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Can we change our ‘hate-India’ mindset?

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Indian media saying Naxals getting arms from China:

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Indian media says China supports Naxals:

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Indian media on Chinese intrusions:

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Indian media on China:

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Indian media on China:

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Indian media on China & Pakistan:

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This is what the Indian media thinks of China:

I already know buddy, believe me.

I also know what the Indians think of me and my fellow Chinese people.

(This is all from my personal experience of course.)
Indian media on China & Pakistan:

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India's obsession with Pakistan:

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India's insecurity of Pakistan:

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India's insecurity of Pakistan:

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Indian media on China & Pakistan:

LOL that is not actually such a bad one.

Though it's interesting to know that we seemed to have earned the place of "Enemy number 1" for India, in a lot of people's eyes at least.

But after having already fought against both the superpowers (we fought the USA in the Korean war, and we fought the USSR during the Sino-Soviet split)... India shouldn't be a big problem for us.
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LOL that is not actually such a bad one.

Though it's interesting to know that we seemed to have earned the place of "Enemy number 1" for India, in a lot of people's eyes at least.

After having already fought against both the superpowers (USA in the Korean war, USSR during the Sino-Soviet split), India shouldn't be a big problem for us.

It's just exposes them for who they are, & their insecurities. I have lot of Nepali friends here in NJ as well, & they are sick & tired of India too.
LOL that is not actually such a bad one.

Though it's interesting to know that we seemed to have earned the place of "Enemy number 1" for India, in a lot of people's eyes at least.

Stupidity of the highest order - they create enemies from thin air, the indian media are special in a bad way.
Good, the feeling is mutual. I have nothing of value to discuss with you, and I advise you to put me on your ignore list.

It was your own fault, for having such high expectations at the beginning. I made the same mistake though, thinking that Indians might be able to empathize with us. :lol:

Instead of empathizing with fellow developing countries who also suffered under colonialism (China/Pakistan), India wants to empathize with the former colonial powers, i.e. the West. Too bad even countries like America consider both China and Pakistan to be more important than India, from an economic/political perspective.

Note: I have no grudge against the West, I think it is good to cooperate with them.

I will do that.

I never said I expected anything from you?? You're the who said 'I don't expect anything from you guys'. Your fault mate. I don't believe any Indian called you that but let's hypothetically say that they did? Do they represent 1.2 billion Indians? And the're ALL like that? But nevermind.

America cares about Pakistan??!! looool The country America bombs everyday with its' drone?? loool I suggest you ask any Pakistani member if America cares?? and cares about Pakistan is more importnat from economic point of view? lool That's a joke of the day. And America cares about China??!! Really??!! Are you actually saying that??!! America the country which criticizes you for human rights, blames you for dumping cheap low quality goods in their market and repetitively asks you to re value your Yuan which they believe you have deliberately kept low so you can export more manufactured items. And country which has kept military base in Japan and South Korea to keep an eye on aggressive Chinese military build up? You're delusional mate. :)

I'm off now. That's enough of facts for you guys who are used to getting information from state controlled biased media who present manipulated figures and information.

And what is it with you guys thanking EACH post from Chinese/Pakistani member even though it's not informative? Just because it's anti-Indian? lool this really goes to show YOUR insecurities and inferiority complex [only 2 words Pakistanis know].

@marwari Aite bruv see you on some other thread. :)
America cares about Pakistan??!! looool The country America bombs everyday with its' drone??

Why do you care what America thinks of Pakistan, & vice versa?

cares about Pakistan is more importnat from economic point of view? lool That's a joke of the day.

Again, you are more concerned about what America thinks of Pakistan more than the Pakistanis themselves.

And America cares about China??!! Really??!! Are you actually saying that??!! America the country which criticizes you for human rights, blames you for dumping cheap low quality goods in their market and repetitively asks you to re value your Yuan which they believe you have deliberately kept low so you can export more manufactured items.

Why do you care what America thinks of China? China will be outgrowing the US in 2016 anyways. And even if it wasn't, it isn't your concern what America thinks of China. This is your problem, you are too obsessed & insecure about both China & India.
I will do that.

I never said I expected anything from you?? You're the who said 'I don't expect anything from you guys'. Your fault mate. I don't believe any Indian called you that but let's hypothetically say that they did? Do they represent 1.2 billion Indians? And the're ALL like that? But nevermind.

America cares about Pakistan??!! looool The country America bombs everyday with its' drone?? loool I suggest you ask any Pakistani member if America cares?? and cares about Pakistan is more importnat from economic point of view? lool That's a joke of the day. And America cares about China??!! Really??!! Are you actually saying that??!! America the country which criticizes you for human rights, blames you for dumping cheap low quality goods in their market and repetitively asks you to re value your Yuan which they believe you have deliberately kept low so you can export more manufactured items. And country which has kept military base in Japan and South Korea to keep an eye on aggressive Chinese military build up? You're delusional mate. :)

I'm off now. That's enough of facts for you guys who are used to getting information from state controlled biased media who present manipulated figures and information.

And what is it with you guys thanking EACH post from Chinese/Pakistani member even though it's not informative? Just because it's anti-Indian? lool this really goes to show YOUR insecurities and inferiority complex [only 2 words Pakistanis know].

@marwari Aite bruv see you on some other thread. :)

Run little indian, no answer to a grown up discussion, the sign of a bankrupt intellect.
I will do that.

I never said I expected anything from you?? You're the who said 'I don't expect anything from you guys'. Your fault mate. I don't believe any Indian called you that but let's hypothetically say that they did? Do they represent 1.2 billion Indians? And the're ALL like that? But nevermind.

America cares about Pakistan??!! looool The country America bombs everyday with its' drone?? loool I suggest you ask any Pakistani member if America cares?? and cares about Pakistan is more importnat from economic point of view? lool That's a joke of the day. And America cares about China??!! Really??!! Are you actually saying that??!! America the country which criticizes you for human rights, blames you for dumping cheap low quality goods in their market and repetitively asks you to re value your Yuan which they believe you have deliberately kept low so you can export more manufactured items. And country which has kept military base in Japan and South Korea to keep an eye on aggressive Chinese military build up? You're delusional mate. :)

I'm off now. That's enough of facts for you guys who are used to getting information from state controlled biased media who present manipulated figures and information.

And what is it with you guys thanking EACH post from Chinese/Pakistani member even though it's not informative? Just because it's anti-Indian? lool this really goes to show YOUR insecurities and inferiority complex [only 2 words Pakistanis know].

@marwari Aite bruv see you on some other thread. :)

Obama did not even bother to visit India after he became the President. :rofl: He made a big stop in China though.

I didn't say "care" by the way. I said America considers both China and Pakistan to be more "important" than India, which is simply a fact. This is from your own media:

China tops, India last, in list of 12 nations important to US: Poll
Why do you care what America thinks of Pakistan, & vice versa?

Again, you are more concerned about what America thinks of Pakistan more than the Pakistanis themselves.

Why do you care what America thinks of China? China will be outgrowing the US in 2016 anyways. And even if it wasn't, it isn't your concern what America thinks of China. This is your problem, you are too obsessed & insecure about both China & India.

You don't understand brother, the white man is their master and commander, they speak his language, follow his ways, even treat their fellow indians like the English treated the indians.
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