and religion is a poisonous concoction of prejudice, bias, racism, and outright Lies. I have read your post describing your borderline autism so I am going to be kind to you out of respect for your struggles. My genuine advice is go never give ANY credence to "accredited Indian historians" like Romila thapar and irfan habib.

Always rely on ORIGINAL SOURCE when talking about Indian history or religion.

Same is true when determining Buddha's actual date of birth.

Both the Rajatarangini (of Kashmir) and NepalVamsavali (of Nepal) mention Buddha as being born in the 2nd millennium B.C.E (i.e. between 2000 to 1000 BCE)

Buddha was the contemporary of Kshemajit, Bimbisara and AjataSatru, the 31st, the 32nd, and the 33rd kings of Magadha. The Buddhistic works say that Buddha was Seventy-two years old at the time of AjataSatru’s coronation.

According to the Puranas AjataSatru’s coronation was in 1814 BCE.

Sisunaga dynasty given in Purana,

1. Sisunaga (l994 – 1954 BCE)
2. Kakavarna (1954 – 1918 BCE)
3. Kshemadharma (1918 – 1892 BCE)
4. Kshemajit (1892 – 1852 BCE)
5. Bimbisara (1852 – 1814 BCE)
6. AjataSatru (1814 – 1787 BCE)

This would put Buddha's exact Year of Birth as 1887 B.C.E

Buddha’s total life period 80 years, (From 1887 – 1807 BCE).

Buddha or Siddhartha was born on Poornima (fullmoon day) of Visakha lunar month.
Thus Gautama Buddha’s exact birth date according to astronomical analysis would be 9th April, 1887 BCE.

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