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Cannot sit, watch and do nothing

i thought china said that attack on pakistan will be considered as attack on china, why are they sitting and only talking now??? why not respond to the attack?///

The proper report by the US government is naming this a "mishap". As you know, the PLA will not respond to "mishaps", even if nobody believes it.
i thought china said that attack on pakistan will be considered as attack on china, why are they sitting and only talking now??? why not respond to the attack?///

This was an attack by US and NATO Forces on Pakistan. Our Chinese friends support us but we do not want their involvement in this case. We do not want to engage US militarily yet as there are other ways to punish US action indirectly. I think Pakistani Govt. has taken the right approach of breaking Military ties with NATO and cutting of the supply route as well as asking CIA to vacate Shamsi Air Base.

Indian TROLLS need to take a CHILL PILL AND buzz off. This does not affect you Indians. We know how to deal with Americans.
The last time China sent army into another country obviously is during Korean War. During vietnam war, China also sent army personal into vietnam war as well, but not as many regulars as Korean war since U.S. did not dare to move into north vietnam for a full scale war after China issued her stern warnings.

The reason China did not send as many army soldiers into vietnam as korean wars is that China then also offered stern warning against U.S. not sending bombers into north vietnam, otherwise, China would do the same as what she has done in Korea. U.S. thus did not and north vietnam kept most of military facilities close to China borders for safety.

As for this time, China will just do the same by sending better weaponry into Pakistan. It is still the conflict between Pakistan and U.S. and NATO. China's involvement has to be asked by Pakistan government even though we have a close relationship. We cannot just send army or air force into Pakistan. It will be a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty if we do so without being asked. Even during Korean war, it is the elder kim who begged soviet for help and then kim and soviet begged China to help. I do believe the military hardware support or transfer is already on the way. How fast, how much are all depending on how the issue is resolved.

You have to tell the different levels of warnings issued by China. Our final warnings are indeed deadly. We issued our stern warnings before Korean war, before 1962 China-india border war, before the China–Soviet border conflict, before China-vietnam war and etc.

If you read those final warnings before those wars and conflicts China has directly involved, you should have already seen a pattern. Of course, you can ignore the pattern and think China is just pretending to help.

If you say China is just too weak to help or did not dare to help since the enemy is just too strong, well, China fought the so-called U.S.-led U.N. armies with nuclear weapons during Korean war. China also fought then u.s.s.r that has hundreds of times more nuclear weapons and more than one million division soldiers along china-soviet/mongolia borders. If we were not afraid then, why should we become afraid when we are indeed much more stronger than we were in the past, and have much more retaliatory weapons in our disposal than the past??? We have almost none of such retaliatory weapons in the past during those wars, don't we?

Well, you can still believe the world is flat and there is nothing I can do about it.
@slytherin exactly what am asking.... Why china waiting? America attacked pakistan yet again.... China need to take action.... Why aren't they doing something? What's your view on it?.... Do u think china is trusted friend of pakistan? in Any war they helped pakistan till now?.... i dont remember any.... All china does is 'Lip servising'.... China need to attack NATO.... China claims they most powerful nation.... Why are they just watching its brother nation bleeding?.... Thats cruel.... We all seen friendship between israel and india Plus russia and india in war.... When china will protect pakistan?.... Right time? (i hope i wont get that answer. Right time is doesnt come ever). Pakistan need china's help.... Urgently....

How can you expect China to do something more than what Pakistan will do themselves??? As per reports this attack on Pakistan post continued for 2 hours.....Apaches were used as well...Now i am not sure what stopped Pakistan from launching a counter attack....Anyways as per now Pakistan is using diplomacy to sort out the matter...it is foolish to expect anything more from China then what they are offering...
The last time China sent army into another country obviously is during Korean War. During vietnam war, China also sent army personal into vietnam war as well, but not as many regulars as Korean war since U.S. did not dare to move into north vietnam for a full scale war after China issued her stern warnings.

The reason China did not send as many army soldiers into vietnam as korean wars is that China then also offered stern warning against U.S. not sending bombers into north vietnam, otherwise, China would do the same as what she has done in Korea. U.S. thus did not and north vietnam kept most of military facilities close to China borders for safety.

As for this time, China will just do the same by sending better weaponry into Pakistan. It is still the conflict between Pakistan and U.S. and NATO. China's involvement has to be asked by Pakistan government even though we have a close relationship. We cannot just send army or air force into Pakistan. It will be a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty if we do so without being asked. Even during Korean war, it is the elder kim who begged soviet for help and then kim and soviet begged China to help. I do believe the military hardware support or transfer is already on the way. How fast, how much are all depending on how the issue is resolved.

You have to tell the different levels of warnings issued by China. Our final warnings are indeed deadly. We issued our stern warnings before Korean war, before 1962 China-india border war, before the China–Soviet border conflict, before China-vietnam war and etc.

If you read those final warnings before those wars and conflicts China has directly involved, you should have already seen a pattern. Of course, you can ignore the pattern and think China is just pretending to help.

If you say China is just too weak to help or did not dare to help since the enemy is just too strong, well, China fought the so-called U.S.-U.N. armies with nuclear weapons during Korean war. China also fought then u.s.s.r that has hundreds of times more nuclear weapons and more than one million division soldiers along china-soviet/mongolia borders. If we were not afraid then, why should we become afraid when we are indeed much more stronger than we were in the past, and have much more retaliatory weapons in our disposal than the past??? We have almost none of such retaliatory weapons in the past during those wars, don't we?

Well, you can believe the world is flat and there is nothing I can do about it.

I respect your sentiments but lets get one thing clear..if you are reading Chinese involvement any more then supplying weapons to Pakistan irrespective of circumstances in hand then you are plain wrong...period...
By the way, nowadays, direct conflict with another country is rare, especially when the size of the country becomes big.

We all know the Afghanistan war was simply fought between U.S. and U.S.S.R. There were many occasions that one side knew exactly that the other side helped its enemy but there was not much it could do about it.

I hope U.S. and Nato recognize their failures in their part and do not escalate the issue into direct conflict. Otherwise, China has no choice but help Pakistan shot down those helicopters and airplanes U.S. and Nato use. Trust me, you will see more falling like dead birds if China send her missiles into Pakistan. That will be very ugly, much worse than vietnam war.
I respect your sentiments but lets get one thing clear..if you are reading Chinese involvement any more then supplying weapons to Pakistan irrespective of circumstances in hand then you are plain wrong...period...

"supplying weapons to Pakistan irrespective of circumstances in hand"???

If China has done that, you think those Nato helicopters can fly and shoot like that in Afghanistan and Pakistan??? You really look down upon the quality of China's missiles.

Actually, China has been very conservative up to now. BTW, U.S.'s war against talibans also benefits China as well. Otherwise, it would be China who fight those terrorists heavily. China has really no direct interest to disturb U.S. bombing over OBL, Al Qaeda as well as talibans.
"supplying weapons to Pakistan irrespective of circumstances in hand"???

If China has done that, you think those Nato helicopters can fly and shoot like that in Afghanistan and Pakistan??? You really look down upon the quality of China's missiles.

Actually, China has been very conservative up to now. BTW, U.S.'s war against talibans also benefits China as well. Otherwise, it would be China who fight those terrorists heavily. China has really no direct interest to disturb U.S. bombing over OBL, Al Qaeda as well as talibans.

Dude....are you saying Pakistan did not have means to bring down the Apache's that attacked their base?? it is the will and rightly so...Direct conflict with worlds only super power is no joke...b/w I don't know what you mean by china being conservative but then whatever they are they will follow the same profile..
Our current policy is lay low for now but I believe we should be Supplying the Taliban with MANPADS and better weapons and deliver a shock to the USA, seeing how America reacted when their navy seals were shot down, but it won't happen.
Dude....are you saying Pakistan did not have means to bring down the Apache's that attacked their base?? it is the will and rightly so...Direct conflict with worlds only super power is no joke...b/w I don't know what you mean by china being conservative but then whatever they are they will follow the same profile..

How hard is it for you to understand China is being conservative?

So far, is there any direct involvement by China yet???

BTW, I do think Pakistan does have some weapons that can shot down those Apache's. However, I am not sure how many Pakistan has in its stockpiles. In addition, I am not sure how many Pakistan has if those are F15 and etc. One thing for sure, it seems that talibans indeed do not have many such weapons, just like the earlier days during soviet invasion.
The last time China sent army into another country obviously is during Korean War. During vietnam war, China also sent army personal into vietnam war as well, but not as many regulars as Korean war since U.S. did not dare to move into north vietnam for a full scale war after China issued her stern warnings.

The reason China did not send as many army soldiers into vietnam as korean wars is that China then also offered stern warning against U.S. not sending bombers into north vietnam, otherwise, China would do the same as what she has done in Korea. U.S. thus did not and north vietnam kept most of military facilities close to China borders for safety.

As for this time, China will just do the same by sending better weaponry into Pakistan. It is still the conflict between Pakistan and U.S. and NATO. China's involvement has to be asked by Pakistan government even though we have a close relationship. We cannot just send army or air force into Pakistan. It will be a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty if we do so without being asked. Even during Korean war, it is the elder kim who begged soviet for help and then kim and soviet begged China to help. I do believe the military hardware support or transfer is already on the way. How fast, how much are all depending on how the issue is resolved.

You have to tell the different levels of warnings issued by China. Our final warnings are indeed deadly. We issued our stern warnings before Korean war, before 1962 China-india border war, before the China–Soviet border conflict, before China-vietnam war and etc.

If you read those final warnings before those wars and conflicts China has directly involved, you should have already seen a pattern. Of course, you can ignore the pattern and think China is just pretending to help.

If you say China is just too weak to help or did not dare to help since the enemy is just too strong, well, China fought the so-called U.S.-led U.N. armies with nuclear weapons during Korean war. China also fought then u.s.s.r that has hundreds of times more nuclear weapons and more than one million division soldiers along china-soviet/mongolia borders. If we were not afraid then, why should we become afraid when we are indeed much more stronger than we were in the past, and have much more retaliatory weapons in our disposal than the past??? We have almost none of such retaliatory weapons in the past during those wars, don't we?

Well, you can still believe the world is flat and there is nothing I can do about it.
Bro, China warned US to stop bombing N.VN but US still bombed Ha Noi to stone age in 1972, China also warn VN stop attacking Cambodia in 1979 , but you did't send any troop to help Pol Pot .

It seems your warning only have effect in N.Korea where China sent warning under USSR order and protection :cool:
If Taliban had the Amount of Weaponry supplied like Soviet war or Vietnam war then America Moral and support for this war would drop alot quicker letting the USA-NATO and Taliban destroy each other off.
For Gods sake a Chinese person is telling the truth yet the coward "Pakistani Muslims" fear the whiteman so much they can't muster up the courage to say this

We stood up to America at the Weakest point of our current history and manage to defeat them and drive them + the UN Out of NK , Paks current problem is weak Corrupt Leaders.
How hard is it for you to understand China is being conservative?

Conservative in what way...man??? How hard is this question to understand...China has been giving military help to Pakistan from decades....what does being conservative means here??? Are you saying China is depriving Pak of leathal weapons and now will open gates to them??? If yes then what weapons are you pointing to???

So far, is there any direct involvement by China yet???
And this will remain the same status quo...If you think otherwise then i am sorry but your reading about geo-politics is a bit juvenile...

BTW, I do think Pakistan does have some weapons that can shot down those Apache's. However, I am not sure how many Pakistan has in its stockpiles. In addition, I am not sure how many Pakistan has if those are F15 and etc. One thing for sure, it seems that talibans indeed do not have many such weapons, just like the earlier days during soviet invasion.

You are all over the place here...However let me make it myself more apparent here...Pakistan had enough weapons in her arsenal to retaliate against this attack...They need no chinese support for it but political will....However no chinese support can help them sustain a full-fledge American onslaught...Like it or not but both the statements are correct...
Really, if China warning is really that ineffective, why the heck N. VN kept almost all of its military facilities along China borders??? Don't forget, you sent many of your army elites to China for training during vietnam war.

As for Cambodia, China's move is that hard for you to understand? You have not learnt one of the famous 36 计: 围魏救赵???

Bro, China warned US to stop bombing N.VN but US still bombed Ha Noi to stone age in 1972, China also warn VN stop attacking Cambodia in 1979 , but you did't send any troop to help Pol Pot .

It seems your warning only have effect in N.Korea where China sent warning under USSR order and protection :cool:
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