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Can we change our ‘hate-India’ mindset?

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Now that's a silly arguement!!

First you said some Indian called you 'Chinky' then you said 'Slanty-eyed faggot' and now you're saying 'slanty-eyed chink faggot' lmao god knows what you'll add to it in the future.

And that's a rubbish arguement. If that was the truth then even some Nepalese have slightly oriental faces and we get along just fine?? and by the way ALL the Indians I know use word 'oriental' to describe chinese/japenese people.

And I like how you deleted eveything else which you had no comeback for. :)

You are a racist, pure and simple, and the next time some Aussie thug lays one of your lot out, I hope you will not have the temerity to call them racist.
Indian insecurities about Pakistan:

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Dude, you tell me honestly what you think of what the westerns pow of Pakistan and Pakistanis.

Again inferiority complex, why should it bother you as individual - what American's or Zimbabweans think of you.
And in the UK indians are battered everywhere, because they are seen to be weak and passive.

LMAO you always say that. but truth is something else. Indians are weaklings?

Ever heard of 'Chidiya te sang baaj ladaava tabhi guru govind singh naam kahava'??

And here's what your own muslim brothers are doing to Pakistnais.

And not a single Indian was beaten up.
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You are a racist, pure and simple, and the next time some Aussie thug lays one of your lot out, I hope you will not have the temerity to call them racist.

How was that racist? Lol you pakistanis manipulate the conversation without even understanding it. This thread is no exception either. :lol:
Again inferiority complex, why should it bother you as individual - what American's or Zimbabweans think of you.

They even care more about what others think about Pakistan, than Pakistanis themselves do :rofl:
And you don't? Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Russia.....

Seriously in the view of a pakistani, why are you so insecure that you're now on this thread talking to Indians?

And why are you so insecure to join a Pakistani defense site - and show the whole world your inferiority complex.
Seriously in the view of a pakistani, why are you so insecure that you're now on this thread talking to Indians?

I find it disgusting that a bunch of previously banned Indian members are trying to gang up on Pakistani members, here on a PAKISTANI defence forum.

Have some shame, and stop spitting in the faces of your hosts, in their own home.

Indian forums like BR, don't even allow Chinese and Pakistanis onto their forums, and those that make it through are booted out within a week.

PDF is tolerant enough to let all you Indians on here, and you have turned this place into a giant troll-fest.
And why are you so insecure to join a Pakistani defense site - and show the whole world your inferiority complex.

I've never seen a Pakistani join an Indian forum, forget a Defense Forum. And on the Pakistani Defense Forum, you see more Indians than Pakistanis :rofl:
^^^ You Indians manage to piss off all your neighbours.

What makes you think that we Chinese would be an exception. :rofl:

Then how come we're still friends with Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan??!!

Need I say anything about U.S. encirclement of China?? Australia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Russia??
Indian obsession with Pakistan:

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Then how come we're still friends with Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan??!!

Need I say anything about U.S. encirclement of China?? Australia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Russia??

You can say anything you want, I don't expect anything more from you guys. :no:
India's insecurity of Pakistan:

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