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Cancelled Russian LFI Project Now JF-17 Fighter

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JF-17 design may have been influenced by other fighters but now it is domestic manufactured fighter of Pakistan. Success has many fathers and failure is an orphan. So now people point to many alleged fathers of JF-17.
I do not know why the Indians are jumping up and down on the genre of JF-17. It doesn't really matter; after all the North American Saber had Germans to thank for the technology and design and the Mig-15 as well!!!

Similarly, most of the Israeli R&D is based upon basic US products and its derivatives!!!

What really matters is who brings it all together, enhances the basic design and makes the best use of it.

As far as I can see, whatever the genre, whoever owns the patents (If any) what matter is that it works and is in operational status and doing well.

When anyone can't digest something, the jump up and down :victory: to digest whatever is stuck in between ...................... hope you understand where :)

But even the jumping doesn't helps in some cases.

Here is a better and much closer or should I say nearly exact copy from where the LCA got its wings or got its wings impression. Whatever you wanna like to call it,

Its the JAS-37 Viggen. And Indians come here and talk about ours.


When anyone can't digest something, the jump up and down :victory: to digest whatever is stuck in between ...................... hope you understand where :)

But even the jumping doesn't helps in some cases.

But the funny part is that, it happens to both parties..

"Sources at MIG experimental bureau quoted as saying that FC-1 was designed there to a military specification as Izd(Izdeliye: article) 33 and later offered for Chinese production following cancellation of Russian requirement."

Jane's all the World Aircraft]
Here is a better and much closer or should I say nearly exact copy from where the LCA got its wings or got its wings impression. Whatever you wanna like to call it,

Its the JAS-37 Viggen. And Indians come here and talk about ours.



though if u compare its performance with jas-37,they r same buddy.
EVEN IN NAME ------LCA-TEJAS-37.:haha::lol:
When i left the thread it was hardly 2 pages, but when i come up, i see it has expanded much, and the maximum :blah::blah::blah: coming from Indian members, which is understandable as they can't digest it.

But in this all :blah::blah::blah: is there a single picture of a MiG-33 mock up, or any other credible picture, mock up, which would say that JF-17 is a design of this and this.

I asked at page 2, to put forward a single picture of any non-US design which had DSI intakes or such large type of LERX.

If its a Russian designed platform, why don't we see DSIs and LERXs on their planes.

These two are the major differences which clearly communicate that it has much more to it then being a copy.

As said copying comes from a mock up or a prototype or a manufactured plane, which there isn't to be shown.

The JF-17 design may have got its influence from some foreign design, but its no copy.

But may be for some it would be hard to see the difference between a copy and a design influence. Understandable.
I thought the thread was already closed but surprised to see it extended to this length. First, Thunder has its roots in Sino-US super 7, not Russian Mig-33. There is ample proof of it on internet and has been discussed in detail. Pakistani contribution in the project allowed many changes as the re-designed fighter resulted in jf-17 thunder> Russians have no contribution to its design what so ever except the air frame. LFI project was canceled way before the thunder program even started and all members here are arguing on an article that has no credibility at all.

Below is some authentic material

FC-1 (JF-17 Thunder) Multirole Fighter Aircraft - SinoDefence.com
Notice that in the link it is mentioned that "some assistance" which by no means translate to a fully functional blue print of a fighter aircraft.
But the funny part is that, it happens to both parties..

But since my time on this forum, it comes much more from the other side, which if you can see being a neutral, the posts and the ferocity on this thread can say that too, but would be difficult for you to see as a neutral.

And as for the Jane report, well Jane has been wrong at many times before also, even recently they quoted wrong information about something related to Pakistan.

And if it is Mig-33 carry forward, then where is Mig-33 mock up and even a picture or even a credible CGI or artists impression.

Plz tell and show.
And why would MiG provide one of their designs to China knowing if China makes it, it will become a competitor to Russian sales in the future. Which we hear a lot nowadays.

Did the Russians forget what happened to Mig-19s or Mig-21, which China exported in hundreds to other possible Russian markets and Russians lost their share.

Very strange.
This is supposedly the LFI or the cancelled MIG-33 project,
As stated earlier, it resembles more to the PAK-FA than the Thunder.

the supposed lfi project seems to have been impressed by american F-16 but ended up without progress because russian couldn't make anything at all like the legendary F-16.
this thread is going like niswar lagaye khan sahab's truck on main route.every 1 is off topic right now.besides they cant even prove that what they claiming.
thread must be close now.
F-7 Sabre-II project (Paksitan wanted to go with this project in 80's to replace F-6)

F-17/FC-1 is totally a joined project with no outside concepts. Pakistan baseline was F-16 infact is..infact that Sabre-II was a better design than the russian so concept mig-33 infact lca has more commonality with mig-33's frontal area. google it.
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Cancelled Russian LFI Project Now JF-17 Fighter

The LFI (Lyogkiy Frontovoy Istrebitel, Light Frontline Fighter) project was intended to develop a lightweight fighter with respectable air-to-ground capabilities.

Yakovlev proposed the Yak-43, an upgraded Yak-41 with a stealthier design and more powerful engines. After neglecting the MFI competition, Sukhoi decided to submit a design for the LFI called the S-37 (unrelated to the heavyweight Forward-swept wing fighter). This S-37 resembled the Gripen in that it had canard foreplanes, a delta wing and one engine.

Mikoyan entered the MiG izdeje 33 design, which bore a resemblance to the F-16. MiG could not afford to develop both the MFI and LFI, so their LFI entry was eventually withdrawn. The program was subsequently cancelled in 1992, and no prototypes of the three designs were built, although MiG sold the izdeje 33 concept to China, which resulted in the JF-17 Thunder fighter.

Post-PFI Soviet/Russian aircraft projects - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MiG-LFI [I-2000, Light Tactical Fighter Project]

The Russian air force has been left behind in their research and development due to the economic problems, which they faced after the fall of the Soviet Union. But after more than a decade the Russian air force is willing to make the state-of-the-art fifth generation fighter. This is obviously a response to the JSF project currently being tested by the US. The fifth generation fighter can accelerate the Russian airforce which currently operate on aircraft which were developed in the 1980s' to a technological breakthrough. For years the US had been using stealth technology in their bombers and now has finished the testing of their F-22, which is regarded as the worlds most advanced fighter. The aim of the fifth generation project by the Russians is to make a fighter which is better than the F-22 and as advanced as the JSF. The success of this project would not only enable Russia to have a strategic balance over US weapon systems but also make a lot of money from their arms buyers. Russia can look forward to orders from countries which buy Russian weapons especially India which is the largest buyer of arms from Russia.

The design features are still unclear as the assembly of the prototype has not commenced yet. The code name of the latest Mikhoyan Gurevich fighter is LFI. The aim of this project is to make a lightweight multi role stealth fighter. This information comes with the official announcement of the Russian Airforce of its priority to build a lightweight multi-role fighter. This is being done to oppose the heavy weight fighters like the MiG-MFI and the S-37. The possible competitor of the MiG-LFI project of the S-54 which is being developed by the Sukhoi OKB.

Overview of the MiG-LFI Project

According to the Jane's defense weekly. The development of the Logkiy Frontovi Istrebilte project was aimed at producing a fighter which is capable of satisfying the requirements of the Russian Airforce for the next 10-15 years. The project is revealed to the Jane's defense weekly as I-2000 which means Istrebitel 2000 (fighter 2000). The project is believed to enter service by 2005 as the frontline strike fighter for the soviet air force. This project is also likely to be a major component of Russia's arms export. The revealed information about the I-2000 suggests that it is likely to be an archrival of the JSF of the US. The I-2000 is also revealed to be capable of both air-to-air as well as air-to-surface operations.

This project is a part of a long line of lightweight fighter projects by the MiG aircraft industry. The other lightweight projects include the MiG-21 and the MiG-15. The I-2000 is believed to be shorter than the MiG-21 by up to 1.3 m but is broader than it by about 4.5 m. the I-2000 is considerably smaller than its predecessor the MiG-29.


The I-2000 is designed to have a reduced IR and Radar signature. This gives the aircraft the stealth capabilities. The I-2000 is also believed to be very light ,manoeuverable and with short take off and landing capabilities. The I-2000 has a blended fuselage and a thick wing center-section. The aerodynamic configuration of the I-2000 is considered to be very unusual and is equipped with powerful thrust vectoring system thus providing the aircraft with unimaginable agility. The landing gear of the I-2000 is specially designed so as to allow landing approaches at high angle of attacks.

The pilot and the and the WSO (Weapon Systems Operator) share the cockpit in tandem. The presence of a WSO improves the effectivity of the MiG-31 as the WSO is entirely dedicated to radar operations and weapons deployment. This decreases the workload of the pilot and increases efficiency.


The engine required for the I-2000 are currently not available in Russia. This means that the Russian scientists are working on a revolutionary new engine, which can be compared to that of the one used in the F-22 or the JSF. There are reports from official sources that the LFI project includes a single and a twin engine version.

The LFI is expected to be sold to countries which are heavily dependant on Russia for arms. This include India and China. India had recently bought a version of the Su-30 which is known as the Su-30MKI which was developed specifically for the requirements of the Indian Air Force(IAF). This plane is compared to the Su-37 is many respects and is better than the other versions of the Su-30. The Indian has signed a deal with the Russians to help them in the complete development of the S-37 which also means that the MiG-LFI projects will also be entertained.

.:: MiG-LFI / I-2000 ::.


So by looking at the above article, it seems LFI & JF-17 are completely different beasts in their specifications and nothing in common.

So Myth Busted.

And here is the suggested CGI of LFI which has nothing in common with JF-17.


Once again, Myth Busted
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