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Can we change our ‘hate-India’ mindset?

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LMAO you always say that. but truth is something else. Indians are weaklings?

Ever heard of 'Chidiya te sang baaj ladaava tabhi guru govind singh naam kahava'??

And here's what your own muslim brothers are doing to Pakistnais.

And not a single Indian was beaten up.

He knew this guy couldn't fight back.
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I find it disgusting that a bunch of previously banned Indian members are trying to gang up on Pakistani members, here on a PAKISTANI defence forum.

Have some shame, and stop spitting in the faces of your hosts, in their own home.

Indian forums like BR, don't even allow Chinese and Pakistanis onto their forums, and those that make it through are booted out within a week.

PDF is tolerant enough to let all you Indians on here, and you have turned this place into a giant troll-fest.

Look at the irony?! Seriously if any other Chinese member had said that, I'd have had a healthy discussion with him/her. But you my friend are not even worth it. [I know you'll comeback with 'I'm not your friend'] but us Indias call everyone friends because 5000 years old culture. :)
Look at the irony?! Seriously if any other Chinese member had said that, I'd have had a healthy discussion with him/her. But you my friend are not even worth it. [I know you'll comeback with 'I'm not your friend'] but us Indias call everyone friends because 5000 years old culture. :)

Good, the feeling is mutual. I have nothing of value to discuss with you, and I advise you to put me on your ignore list.

It was your own fault, for having such high expectations at the beginning. I made the same mistake though, thinking that Indians might be able to empathize with us. :lol:

Instead of empathizing with fellow developing countries who also suffered under colonialism (China/Pakistan), India wants to empathize with the former colonial powers, i.e. the West. Too bad even countries like America consider both China and Pakistan to be more important than India, from an economic/political perspective.

Note: I have no grudge against the West, I think it is good to cooperate with them.
How was that racist? Lol you pakistanis manipulate the conversation without even understanding it. This thread is no exception either. :lol:

Typical indian self denial, it is not just a river in Egypt.
Look at the irony?! Seriously if any other Chinese member had said that, I'd have had a healthy discussion with him/her. But you my friend are not even worth it. [I know you'll comeback with 'I'm not your friend'] but us Indias call everyone friends because 5000 years old culture. :)

Leave it dude. Let the chinese and pakistanis have an orgy. It's no fun talking to people who are brainwashed and who make no sense. :disagree:
I find it disgusting that a bunch of previously banned Indian members are trying to gang up on Pakistani members, here on a PAKISTANI defence forum.

Have some shame, and stop spitting in the faces of your hosts, in their own home.

Indian forums like BR, don't even allow Chinese and Pakistanis onto their forums, and those that make it through are booted out within a week.

PDF is tolerant enough to let all you Indians on here, and you have turned this place into a giant troll-fest.

It is in the nature of the castist indian to hate, he hates what he does not understand, and he does not understand much.
Then how come we're still friends with Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan??!!

Need I say anything about U.S. encirclement of China?? Australia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Russia??

You're not friends with any of them. The bolded parts below are territorial disputes between India & Pakistan:

These are the territorial disputes of India with its neighbors:

1. 2001 Indian–Bangladeshi border conflict (Bangladesh)
2. Aksai Chin (China)
3. Arunachal Pradesh (China)
4. Demchok (China)
5. Depsang Plains (China)
6. Dohogram (Bangladesh)
7. Feni River (Bangladesh)
8. Indo-Bangladesh enclaves (Bangladesh)
9. Kalapani River (Nepal)
10. Kalapani, disputed territory (Nepal)
11. Kashmir conflict
12. Kori Creek
13. Langpih (Bhutan)
14. Maliku Atoll (Maldives)
15. Narcondam Island (Burma)
16. New Moore / South Talpatti (Bangladesh)
17. Sir Creek
18. Susta (Nepal)
19. Tin Bigha Corridor (Bangladesh)
20. Trans-Karakoram Tract
21. Great Rann of Kutch
22. Little Rann of Kutch

Pakistan's territorial disputes with its 'neighbor':

1. Kashmir conflict
2. Durand Line (odd one out, from the Afghan side)
3. Great Rann of Kutch
4. Little Rann of Kutch
5. Kori Creek
6. Sir Creek

Look at the irony?! Seriously if any other Chinese member had said that, I'd have had a healthy discussion with him/her. But you my friend are not even worth it. [I know you'll comeback with 'I'm not your friend'] but us Indias call everyone friends because 5000 years old culture. :)

Don't include the IVC in that, as it's not yours it belongs to Pakistan.
Don't include the IVC in that, as it's not yours it belongs to Pakistan.

They have the audacity of calling the IVC theirs when none of the Indus river even flows through India!!! It's the INDUS valley civilization. Their obsession with Pakistan & everything in it knows no bounds!!!
Good, the feeling is mutual. I have nothing of value to discuss with you, and I advise you to put me on your ignore list.

It was your own fault, for having such high expectations at the beginning. I made the same mistake though, thinking that Indians might be able to empathize with us. :lol:

Instead of empathizing with fellow developing countries who also suffered under colonialism (China/Pakistan), India wants to empathize with the former colonial powers, i.e. the West. Too bad even countries like America consider both China and Pakistan to be more important than India, from an economic/political perspective.

Note: I have no grudge against the West, I think it is good to cooperate with them.

Again they are taught hatred for Pakistan and China from childhood and they lap it up like mothers milk, it is the criminal indian state that teaches them to hate their fellow indians as untouchables - what chance would the average Chinese citizen have.

---------- Post added at 06:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 AM ----------

Lol you just proved your stupidity. Keep going. :lol:

When one has no argument, one resorts to childish name calling. :)
Again they are taught hatred for Pakistan and China from childhood and they lap it up like mothers milk, it is the criminal indian state that teaches them to hate their fellow indians as untouchables - what chance would the average Chinese citizen have.

True, I once wanted to visit India. I was duped by all the friendly Chinese news reports about the so-called cooperation between China and India, BRIC etc.

In fact, Chinese news reports are friendly about pretty much everyone.

Now I think it's probably going to be a waste of time, considering the attitute of the Indian people towards China.
True, I once wanted to visit India. I was duped by all the friendly Chinese news reports about the so-called cooperation between China and India, BRIC etc.

In fact, Chinese news reports are friendly about pretty much everyone.

Now I think it's probably going to be a waste of time, considering the attitute of the Indian people towards China.

Been there, done that, there are some nice friendly people, don't get me wrong. But a lot of it is simply a poverty filled hell hole.
True, I once wanted to visit India. I was duped by all the friendly Chinese news reports about the so-called cooperation between China and India, BRIC etc.

In fact, Chinese news reports are friendly about pretty much everyone.

Now I think it's probably going to be a waste of time, considering the attitute of the Indian people towards China.

This is what the Indian media thinks of China:

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