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Haryana’s biggest khap panchayat allows inter-caste marriages

Of course there is :lol: .....heard of the Canon Laws ? ...........try being not so stupid, it will hurt less.

Inter religious marriages are possible in Christianity. And no, I am not the one who looks stupid....

Comments like "Mallu's don't have the guts to kill anyone over anything. " just prove your high level of retardedness... but arguing with fundamentalist losers like you is like talking to a brick wall anyways....
Inter religious marriages are possible in Christianity. And no, I am not the one who looks stupid....

Comments like "Mallu's don't have the guts to kill anyone over anything. " just prove your high level of retardedness... but arguing with fundamentalist losers like you is like talking to a brick wall anyways....

No its NOT possible :lol: ........the non christian has to first convert to Christianity for the marriage to take place. Else they can only get married via the special marriage act for interfaith marriages. ........ you continue to look stupid.

No need to mention that those getting married without the church "sanction" gets excommunicated :P .......... and you have the audacity to comment on the Khaps. LOL.

You want me to say Mallus are murderers ? that will make you happy ? total retard :cheesy:
No its NOT possible :lol: ........the non christian has to first convert to Christianity for the marriage to take place. Else they can only get married via the special marriage act for interfaith marriages. ........ you continue to look stupid.

No need to mention that those getting married without the church "sanction" gets excommunicated :P .......... and you have the audacity to comment on the Khaps. LOL.

Thats not necessarily there are enough examples of Catholics marrying partners from other religions with both sticking to their religions.

You want me to say Mallus are murderers ? that will make you happy ? total retard :cheesy:

See, like talking to a wall....a waste of time... go and get some help loser.
Dude maybe this is important because of government and other things. But let me tell you one thing if Khap decide not to change in this no government can even forcelly change it in next 20 years. Khap decide this is one of the most excellent thing happen in HARYANA.

As I said, it is making a virtue of a necessity. The Khap had no real choice, either agree to this or lose their grip because the "boys" will follow their testicles to wherever it is that they can find girls. Khap or no Khap. Hence this "great ruling". Far better if they could put an end to female infanticide. The boys of the next generation might have had a chance.
Thats not necessarily there are enough examples of Catholics marrying partners from other religions with both sticking to their religions.
See, like talking to a wall....a waste of time... go and get some help loser.

It is necessary as per Canon Laws. :lol: ......... you cannot spin your way out of it.....otherwise the church does not recognise the marriage. Only the Law does. FAIL :P

As I said, it is making a virtue of a necessity. The Khap had no real choice, either agree to this or lose their grip because the "boys" will follow their testicles to wherever it is that they can find girls. Khap or no Khap. Hence this "great ruling". Far better if they could put an end to female infanticide. The boys of the next generation might have had a chance.

At least the Khap has shown a tendency to move with the times and modify the rulings to reflect reality. Not bad, or is it ?

Khap has not made a ruling for female infanticide, so they have limited role in preventing it either. Female infanticide has a more social/cultural/economical/ historical roots.
As I said, it is making a virtue of a necessity. The Khap had no real choice, either agree to this or lose their grip because the "boys" will follow their testicles to wherever it is that they can find girls. Khap or no Khap. Hence this "great ruling". Far better if they could put an end to female infanticide. The boys of the next generation might have had a chance.
Yeah thats why i am saying that Government can't force Khap to change rules not in near 20 years. Because after 20 -30 years maybe next generation will take over on Khap but not now. And let me tell you something, in villages with Khap Panchayat youth support them in large amount. Yes maybe some peoples not but nearly 90-95 percent population in that villages are agree with Khap Panchayat. In next 20-30 years maybe there is no Khap Panchayat at all. But now they have choice Dude believe it or not. But Congress don't have guts to force Khap till now. Because they can fcuk whole Haryana Government and many MLA's also support them. Khap take this step is very good but you can't say that they done is under pressure.
No complaints. Just bringing in the context.

How does female infanticide come under Khap ruling ? .......guilty by association ? just saying. Try not to bad mouth the Khaps without knowing too much about it.

The Khaps like every other institution play a positive role in society and like every other institution has its share of faults too. Best to stick to facts without coloring it with our own personal prejudices.
How does female infanticide come under Khap ruling ? .......guilty by association ? just saying. Try not to bad mouth the Khaps without knowing too much about it.

The Khaps like every other institution play a positive role in society and like every other institution has its share of faults too. Best to stick to facts without coloring it with our own personal prejudices.

Never said female infanticide came under Khap ruling, just that unless that is changed, these types of actions will amount to nothing more than trying to catch up to the "followers". I'm not under the illusion that preference for the male child is a product of some khap diktat, that remains deep rooted & would need to change, one way or the other.

As for not being a fan of the Khaps, I plead guilty. Unlike you, I believe whatever purpose it served, its negative influence now outweighs any positive one. That however is my opinion, I have no problems if you chose to hold a different one.

. Khap take this step is very good but you can't say that they done is under pressure.

By pressure, I don't mean from government but from within the followers themselves.
Never said female infanticide came under Khap ruling, just that unless that is changed, these types of actions will amount to nothing more than trying to catch up to the "followers". I'm not under the illusion that preference for the male child is a product of some khap diktat, that remains deep rooted & would need to change, one way or the other.

As for not being a fan of the Khaps, I plead guilty. Unlike you, I believe whatever purpose it served, its negative influence now outweighs any positive one. That however is my opinion, I have no problems if you chose to hold a different one.

Yet that did not stop you from wondering aloud if Khap should put an end to female infanticide. :disagree:

Khaps only play a major role in prevent same gotra marriages. Hinduism considers people of the same gotra as siblings and marriage within the same gotra is INCEST.

Most so called "honor killing" is to prevent the sin of Incest.

There has been NO scientific studies that proves otherwise, so asking for same gothra marriages in the face of religions, social and cultural opposition is just Majoritarianism.

Let all those who oppose Khaps doe it on scientific and legal grounds, not by brute force and unethical media trails.
Yet that did not stop you from wondering aloud if Khap should put an end to female infanticide. :disagree:

I said far better if they could......

Khaps only play a major role in prevent same gotra marriages. Hinduism considers people of the same gotra as siblings and marriage within the same gotra is INCEST.

Most so called "honor killing" is to prevent the sin of Incest.

There has been NO scientific studies that proves otherwise, so asking for same gothra marriages in the face of religions, social and cultural opposition is just Majoritarianism.

Let all those who oppose Khaps doe it on scientific and legal grounds, not by brute force and unethical media trails.

That's silly. Anyone & everyone is entitled to their opinion but no one has a right to enforce their opinion on those who do not wish to follow it. Are you suggesting that people be allowed to push what they think should be their religious agenda on the unwilling? A bit tasteless your attempt to justify honour killings.

Scientific? You have many marrying their cousins. That's trouble whether the cousins getting married are from the acceptable side of the family or otherwise. Far less crazy to marry within the same gothra, if those involved aren't close relatives.
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That's silly. Anyone & everyone is entitled to their opinion but no one has a right to enforce their opinion on those who do not wish to follow it. Are you suggesting that people be allowed to push what they think should be their religious agenda on the unwilling?

Then I take it you are all for allowing incest and sibling marriages ? Not to mention marriage between different species like a dog and a human in respect for their opinion and choice ?
Then I take it you are all for allowing incest and sibling marriages ? Not to mention marriage between different species like a dog and a human in respect for their opinion and choice ?

I'm for people not killing in the name of honour. Incest & siblings have a legal definition. I'm not for expanding that definition. The other bit of commentary does not require any response.
I'm for people not killing in the name of honour. Incest & siblings have a legal definition. I'm not for expanding that definition. The other bit of commentary does not require any response.

LOL....the legal definition of not marrying siblings and practicing incest have come from RELIGION :lol: So why this double standards ?

So what you are really saying is that the Law must be modified to prevent marriage within the same gothra. :azn:

Never took you for a prude...but the reality is that you do not respect others choice for inter species marriage when it goes against your sensibilities. Same is true for the Khaps too.

Are you in favor of killings in the name of Justice ? :cheesy:
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