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Caste killing exposes India's secret shame

Since caste is not a "secret" and this incident is considered a "shock", there is no "secret shame" I particularly feel.
I didn't know the caste system was a secret.It has been discussed numerous times on this forum than anything else :lol:
Certainly a shame though as it has been abused, but nonetheless the problem is slowly fading.
with the increasing literacy,caste and creed will dissappear
It's sad that some bharatis such as sanibhagwan are trying to divert the issue. They have no problems talking about issues in other countries but boy when one talks about their own issues, do they not feel insecure.

wow. now personal attacks. I really don't know if its allowed according to forum rules.

Pakistani member said:

it is called state of denial, particular characteristic associated with Indians.

I said:

Its the "Characteristics" of Sub-continent isn't it.

Denying Osama-bin-laden was not in pakistan for 10 years from common man to President. Suddenly, he got killed in pakistan.

Is it in any way offensive.

Pakistani member said:

he core problem is majority of india is in thits state

I said:

Rather everyone living in sub-continentt is making fun of himselves when he talks about religious/sectarian/caste based violence.

Again, is it offensive in any way.

Did i deny any thing? I said it happens in our region (subcontinent).

The choice of word "subcontinent" made your guys fidgety and jerky. I don't really know who is feeling insecure here.

do they not feel insecure.

Unlike you guys, did i make any statement like "Pakistanis are supporters of terrorists" just because osama bin laden was found in pakistan.
Yet another article and couple of trolls that generalize India based on isolated incidents. Shame is when a country knows about its problems and choose not to do anything about it. In India caste based incidents are now confined to rural and illiterate people. Education will and is bringing about that change.
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